Tag Archive | humans

Power And Magic

Power In Hand

It’s the oldest religion known to humankind.
Magic is your ability to create and
Connect with universal intelligence to
Access the supernatural essence of you.
Get to know the awesome power you have at hand.
It’s the most valuable thing that you will find.

Power is needed in order to use magic.
Power is nothing but potential energy.
It can be used in billions of different ways.
Negatively it can be used or to amaze
Entertain, and delight people, and it can be
A tool for the creation of things fantastic.

At the same time power is nothing and something.
Energy in the atom is equal to mass
Times a really big number but naturally
It remains a potential form of energy.
Any resistance to this you need to bypass.
Hanging onto it only leads to suffering.

Your power is your spark. It is what makes you shine
Your light in the world. Magic is what you believe
To be possible. You’ve the power to create
Magic in your life. There’s no good reason to wait
This one out. Get yourself in the mode to receive
Information most directly from the divine.

The Impossible Dream

Urban Depression

What you’re seeing and hearing right now is nothing
But a dream. At this moment you’re dreaming with the
Brain awake yet the dream of the planet prevails.
It’s a dream with myriad explicit details
And it’s lived out by all human society.
Onto this way of being you were taught to cling.

The dream of this planet and of society
Is one of rules, beliefs, laws, religions, cultures,
Social events, schools, governments, and holidays.
People come up with grossly elaborate ways
Just to be here as humans. As the dream endures
You believe that it’s the only reality.

You did not have the opportunity to choose
Your beliefs. As a child they were forced upon you
And your domestication brings you suffering.
The emotional drama is a constant thing
To be dealt with in this world. So what can you do
To live your life correctly so that you won’t lose?

Your own personal dream does not have to become
An ongoing nightmare. It can be otherwise.
You’ve made tons of agreements with who, what, and where…
But the ones you make with yourself give special care.
Do whatever in your dream that most satisfies
Your fulfillment. Your heart is where it must come from.

Don’t Forget Who Gets You

Convergence At Hand

If you let someone know what you want they may ask,
“What the hell makes you think you deserve it?” and you
Find it hard to answer them without going south,
You must be careful of what comes out of your mouth
As you’re not in alignment with that which is true
To your heart. Your resistance may be hard to mask.

Most people offer most of their vibrations in
Response to what they’re observing. It’s a good thing
When what you’re observing feels good but it is not
When it doesn’t. Your vibration matters a lot
So decide to look at things that make your heart sing.
Life can be a contest where you’re destined to win.

You want people to ‘get you’ but why is this so?
It’s because you’ve forgotten who really gets you
Which is your inner being with whom you’re in touch
In each moment. Don’t depend on others so much
For your own calibration. You don’t have to do
Anything to access all that you need to know.

Calibrate to the frequency of the divine
Within you and all others. The power within
You is beyond description but do it for the
Pleasure of it. You can get there naturally.
Everyone may not ‘get you’ but once you begin
Getting your truest self things will work out just fine.

It’s Done! Chill Out!


Would a new BMW interest you?
Things like this you’ve been manifesting easily
Just by maintaining a pure state of alignment.
You’re on top of your vibrational refinement
As you chill out and look for fun and clarity.
You delight in witnessing your dreams coming true.

It may feel like you don’t really want what you get.
It just happens and that’s such a nice place to be.
You associate wanting with worry and stress.
Certainly you know this won’t lead to happiness.
It’s important that you keep your vibration free
Of resistance yet you don’t see it as a threat.

When you find pure alignment with who you’ve become
By your identifying something you desire
Then the universe just begins yielding to you
Shovels full of manifestations. You need do
Not a damned thing but wait for it all to transpire.
You know where all the good in existence comes from.

Looking for fun and clarity happens to be
The best way for preparing yourself to receive
Anything that you want. You must know that It’s Done
So Chill Out! A new chapter in life has begun –
One in which there’s only happiness to achieve.
Good things come to you when you live life happily.

The Dominance Of Wellbeing

Taking It In

You consist of vibration. When you’re up to speed
With who you truly are your whole world opens wide
To accept you. The larger part of you maintains
Your vibration. Relax as the good feeling gains
Momentum. Let the feeling that you have inside
Inundate you then at alignment you’ll succeed.

You can count on The Dominance Of Wellbeing
Despite all the insane chatter coming from those
Who insist that the whole world is falling apart.
Certainly there are those who are absent of heart
But the sheer perfection of the universe shows
That the divine is the essence of everything.

When you’re not up to speed you’re just not. It’s not an
Indictment of your worthiness. It’s a true guide
To help you to ascend the emotional scale.
When you feel this way don’t go into much detail.
Your goal in each moment is to be satisfied.
Emphasize what’s going well as much as you can.

Infinite Source is at your back now and always.
It’s so easy to let it in once you believe
That you’re made of vibration and that you can be
In a place where you’re living your life happily.
All you need do is allow yourself to receive
Your huge share of wellbeing throughout all your days.

No Patience


Why need anything exist? What was the intent
Of the all-knowing being who made it all be?
Did it all up and happen without consciousness
Being present? I’m confounded, nevertheless
I’m obliged to find answers that satisfy me.
Until then I’m in a sort of predicament.

Why not cut to the chase? The big bang was the start
Of a thing that’s by now rather old and boring
To the one who’s impatient. I need to know when
It will all be concluded. What I will do then
Is uncertain. I may just end up ignoring
Everything and be absent of a happy heart.

It takes no patience when I’m only focusing
On things that feel good then patience I redefine
As pure anticipation of what’s coming next.
In this way there’s no reason for feeling perplexed
About beingness and the will of the divine.
A small tweak in my thinking can mean everything.

Patience doesn’t mean my doing something that I’d
Rather not then forcing myself to be happy.
I don’t need things to happen to make me feel good.
I’m much better off when this is well understood.
My emotional guidance system is for me
An asset and a thing in which I can confide.

Your Highest Vibration

Colorful Vibes

Everything is vibrating at a frequency
Of its own. This includes people, things, and places.
Our emotions and ideas also vibrate
In fact this is the major way people create
Their realities. That which the heart embraces
Puts the soul in a condition of harmony.

Emotions often wobble. It’s hard to maintain
A serene state indefinitely as it were.
This can be overcome by appreciating
What you have going for you. It means everything
To your point of attraction. All that you prefer
Out of life happens for you. So much you can gain.

When you’ve chilled out about what you want to achieve
Then it comes into better view. Learn to massage
Random thoughts into those better feeling places.
You reach a higher vibration by the graces
Of your intent and focus so don’t sabotage
Your control and your ability to receive.

When you’re out of alignment and you offer more
Of your effort your hard work will have been in vain.
Get into the receiving mode where energy,
Stamina, good ideas, and vitality
Really come from. Alignment you want to attain
And look after. Keep after the things you adore.

It Will Manifest Fast


The much larger part of you is now already
Living the life that you want. What are you doing
In relationship to the expanded being
You’ve become? If you see the way it is seeing
Then you’ll find ease in whatever you’re pursuing.
On the road to fulfillment you remain steady.

The better you feel the more up to speed with your
Larger self you are. The reverse is also true.
If you feel less than happy then you’re nowhere near
Where your expanded being is. It has a clear
View of everything. This enlightened part of you
Has an understanding of what you’re looking for.

You may look into a segment of your life and
You’ll see something that hits you the wrong way. Maybe
It’s a car that won’t run or the state of affairs
Of your world or a possibility that scares
The daylights out of you. What happens instantly
Is the solution to solve the problem at hand.

But you must be receptive. The lag time between
What you want and your having it is created
By your feelings of lack. It Will Manifest Fast
As you let go of resistance and have a blast
With your life. It’s something to be celebrated
By you and by benevolent forces unseen.

I Get To Decide


What I’m most thankful for is the freedom to be,
Do, or have anything, and I Get To Decide
How I feel in each moment which is important
To my point of attraction. Who says that I can’t
Find a way to keep myself always satisfied?
I’m thankful that this knowledge is now part of me.

There’s a much bigger picture. I’m fully aligned
With my purpose. Sometimes I have split energy
But I can quickly get back to being aware
Of my sense of wellbeing. I just have to care
More about feeling better than needing to be
Always right which makes people think that I’m unkind.

“If life is just a series of single events
Interacting with each other what’s it all mean?
What’s the point? Go ahead. Just tell me what to do.”

I once did have this rather parochial view
But by now quite a bit of wellbeing I’ve seen
And its absolute dominance makes perfect sense.

I’m here for the pleasure of life – for the pleasure
Of knowing the fullness of who I’ve come to be.
My inner being and I are two aspects of
The same thing. It tells me that I must learn to love
Everything about life unequivocally.
I’ve decided that life is an awesome treasure.

What You Want Also Wants You

Moment Of Consideration

What you don’t want is something that’s clear in your mind
Because of what you do want. Relativity
Is the issue because there’s no way you can know
What you want otherwise. You just have to let go
Of your wanting and let everything come to be.
To the universe your desire has been assigned.

What you want has momentum – its own energy.
It becomes your desire and takes on consciousness.
Its purpose in life is to be manifested
In your life. It becomes totally invested
In your full satisfaction and through the process
Of creation it becomes something you can see.

You may feel that if you don’t put forth some effort
That the world and the universe will deny you
Of what you want. Put forth your effort only when
You’re aligned with your spirit. You will succeed then
In your work. It helps if you pay attention to
How you feel. You have much spiritual support.

Don’t ask things of yourself until you’re hooked into
Your true power – the leverage of alignment.
Energy that creates worlds is at your avail.
Manifesting is done on a really large scale
When you find it within yourself to be content
In your knowing that all of your dreams will come true.

Forget About Struggle

Monumental Task

How can I get to that place of satisfaction?
What’s the most effective way I can get from hope
To believing and knowing? What can I do now
Right this moment to help me to better allow
Understanding and energy to help me cope
With the struggle? Does this happen with everyone?

Your are where you are. If something has happened and
You’re reacting to it, you’re vibrationally
Where you are with it and anything you can do
To improve the way you feel will benefit you.
Your climbing the emotional scale just may be
The appropriate tool of which you have command.

You can work your way up the emotional scale
Or you can do something that will quiet your mind
And there are many ways such as meditation.
Anything that will help you in the creation
Of a path that leads you to a place more aligned
With your spirit ensures that your truth will prevail.

Often times you need to count to ten and look for
Positive aspects in this person when there’s not
A one evident. You don’t want to make it worse.
Sometimes you have to walk away. The universe
Remembers everything that you may have forgot
And its constant reminders you cannot ignore.

Treasure Your Intuition

Opened Mind

Intuition is a fascinating thing for
Most people because they don’t know what it is and
How it works. It’s because of their five sensory
Approach to it that they are not able to see
What it truly is. It’s not hard to understand
Their position. It’s something that one can explore.

Scientists can’t explain it and psychology
Doesn’t even consider it. It’s main concern
Is with how we perceive and how we think and feel.
The notion of intuition has no appeal
To the person of logic. What we can all learn
Is how to use intuition naturally.

Intuition simply put is the voice of the
World that is purely nonphysical. We are more
Than molecular structures. We each have a soul
And through it intuition can make us feel whole
In a world that seems lost more than ever before.
We have all yet to become multi-sensory.

You know that your life is meaningful and that you
Have gifts to give and you long to know what they are
And to give them because in the giving you feel
Your potential. You can live a life that’s ideal.
Your developed intuition will take you far
On your path of fulfillment in all that you do.


Spontaneous Excitement

All I know about living is that I want More
Of the good times. The More excited I become
About life, the More wonderfully it treats me.
Am I close to fulfilling my reason to be?
That can’t happen because there will always be some
New adventure. There’s always something More in store.

I’m continually asking for More, so I’m
Never going to be done. I can’t truly be
Forever fulfilled. I can just be up to speed
With my asking. I’ll never have all that I need
To fulfill me. Therefore I can live happily
Ever after. I can stay content all the time.

What it’s called is alignment. It is or is not
In the moment depending upon how well I
Am connected to my Source of empowerment.
I must ask and there’s nothing on earth to prevent
My receiving. I’ve tapped an enormous supply
Of exuberance. I’ve found it helps me a lot.

In spirit’s union with this physical body
There’s perfection of balance. I put myself in
Positions where new insights are born within me.
There’s no place quite like this time space reality.
What a wonderful journey my whole life has been
And shall be. I want More of what’s coming to me.

The Nonphysical Connection

Threshold Of Spirit

Most people rely on others for their advice.
We depend on our parents for security
When we’re young. We seek guidance and leadership from
Our elected officials. We want it to come
With insight into our current reality.
Often one who’s a leader must pay a high price.

Almost everyone looks for their connection where
They won’t find it. It isn’t with society
Nor with other people who you happen to know
And respect. They are human and don’t always show
Their best side to the public. They don’t clearly see
The big picture. It’s not always that they don’t care.

Until you begin looking for your connection
Where it really is, you’ll not be able to find
The comfort and security you most desire.
It’s amazingly simple. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Your aim is to quiet the mind
So that you enter a state of deep reflection.

The Nonphysical Connection naturally
Is available to everyone. We are one
With all that is nonphysical. It is the Source
Of all guidance. It is the omnipotent force
Of creation. You are there when you have begun
To receive information nonphysically.


Carefree Koala

Can it be looked at from a broader perspective
All the differences between animals and
Human beings? Did we create them? Or did they
Create themselves? Is it really helpful to play
With such questions? Is it that hard to understand
The big picture? Are we all one huge collective?

We’re the creators of our own reality.
We add to what is happening on planet earth.
Our attention right here and now is causing the
Evolution not only of humanity
But of all of existence. All life is of worth
To the universe and that’s the way it must be.

Consciousness has been always the evolution
Of all things. There’s a blending of the physical
With the nonphysical. Intricately combined
Are the energies, so it would be hard to find
A perceived of ‘creator.’ The spiritual
Offers to many humans the best solution.

Animals are more open to being who they
Truly are in each moment, whereas humans lie
In a heartbeat. Why is that? The answer may be
Unimportant. We are all the same energy
But with different packages. The reason why
Is because there are certain laws all must obey.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.


Supreme Balance

Divinity is the quality or nature
Of being divine, holy, and sacred. It’s the
Very consciousness of the one true source of all
Life and all of existence. The one that we call
Supreme and eternal is also almighty.
Irrelevant is the use of nomenclature.

All of existence is a divine creation
And unfoldment of the infinite power and
Radiance of God. All that God has created
Is of God. This cannot be more clearly stated.
Our main challenge while we’re here is to understand
That between God and us there’s no separation.

Everything is a manifestation of God
And everything is a divine creation or
Expression at its core. The human ego veils
And obscures this reality through false details
Of a dualistic nature. It won’t go for
What is true. It will try to maintain the façade.

The truth of our divinity needs to be brought
To the light of our awareness. Meditation,
Letting go, prayer, devotion, and study are ways
To perceive God in others. In these ways we praise
In the most meaningful way. One’s liberation
From the ego is by many wise people taught.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

Your Path Will Be Shown

Spiritual Direction

So, I started a business that gives me much bliss.
I bring value to others. I find alignment
With my purpose for being. It’s not progressing.
Perhaps I try too hard. Maybe I’m obsessing
Over things that I shouldn’t. Some more refinement
Is in order here. Something for sure is amiss.

It is hard to take score and not be affected
By its outcome. Therefore, it affects what comes next.
It’s not easy to stay optimistic when you
Are not getting enough for the work that you do.
The business aspect of it renders you perplexed.
Thus, the failure of it can’t be unexpected.

You can set it aside. Step back from it and see
How you feel about it. Don’t decide anything
When you’re not feeling your best. It’s best to chill out
For a while. It’s your duty to know beyond doubt
Whether or not it is worth your continuing.
It could be that the business was not meant to be.

What are you being called to? Be forward looking
And solution oriented. No creation
Is ever completed. Throughout eternity,
Your intention is to be who you’re meant to be.
Creation is the same as consideration
Of the path least resistant. It is everything.

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.

Don’t let Them Control You

Social Puppeteering

It is good to come together for the purpose
Of creating in this world. You’re source energy.
Know that your power is always flowing to you.
It’s the essence of love. You are encouraged to
Recognize it, feel it, and become it wholly.
Your conscious awareness is always a big plus.

A good mood is important for getting along
In the real world. Sometimes in your quest for valor
Or approval, you look for something other than
A good feeling, and without knowing it, you can
Trick your self into acting not as you’d prefer.
In your dealings with others, your will must be strong.

Your mood is your moment, by moment, by moment
Indicator of all the mix of vibrations
Between you and your higher self. How well are you
Allowing the convergence? All that you can do
To get happy enhances your excitations.
How you feel in each moment is no accident.

Don’t let folks control you by their response to you.
When you, by their perspective, behave in a way
That displeases them. Don’t try to butter them up.
It would be self-undoing to drink from that cup.
In control of your own life you are meant to stay.
To thine own self it is your duty to be true.

Simple States Of Affairs

Emotional Creativity

How I feel is important. So, what else is new?
By default I can feel one way or the other,
Yet it seems I’m controlled by my environment.
Why do I often fall short of feeling content
With a life that includes all the things I prefer?
I have now asked the question. What else can I do?

It’s just the simple state of affairs that I’m not
Up to speed with my higher self. It doesn’t mean
Any thing else but that. Negative emotion
Only means that I know that something can be done
To get happy but no way to do it is seen.
I had known this at one time. Somehow, I forgot.

The larger part of me maintains my vibration,
And I know every reason for every feeling
Of emptiness is that I am blocking the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing. I also know
What to me at any moment is appealing.
For this knowing I have much appreciation.

My higher self is the much larger part of me
Who exists mostly in spirit but who’s also
With me here and now. It’s well worth remembering
That my higher self is the source of everything
I could ever conceive of. The more that I know
Of what it knows, the much better off I will be.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.


Let Time Be

When I look right at something I don’t want, then try
To feel good anyway, that’s what I call patience.
I know that’s not the proper way to look at it.
True patience can’t be negative, even a bit.
The best meaning for me, one that makes perfect sense,
Is the focus on something my heart can’t deny.

It’s no trouble at all for me to sit and wait
If I make of the waiting an experience
In itself – one of wonder and heartfelt delight
Through the while before being fulfilled by the sight
Of the thing manifested. I build the suspense
Through deliberate focus. It’s how I create.

Forcing myself to do something that I do not
Generates a momentum not good for the soul.
Time perceived is affected by the way I feel.
I can know that my waiting can be made ideal
By the choice that will make me contented and whole.
Emotion is the thing to use rather than thought.

I know God rides my rocket and sees everything
That would make my life wonderful while here on earth
In this time space continuum. I have no fear
That the thing that I’m wanting is farther than near.
I shall savor each moment in consummate mirth
Of all that is concocted to make my heart sing.

What The Universe Wants You To Know

All Is Wonderfully Well

There is only one consciousness that is for real.
All others are illusions the one contemplates.
It’s the best way it knows to express its selfhood.
To it, all there is to know is well understood.
But to each of its parts knowledge evaporates.
All remains as inscrutable as a weak meal.

You are in the exact place you were meant to be.
There is nothing off schedule. Your life is on track.
All the billions of others who find themselves here
Did come forth not to please you, yet some are most dear.
Don’t fall into the trap of eternal payback.
Look to the source within you, and trust completely.

The whole universe lives within each breathing cell
As well as in the outermost reaches of space
Which is being created faster than light speed.
You can notice the subtle ways your source will lead
You to what you’ve been wanting by infinite grace.
Relax into who you are, and know all is well.

There’s nothing you need push against for you to get
What it is that you’re after. No maneuvering
You need do to get into the right time and place.
Everything is on course. There is nothing to chase.
Radiate who you truly are by honoring
The lost virtue of selfishness without regret.