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Real Inner Peace

Morning Meditation

The mistake often made is the devaluing
Of the present moment while paying way too much
Attention to the next moment or to the past
Which is why a state of inner peace doesn’t last
If it’s ever reached. It doesn’t have to be such
A conundrum. Your willingness means everything.

This moment is the most valuable because
It’s the only one that exists. Some may believe
That the next moment is more significant than
The present and this single misperception can
Keep one stuck in a place where they cannot achieve
Inner peace according to spiritual laws.

The next moment will never come. Think about it.
When it comes it’s no longer the next. It Is Now.
The richness that is overlooked usually
Can be appreciated. The more you can see
The beauty in this moment the more you allow
Inner peace to consume you which is only fit.

When you honor the small things in life you improve
Your relationship with the present moment. Be
Ever present. It’s where all your power resides.
Acknowledge all the wonder this moment provides.
Inner peace can be had when you live happily.
May this moment always be your opening move.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

Is This Thought Satisfying?


All people have the freedom to think as they please
And there’s so much to ponder. The good, the bad, and
The ugly become a whirlpool in the psyche.
Thoughts flow into and out of the mind randomly.
Is it possible then for one to take command
Of one’s thinking and do so with relative ease?

Through your conscious awareness of thoughts as they come
You can get out ahead of each. Ask yourself this:
“Is This Thought Satisfying?” If you can’t answer
Yes to this then stop thinking it. It may recur
But each time it does it’s easier to dismiss.
To your bad thinking you do not have to succumb.

If it is satisfying then keep it going.
You want to carry that feeling as far as you
Can take it. Milk it for everything that it’s got.
As you do so you are building up a whole lot
Of momentum so you have little work to do.
The wellbeing you feel will be overflowing.

A bad feeling thought, if it’s caught really early,
Can be refocused. Then it gains no momentum.
If however you wait too long it will grab hold
Of you consciousness for a while. You’ll be controlled
By the thought until you’ve decided to become
Satisfied in your thinking most positively.

What Comes Next?

Happy Surprise

Your inner being knows everything about you.
It adores you. It knows what you’ve been asking for.
It knows the fullest state of your evolution.
To your every issue it knows the solution.
You must do what you can to keep open the door
To your inner self in everything that you do.

Imagine a wonderful world where more and more
All of our inner beings guide us in our ways
Of behavior with one another. It would be
An ideal world in absolute harmony
With wellbeing. One can only hope for those days
To transpire. The condition is worth striving for.

Satisfaction comes from one place – one place only.
When life causes you to expand and you go there
You feel uplifted. You’re meant to be satisfied
With your life and its journey. You get to decide
What comes to you which means you must take proper care
Of your point of attraction by getting happy.

What Comes Next is the next escapade on the way
To the next. It’s a never ending adventure.
You are supposed to get to move from here to there
With much ease by simply becoming more aware
Of how you feel. Your exuberance must endure.
In alignment with your inner self you must stay.

No Excuses

Cloudiness Of Mind

Many things you would like to do. Many you would
Like to put off forever. What’s keeping you from
Going after your dreams? Are you stuck in a cloud
Of excuses? To many of them may enshroud
Your perceptions. It would help if you had but some
Indication of movement as all people should.

What’s holding you back is you. Excuses sound best
To the one who’s excusing. Stop feeling sorry
For yourself. Stop your sob stories, pity parades,
And your well organized persecution crusades.
You can make your life the way you want it to be
When you give your complaining a permanent rest.

Don’t be jealous of people who’ve made a big change
In the world or in someone’s life. They’ve paid the price
To attain what they have. Recognize that you are
Valuable even though you may be quite far
From where you want to be. It will have to suffice
For right now. Keep your eyes off of what is down range.

Do not act out of your nervous anxiety.
Wait until you’ve recovered a bit then take care
Of what needs to get done. Your excuses are lies.
The truth is that you have what it takes, that you’re wise,
And that you have your special unique gifts to share
With yourself and with all human society.