Tag Archive | seconds

Creating Momentum

Fun Cycle

When you get something moving it gains momentum.
On its own it continues without added force.
You can keep the thing moving or not if you choose.
Perhaps this isn’t the most exciting of news
But there’s value in all information. Of course
What is shared may be of some benefit to some.

If you think about something for just a short while –
Seventeen seconds or so – then you’ll generate
More thoughts like it. If you keep on thinking this way
You’ll begin to feel something. Indeed if you stay
Steadily focused on it then you will create
An attracting vibrational feeling profile.

After the sixty-eight second mark there’s enough
Momentum to begin receiving easily
Information from your more evolved consciousness.
All you need to accomplish to have some success
Is now done. You’ve created vibrationally
The condition for receiving lots of good stuff.

Don’t try to deal with the condition rather than
The emotion. Feel your way into happiness
In each moment. The world will be more kind to you.
Creating Momentum is so easy to do.
The power of the whole universe you possess.
You can do more for yourself than anyone can.

Momentum Convergence


Think a thought for about fourteen seconds and then
Another thought just like it will join it. If you
Keep on thinking then more thoughts will gather until
A huge convergence of your momentous thought will
Reach a point of combustion. This isn’t a new
Idea but it’s worth speaking of it again.

Law of Attraction is all about momentum
And the way that you’re feeling moment to moment.
You may introduce resistance into the mix
By thinking that you have a big problem to fix.
You control your creation one hundred percent
Without action or depending on an outcome.

As you focus you’re sitting by yourself and you’re
Contemplating something and you’re enjoying it.
You don’t offer resistance and you’re allowing
Provident forces of the universe to bring
Everything you want to you so you benefit
From a healthy vibration that’s vital and pure.

So when you’re in alignment with who you are you
Have the energy that creates worlds standing by
To fulfill all your wishes and as thoughts converge
Only good times and wonderful things will emerge.
A wellbeing explosion you cannot deny
Will occur as you’re practicing this point of view.

Be Untouchable

Position Of Power

Your inner being is forever inspiring
You to the fulfillment of the wellbeing that
Is natural to you but some people can’t feel
That as clearly as others. Your power is real
And nobody can touch it. It’s worth looking at
The health of your vibration. It means everything.

It’s become normal for most to feel some measure
Of frustration, fear, or anger. These emotions
We’ve been taught to put up with throughout all our lives.
When you feel negative emotion it deprives
You of energy. You can’t accept such notions
As hope and salvation as many folks treasure.

So they don’t serve as the powerful guidance that
They were intended to be. You can re-ignite
Your awareness of your guidance system right now
By making some statements of desire. You allow
Yourself to feel what it’s like to be quite alright
With every aspect of life and where you are at.

Go to some place you already know that feels good.
Start with appreciating each breath that you take
And from there you can find all kinds of things that you
Can feel good about. You set the tone when you do.
The power of your inner being isn’t fake.
Dominant is wellbeing. This is understood.

Manifestation Is Coming Your Way


In the morning is the best time to meditate.
It need not be a big deal. Just take a big yawn
And a stretch. Take in the feeling of the new day.
Do not let the good feeling you have slip away.
Take the time that you need to embrace the new dawn.
Do whatever it takes to remain in that state.

You are naturally a good feeling being.
You need not make things difficult. Appreciate
The freedom of the moment. Stay there for as long
As you want. Your day then will be a joyful song.
Don’t be surprised by all the treasures that await
Your possession. To you your knowing is freeing.

Law of Attraction provides for you a consistent
Life experience over which you have control.
By not finding a not feeling good thought you can
Remain happy. You can always feel better than
You do at any moment. You can become whole
In a short while. It’s a powerful time segment.

Find and maintain that frequency of feeling good
The first thing in the morning before you begin
To remember all the things you’d like to forget.
Once you get that momentum going you can let
The day turn out to be a game that you can win.
That you will manifest things is well understood.

A Powerful Manifestation Tool

Pure Magic

After seventeen seconds your thought has become
A vibrational magnet. Other thoughts like it
Coalesce and gain momentum. After a while
Something will manifest according to your style
Of creating. Thinking is to your benefit
When a place of alignment is where it comes from.

When you slumber thought ceases so in the morning
Before you start to think about things you must do –
Before reading your email and remembering
The injustices of yesterday do one thing:
Simply milk the good feeling. It will help you to
Start your day off correctly. It means everything.

Feel that sense of wellbeing and just sustain it
For a little while. Thoughts of appreciation
Put you in a place where you are most receptive
To the Law of Attraction. It can only give
You what you’re feeling and thinking. You are the one
Who must tweak the vibration you want to transmit.

Gravity doesn’t ‘give’ you attachment to the
Planet earth. It just happens. And in the same way
The Law of Attraction doesn’t ‘give’ wellbeing.
It just happens. This revelation is freeing
To the soul who may be trapped in utter dismay.
Manifesting is one of your reasons to be.

On Being Alone

Distant Horizon

There are two minds. One mind is always on the run
With its incessant chatter while the other mind
Remains silent. It doesn’t respond to outside
Interference, yet access is never denied
To its clarity. But we’re not often inclined
To partake of its peace as we’re getting things done.

Aloneness doesn’t mean being isolated
Having no friends and vanishing into a cave.
You can do that but you’ll take your two minds with you
And then meditate on things that you were told to
Meditate on. It’s just the way people behave
Aloneness and confinement are not related.

If you just take a moment – five seconds or so
To be quiet, everything that will disappear
In that time is what’s not real. When you’re not thinking
Everything that is lost is what you’d been linking
To your ego which operates much out of fear.
Your moments of aloneness can help you to grow.

When you consider yourself it’s all about thought.
Ninety nine percent of our life experience
Is in this world of virtual reality.
It’s an illusion of garden variety.
Is aloneness now making a whole lot more sense?
What you’ll find will astound you so give it a shot.