
Stay In Alignment In Difficult Times

Windows Of Perception

I feel best when I have those moments where things that
Used to mess with me hugely do not anymore.
I can handle things quite well. Not much bothers me.
I believe meditation has helped me to be
More connected to spirit than I’d been before.
I am more discerning about things I look at.

But the question is, regarding the bigger things
That I have no control of, how can I remain
In alignment with spirit? The world and its woes
Are things I shouldn’t look at. They are but shadows
Of a vacant reality, so there’s no gain
In sustaining it. Only the happy heart sings.

It’s a difficult situation when someone
Who I love suddenly dies. The Source within me
Knows there is no death, and I can communicate
With those who are in spirit if I concentrate
On making the connection. I have to be free
Of emotional trauma before it is done.

Situations don’t have to control how I feel,
And I don’t have to blunder my way through the day
Unaware of my feelings. I get out ahead
Of the difficult issue by choosing instead
To selectively sift difficulty away.
In each moment I can find what is most ideal.

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

Feel Better Always

Geometric Emojis

Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

Calibrate To Wellbeing

Taking In The Wonder

My foundation does not start with this body or
With my parents or anything. It is the whole
Of who I am. With eagerness I came into
This contrast and variety. My life is new
And exciting. I have no particular goal.
Everything about this world I came to explore.

A thought that thrills me is one worth my pursuing,
And one that disappoints me is one that is not.
There’s no way I can feel unworthy of the bliss.
My feelings are my guidance. I’m glad I know this.
What I’m thinking and feeling does matter a lot.
I find fulfillment in whatever I’m doing.

I do not want to behave ‘appropriately’
By accepting the notion that life is supposed
To be hard and that suffering is a virtue.
Pardon me, world, but that is not my point of view.
‘Socialized’ people have hearts and minds that are closed
To the idea of living resistance free.

It’s easy to calibrate to ‘what is,’ but it
Takes a master to calibrate to what is not
Yet apparent. It does take determination,
Focus, and clarity. I am here to have fun.
I try to remember what most people forgot.
Everything I learn must be to my benefit.

Daily Practice

Taking Life In

It’s all about my newfound determination
To focus with the intent of generating
Good feelings no matter where I happen to be.
Through the Art of Allowing, I’m perfectly free
To inhale life because it’s invigorating.
I feel as if I’m the center of creation.

For about twenty minutes or so every day,
With the intent of filling your body with air,
Just breathe in and out… in and out. Appreciate
The delicious oxygen. You don’t have to wait
To partake of the freshness. Become most aware
Of how quickly the stress begins to wash away.

It’s the most natural thing in the world to do.
When you’re moving your body, you are doing it
Automatically, but you can consciously
Allow in the abundance. Your focus is key
In taking and releasing to your benefit.
You are worthy and loved simply for being you.

So much is ready to come into fruition.
Just breathe it into being. Breathe in happiness.
Fill your lungs and let it infiltrate every part
Of your being. Right now is a good time to start
Taking in all the goodness and releasing stress.
Breathing life is only about your volition.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Stop Trying

The Social Climb

You want to resonate with your inner being,
So you have to look forward. You cannot go back.
What do you have in your Vortex of Creation?
When you ask, it is given, so know that it’s done.
How do you tolerate thoughts and feelings of lack?
How do you get to a better way of seeing?

Your Vortex of Creation is all of your dreams,
Hopes, and wishes. It is a nonphysical thing.
Believe in its existence, and then get happy.
Everything in life happens vibrationally.
Do whatever in this world that makes your heart sing.
You’ll have wonderful things flowing to you in streams.

You don’t need to toil for its justification.
You just need to stop doing that thing that you do
That prevents it from coming. Stop your worrying
And trying to make it happen. Stop hurrying
On the treadmill to nowhere. You are the one who
Can change everything about your situation.

You don’t want the manifestation anyway.
What you want is the thrill of the manifesting.
You want to create. You don’t want the creation.
You’re in the receiving mode when you’re having fun.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Get your blessings from bliss. It’s the best price to pay.

Practiced Resistance

Background Protection

If I put my boat into a fast-moving stream
And I flow with it, do I create the power
Of momentum? Or did I simply step into
What had already been going? Can both be true?
If I take on the consciousness of the flower,
Would I feel my existence as simply a dream?

When I’m in the natural stream of wellbeing,
I let go of all of my Practiced Resistance.
The power of the stream is within me, no doubt.
If I try to be powerful, it keeps me out.
Keeping myself delighted will greatly enhance
The adventure. The stream is ever agreeing.

I’ve stopped trying to figure things out anymore.
It indeed is a problem especially when
I am writing. Sometimes, I’m too much in my head.
I know that I should write from my feelings instead.
The words flow like the stream does. I’m satisfied then.
I have much less resistance than I had before.

I do this for the fun of it. All that I write
Is for pure entertainment. I’m not trying to
Convince anyone of anything, so feel free
To delight in the power that’s flowing through me.
If there are those who think that I haven’t a clue,
I’ve the freedom to not let it get me uptight.

Own Your Feelings

Emotional Collage

You can’t cover up feelings with words or actions.
You must own them. Admit how you’re feeling – not for
Any other, but yourself. To thine self be true.
Your emotions are the only guidance for you.
Calibrate to good feelings, and you’ll receive more.
You will need patience with the more difficult ones.

You’ve got to own how you feel, otherwise feedback
You can’t get. It makes you fell that ‘they’ are at fault,
But there is no assertion. You feel as you do
By your own choice. Your feelings are all about you.
Never should they be taken with a grain of salt.
In your knowing this, you will cut others some slack.

You may want someone to behave a certain way
That seems ‘right’ to you. You must clearly understand
That all people have free will. You can’t interfere
With their path. The message is meant to be austere.
Of your own feelings you have been given command.
Don’t expect someone else to make happy your day.

Your emotion is also known as vibration.
The realness of its energy can’t be denied.
Use it for your own guidance. That’s what it is for.
It will lead you to all the things that you adore.
The best part of it is that you get to decide
How to feel. This is relevant to everyone.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

Focus On Your Emotions

Effective Conversation

On this leading edge of creation, we are here
To support one another. We are the springboards
Of expansion. We’re not here to mimic others
Nor to be accepting of whatever occurs.
Positive emotions do have their just rewards.
One of them is a mind that is perfectly clear.

No one is here to ‘get’ you because we are all
Part of one diverse species. We each are a piece
Of an infinite puzzle. We each are a gift
To all others. We’re here to comfort and uplift
One another. For the soul, it is a release
Of the love that we’re made of which cannot be small.

Don’t defy your own guidance system. Do rely
On your keen intuition. Accept how you feel
To be accurate. Don’t allow yourself to be
Disillusioned by others. The world that they see
Is their world. If to you they have not much appeal,
Then it’s time to respectfully tell them goodbye.

If you feel satisfaction, then you’re in a place
Where you have much control. You could go either way,
So it pays to be conscious and fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment, and you must care
More than anything that you will have a fine day.
Feeling satisfied means that your life you embrace.

Something You Can Control

Physical Pain

I’m in pain, and it’s chronic. I find no relief.
Positive thoughts escape me. What else can I do
But to suffer throughout life? My ailing body
Is the source of my torment. I so want to be
In the best of health. I know something is askew
With something I don’t know about, which gives me grief.

How can I think positive thoughts when I’m in pain?
Is that not a fair question, given that I take
This body everywhere I go? It’s a big part
Of how I feel at any moment. In my heart
I know that there’s an answer. God, give me a break
From the psychic conundrum. I’ve nothing to gain.

Positive emotion is what I want to feel.
I have to separate out the emotion from
The manifestation that I call my body.
The emotion I can control quite easily,
But the body has already gained momentum,
So it may take time for it to completely heal.

Between fear and hope there is a big difference…
Like between life and death or recovery from
A health issue. If I can manage to prolong
The manifestation of pain, I can’t go wrong.
The condition will have an amazing outcome
Feeling better is what to me makes the most sense.

Simple States Of Affairs

Emotional Creativity

How I feel is important. So, what else is new?
By default I can feel one way or the other,
Yet it seems I’m controlled by my environment.
Why do I often fall short of feeling content
With a life that includes all the things I prefer?
I have now asked the question. What else can I do?

It’s just the simple state of affairs that I’m not
Up to speed with my higher self. It doesn’t mean
Any thing else but that. Negative emotion
Only means that I know that something can be done
To get happy but no way to do it is seen.
I had known this at one time. Somehow, I forgot.

The larger part of me maintains my vibration,
And I know every reason for every feeling
Of emptiness is that I am blocking the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing. I also know
What to me at any moment is appealing.
For this knowing I have much appreciation.

My higher self is the much larger part of me
Who exists mostly in spirit but who’s also
With me here and now. It’s well worth remembering
That my higher self is the source of everything
I could ever conceive of. The more that I know
Of what it knows, the much better off I will be.

More Reasons To Feel Good

Streaming Flow Of Happiness

A flowing stream of happiness starts off my day.
I’m awake. I have reemerged into this world
That is full of such wonder. I bask for a while
And consider those things that will cause me to smile.
My knob of feeling is appropriately knurled
So that I have a firm grip on life’s cabaret.

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing,
It is my dominant intent to look for things
That feel good. When I feel good, my higher power
I vibrate with. The good life I want to devour.
I know that my feeling good ultimately brings
Into my life experience every good thing.

I’m in harmony with that which I consider
To be good. I am in the mode of attracting,
But it’s just good to feel good. Positive aspects
I look for all around me. Indeed, it connects
Me to my higher power. I am reacting
To its infinite guidance. It’s sure to occur.

Negative emotion comes up once in a while.
It means that I am focused on something that I
Do not want. I remember then that I want to
Feel my best. This will usually get me through
What’s already in motion. I don’t have to try
To do anything that doesn’t pay with a smile.

You And Yourself

Rendezbous With Self

You And Yourself are different yet much the same.
The two are a composite. Yourself, the person,
Is a physical essence that has an ego
And a purpose which is to help your spirit grow
Through the contrast life offers. This self is the one
That others get to know, so it must have a name.

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are
Which is purely spiritual and far removed
From the earth’s negativity. Love is approved
As the only solution. You know it’s by far
The best feeling one because it can make you whole.

You, wherever you are, on whatever subject
That concerns you, are just a feeling away from
Reaching your inner being – the heart of your soul.
Your complete satisfaction is its only goal.
Rely on its guidance. It will help you become
And efficient creator in every aspect.

You are going to be exhilarated by
How your life is evolving. Your satisfaction
Will expand exponentially, just as will your
Expectation that good happenings you’ll adore.
Do not be so surprised that your life can be fun.
You can close the gap without your having to try.

Notice The Feedback

Social Interaction

Two sisters at the airport were having some fun
With the people they met randomly on the way
To a fabulous journey before the journey.
Everything that they do, they do most happily.
In a state of high spirits they constantly stay.
They take full advantage of the new day begun.

They spent time entertaining each other and those
With whom they came in contact, and they played along
With the women’s excitement. “This is a good sign
That for us everything is working out just fine,”

Was their realization. Nothing could go wrong.
All that is positive in their attitude shows.

They had fun with the gate agent who was stressed out
Because of cancellations. She found refreshing
Their delightful encounter. Their flight was on time
Which was taken by others to be quite a crime
To fairness. Evidence is always happening
Of these sisters’ alignment. They’re seldom in doubt.

You don’t have to ‘control’ any situation.
Be aware of the feedback that you’re receiving.
If it’s not pleasing, then work on your vibration.
If it is, then nurture your manifestation.
Adjust your vibration by what you’re perceiving.
Be a positive influence on everyone.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Understanding Allowing

The Power Of Color

Allowing yourself to feel better than ever
Can’t be seen as a challenge. It’s done easily
With a small shift in focus. Appreciation
For how well things are going is the number one
Way of reaching a better place if you can see
Your whole life as one magnificent endeavor.

Allowing all the things that you’ve been wanting to
Flow into your experience is creating
For yourself a fulfilling life and one of ease.
There is no one but yourself that you need to please.
The universe is forever advocating
For your ultimate pleasure in all that you do.

In a vibrational universe you’re living.
About that idea be exhilarated.
Your allowing means your basking and frolicking.
Positive aspects are worth your acknowledging.
Be aware of all the good that you’ve created.
Of the mistakes you’ve made you must be forgiving.

Nothing is more important than that you look for
Only that which you want to see. Variety
Is delicious. Be thankful that you get to choose
Just the life that you want. Only you can refuse
The blessings of the universe. You’re meant to be
In a state of fulfillment and asking for more.

The Freedom To Be Happy

Young Superhero

To wake up feeling lively, to breathe some fresh air…
Having clear thoughts… aligning with the energy
That creates worlds… I love perpetual freedom.
I can be satisfied as I’m beating the drum
Of whatever excites me. Right now, I can be
In a state of fulfillment. It’s no longer rare.

To begin to discover who I am at heart
Is to be thus reminded that I am worthy
Of the freedoms I have. There’s no contradiction
With the freedoms of others. Indeed everyone
Has the same set. At least, that’s the way it should be.
Living my way to happiness is a fine art.

Freedom is the alignment of myself with who
I’ve become in vibration. My closing the gap
Is a constant endeavor. I think about things
That bring only the most positive of feelings.
Happiness is not being caught in someone’s trap.
The freedom that joy generates is nothing new.

I’ve the freedom to take my time in getting there
To wherever I’m going. My state of being
Is of utmost importance in what I receive.
Happiness is the one thing I truly believe
Is the ultimate in its resistance freeing
Capability, and it’s something I can share.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.

Be More Playful

Happy Hands

Be More Playful about your approach to living,
And accept that the laws of the universe are
Powerful, consistent, and unyieldingly fair.
You could not be more worthy. You could be aware
That you are without question a bright shining star.
You can let go of any practiced misgiving.

Focusing upon things that hold very little
Resistance is an easy and worthwhile way to
Change your vibration quickly, then other things will
Coalesce that are like them. Prepare for the thrill
Of it happening. Your life is a rendezvous
With adventure. You can’t remain noncommittal.

Things that you really care about can begin to
Surprise and delight you. You hold yourself apart
From those things by resistance to feeling better.
Limiting beliefs practiced will only fetter
Your spirit. Is it time that you take this to heart?
Your ability to see depends upon you.

Precision and uniqueness is that which is you.
As you play in life’s contrast, you are creating
Your experience. Start with things that are easy.
From the contrast, you define how things ought to be.
Willingness to take part is appreciating
Life as one sacred process exciting and new.

Things Are Working Out

Realization Of Contentment

We all here are extensions of Source Energy.
There is not one of us who does not have access
To infinite intelligence. All we need do
Is be well in alignment and receptive to
Information that could lead to our happiness.
We were meant to live our days in relative glee.

We can translate nonphysical information
Into what we call intuition and insight.
We have a solar plexus. It is the center
Of emotional responses. What may occur
Can be analyzed for if it feels wrong or right.
This guidance is available to everyone.

In your joyful state of being, you may receive
An Impulse to change lanes while you’re driving so that
You avoid something hazardous and unforeseen.
Universal forces are giving you the green
Light to safety, no matter where your mind is at.
We all have the fine ability to perceive.

The entire universe is always conspiring
To work things out for you. You are more than worthy
Of your dreams coming true in a fantastic way.
Our asking and receiving can be as child’s play.
Self-imposed limitations do not have to be
Part of your life. Your attitude is everything.

Focus On How You Feel

Acting Out In The Best Way

So, let’s say that I have things not working for me.
My lover has just left me, and I hate my job.
My body is sick, and money isn’t flowing.
I am jealous of those who are easygoing.
Everyday is a good day to break down and sob.
Is there anything on earth that could set me free?

Back away from specifics that are already
Activated. You don’t want to hold yourself there
Any longer than needed. Find one little thing
That distracts you. There’s no reason for you to cling
To the negative feeling. You just have to care
More about feeling better. How hard can it be?

Focus on the most important thing, which is how
You are feeling right here and now. It’s the only
Thing that will rescue you from turmoil and distress.
Find something that delights you, and then acquiesce
To its beauty and wonder. Go hug a damned tree!
All that matters is that you feel better right now.

Get a load of that butterfly. Focus on it.
Study it longer than usual and become
Enamored by it’s beauty, then go pet the cat
Who knows nothing and couldn’t care less where you’re at.
You may not be feeling anywhere near awesome,
But at least you have redesigned hell just a bit.

Spiritual Calibration

Vibrational Cleansing

Energy gets polluted. Sometimes we need to
Calibrate the atmosphere spiritually
Of its negative content. Segment Intending
Is a process, and it’s a way of extending
Into the next time period how it should be.
A Segment is anytime change happens for you.

What is it that is the easiest for you to
Feel appreciative of? What makes you happy?
Get a good rampage going. “I am thankful for
This moment, and I look forward to many more.
I am thankful that things are working out for me.”

Can you feel what is going on? I hope you do.

For the very near future, you can calibrate
By your statements of thankfulness and wellbeing.
Speak your way into happiness in the moment.
This way, you form the next by your conscious intent.
You will find that the universe is agreeing
And rewarding you for being in a high state.

You may be calibrated to unwanted things.
A well-practiced belief is a calibration.
When you tune to the frequency of happiness,
Everything else is taken care of, more or less.
You don’t have to ‘do’ anything to get things done.
You have control over near future happenings.

Get Happy!

Positive Message

So, sing alleluia, and then just Get Happy!
Many books have been written that say just as much,
Yet it’s not complicated nor too difficult
To get there. You’ll be delighted with the result.
You were meant to be one who is warm to the touch.
Be one who folks want to have in their energy.

Do whatever it takes to Get Happy. If you
Have to run away from home or go to the beach
Everyday, then do it. No action is required
Necessarily. Focus on what is desired
Which is happiness. It’s not too far of a reach
From where you are. There’s nothing that you need to do.

Make peace with where you are, then the gap you will close
Between you and your happiness. Your vibration
Emanates directly from how you think and feel.
The power of your happiness can often heal
The problems of the present. Your having more fun
Brings more of it. By now, this is how your life goes.

Find some reason to feel good. Be interested
In something. In you living be fully enthralled.
Be receptive to spiritual energy.
Where you’re going is the place you’re wanting to be.
Do remember that you are the one who is called
And is chosen. Happiness is looking ahead.

Non-Resistant Thought

Happily Dreaming

Awesome is the energy that does worlds create,
And you have access to it in every moment.
Wait until you discover what Non-Resistant
will bring you. To go on a positive rant

In your mind is to be positively content.
Nothing is more important than your feeling great.

Everything comes from universal energy.
It’s what has allowed the existence of it all.
This focus is a consciousness that will help you
Bring your dreams to fruition. You don’t have to do
Anything but get happy, which is but a small
Price to pay. Your enjoyment is the only fee.

You have many parts, and the furthest extended
Part of you is the most evolved. When you’re aligned
With the way that it sees things, you’re in the best place
To receive from the universe provident grace.
By not doubting or countering it you will find
Everything about life to be rather splendid.

You’ve withstood the harassment from those who can’t see
What you can, so they doubt your knowing that it’s there,
But you know that it’s there because you’ve practiced the
Resonant feeling of it. You’re it completely.
Be less in your head about it and be aware
Of your thoughts and how more uplifting they can be.

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.

The Fastest Path To Happiness

Taking In The Goodness

What’s the fastest path right here, right now where I am
To my happiness? This question is a good one
To consider – but not “How can I get happy?”
What’s the surest and quickest way that will lead me
To a state of eventual satisfaction?
The question is part of a consciousness exam.

If I’m in despair, then revenge is the next thing
I should reach for. I can’t get from there to sheer bliss.
What can I recognize where I am that will ease
The bad feeling? In other words, how can I seize
Some relief from the realm of the horrid abyss?
The emotional spectrum is worth traversing.

From revenge into anger, and then frustration
Is the way to move forward toward happiness.
Once I reach hopefulness, I am well on the way
To the joy that awaits me. I don’t want to stay
Negative more than needed. I want to express
The best self that I can offer to everyone.

What can I use as my excuse to feel better
Right where I am this moment? Appreciation
Goes a long way in feeling better here and now.
My awareness of how I’m feeling does allow
Much control in the process. I like having fun.
There is nothing to living the life I prefer.

Letting Go Can Be Easy

Considering Worthiness

To let go of control takes lots of self-control.
It’s not easy to let go. It feels counter to
What I’m asking for. I think I’m meant to do things
That I’m not doing. My ignoring only brings
A bad feeling. The things that I am meant to do,
I will let myself do them. That’s my only goal.

I’d been struggling my way with determination
And goal setting. When I’d tried to figure things out,
Things would worsen because I’d been swimming upstream.
One could not have imagined my life was a dream.
Constantly I was wallowing in fear and doubt.
Time for myself I could muster little to none.

But my life has caused me to create it. I know
That it’s waiting. My Source is attending to it
And becoming it. I know that I’m being called
Toward it. It is spiritually enthralled
With my wishes. I know that it will never quit
Its support. Its advice I will gladly follow.

It is natural for things to turn out for me
In the way that I want them to. I’m satisfied
That there’s no rush. I’ve plenty of time to relax
And to give all my negative thinking the ax.
I depend on my Source as my ultimate guide.
Letting go of control can be done easily.

It’s Your Doing

Self Pride

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
Life is meant to be good for you, and if it’s not,
Then It’s Your Doing. Everything that you’re living
And feeling is a good reason for thanksgiving.
Now that you are here, you can give it all you’ve got.
God is someone whose work one cannot call shoddy.

There are only two factors determining how
Life is going for you. One is how fast your stream
Is flowing, and the other is which direction
You are pointed. You have control over each one.
Life causes the momentum oft’ in the extreme.
The direction is by the guidance you allow.

When you’re bucking the current of who you’ve become,
You will feel negative emotion instantly.
You’re defying your purpose. This cannot feel good.
More than anything else, it must be understood
That going with the flow is your reason to be.
In becoming, you just need to lighten up some.

Turn and go with the flow. That’s all you need to do
To move effortlessly toward all you desire.
How to do that will be a perfect unfolding.
You are now practicing the art of allowing.
Unending are the good things that you will acquire
On your journey. Which direction is true for you?

Your Are Never Alone

Forgotten Wellbeing

Aloneness is illusory – a condition
Of the troubled mind. No one is ever alone
Nor has ever been. You’re not here being tested
But supported. Whatever you have requested
Is attended to. You do nothing on your own.
This universal law applies to everyone.

You are not being challenged here. You are inspired
By the contrast. You’re here to make that adjustment.
The emotional journey is your only way
To keep track of your progress. From utter dismay
You can reach something better. Your upward ascent
Is essential. It is absolutely required.

You have grandparents, their parents, and theirs as well
Along with teachers and healers who you don’t know
But who are now in spirt and focused upon
Everything you’re about here. Perhaps it may dawn
Upon you that you’re special. Believe that it’s so.
Practice it until you know everyone can tell.

Ask yourself, “What are you doing with this moment?
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it off because of some ridiculous
Thing that happened?”
Vibrations of worry and fuss

Are anathema to anything that you do.
Your existence in this world is no accident.

Being Happy

Wonderful Feeling

Look Forward – no backward nor where you are right now.
Where you’re going should be your most potent concern.
Begin telling your story as you’d have it be.
No matter what the subject be passionately
About how it’s evolving. Everything will turn
Out magnificently. You need but to allow.

Folks will ask how you’re doing or how you have been.
Even if you’ve been doing well, you can’t answer
Such questions because you can’t be as good as you
Have already become in the clear point of view
Of your innermost being who loves to concur
With whatever you’re focused on time and again.

When someone asks how you’re doing, you can translate
That into: “Where are you going?” You may reply,
“Everything is unfolding perfectly for me.
Everything’s right on schedule. I am completely
Looking Forward to good things.”
You don’t have to try

To explain why you’re in such a positive state.

The larger part of you has already gone where
You have pointed. You want to partake of the ride.
Negative emotion means you’re stuck on the trail.
Just let loose of where you are and you will prevail
On your path to true happiness. Be satisfied
Not with now, but what’s coming, and stay focused there.

Any Reason For Joy

Spontaneous Happiness

What’s so appealing about unfulfilled desire?
You’re not the only Vortex through which answers come.
Connected to Source Energy you are always.
It and you are deserving of infinite praise.
It is where all your creative power comes from.
What state of consciousness does this moment require?

You’ve the resources to discover the answer
To any question and to find the solution
To every problem. Contrast causes you to ask.
It is answered immediately, and your task
Is to feel good and watch for the evolution
Of abundance in your life begin to occur.

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you’ll find
Answers to problems before they’ve entered your mind.
Feeling anticipation is much better than
Neediness and a sense of psychic confinement.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You can change lanes before the accident happens.
You can find the thought or the action that it takes
Toward illness or wellness. So, for goodness sakes,
Consider your feelings to be your best of friends.
Feel the best that you can now, and take it easy.

Your Most Productive Work

Loving Oneself

We speak from the realm of spirit, and our advice
As to what to be in the moment to really
Be an uplifter to the core of your being
Is to be with yourself the one most agreeing.
Be an advocate for yourself and you will be
Inundated with situations that are nice.

Your constant attention in the preparation
And the maintenance of your vibration is most
Important because it is about reception
Which means tuning, so before any work is done,
In your dream you must be absolutely engrossed.
It is the beginning of your destination.

Allowing the wellbeing means selectively
Sifting through life to come up with a better plan.
Most of your work is done now. Relax and receive.
More than anything else, we want you to believe
In yourselves, and believe that you are much more than
You can know from where you are. So much you don’t see.

Be nice to yourself. Rest well. Eat well and get out
Among others who are fun. Think thoughts that uplift.
Without even needing to know what you’re doing,
You are in the receptive mode. Stop pursuing
Any longer your treasure, for you are the gift.
Sharing love for oneself is what life’s all about.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.

Life Is Easy

Happy With The Routine

The immensity of it is overwhelming.
It’s my life that I’m talking about. It beats me
To a pulp why things don’t want to turn out my way.
Why do I end up working my ass off all day
Without much satisfaction? I just want to be
Free to live a life that is truly amazing.

I’ll attend my own seminar. I’ve learned enough
To fill lifetimes of wisdom. If I could access
All of it in this moment, I would realize
The illusion. My truest self wears a disguise
Called the ego, and it specializes in stress.
It can keep me from getting to all the good stuff.

I could go for a different experience
Than the one that I’m having. The one most ideal
Is of passion and wonder. I’ve been there before.
It’s my strongest intention to be there some more.
There is nothing more important than how I feel.
I can deal with a life of delightful suspense.

Do I know what I’m doing? I know better now
That my doing means nothing unless I’m aligned
With my truest self, then I can do anything.
What is the vibration that I am offering
To my universe? In the answer I will find
Everything that will enable me to allow.

Life Becomes Magic

Mystical Creation

When you are in the middle of conversations
And events and activities, you’re already
Pretty far down the path. At an earlier stage
The path of least resistance you want to engage.
Long before you get going, aligned you will be
With your wishes in uncertain situations.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are, or it isn’t at all.
This vibration is at the root of everything
That you are. It is constantly encouraging
You to greatness if only you can hear the call.
You can do so only by your conscious intent.

Whatever the vibration you’ve got going on
Will evolve into something. It will escalate
And become more. The first thing that you recognize
Is a thought, an impulse, or a pleasant surprise
In your package. It feels good to anticipate
Only good and that it’s a conclusion foregone.

At an unconscious level, vibrations received
Are translated into something you can relate
To the moment. It’s how vibration becomes thought
And how thought turns to thing. Your attention is brought
Into focus as you kick back and contemplate
The abundance of goodness in all that’s perceived.

Happiness Helps

Life Is Fun

What you want can be found wherever you are, and
When you look where you are for it until it shows
Itself to you, your potential for finding it
In other places will be increased quite a bit.
Happiness brings one money. This everyone knows,
And there is really nothing else to understand.

Unhappy in the bondage of work people are.
Freeing themselves, they only will find it elsewhere.
One must shift one’s vibration before moving on.
When resentments and feelings such as that are gone,
One can act with the feeling of floating on air
While fulfillment of one’s dream is not very far.

When you act before you’ve lined up the energy,
There’s some downtime and struggle. To get up to speed
Take the emotional journey first. Be aware
Of the positive aspects. Above all else care
About how you feel. Consciousness is all you need
Of the goodness of your life and all it could be.

The stakes keep getting higher as you persevere
In a tough situation, but your desire grows
Directly in proportion to your discontent.
Happiness is the way to complete fulfillment.
On the way, you need not remain in the shadows.
Your passion for life is your concurrent career.

Catch It!

Bad Mood

I’ll erupt into anger at the slightest thing,
And it gets me in trouble. When I lose control,
Things that are already hopeless only get worse.
I cannot keep on going with such an adverse
Disposition. Don’t touch me with a ten-foot pole
While onto the most negative feelings I cling.

Do I like feeling this way? It seems that I do.
It’s a much better feeling than utter despair.
No where near satisfaction am I with where I
Am in my life. I keep on asking myself why
Things are not getting better. Does anyone care
About the pain and suffering I’m going through?

The degree of my satisfaction has to do
With the power and momentum of my desire.
The degree of my dissatisfaction, therefore,
Is my moving away from or closing the door
To my wishes. Some relief is what I require
And perhaps a more open-hearted point of view.

I don’t have to wait until it really gets bad
To where I become someone I’m not meant to be.
I can catch it before things get way out of hand.
Of my thoughts and feelings I must take full command.
If I tune myself each morning, the best of me
Is available. Peace is what I will have had.

Your Happiness

Collection Of Contentment

It feels great to be happy. No one can argue.
It’s the motive of every act people perform.
“It’s Your Happiness, Stupid!” the angels will shout
To we humans. Life is supposed to be about
Abundance and wellbeing. These should be the norm.
Life is meant to be fun and exciting for you.

When you feel ornery, you’re vibrationally
Nowhere near satisfaction with the here and now.
But when you are hopeful, you are right on the brink
Of belief. Be aware of the thoughts that you think.
How much of your true self do you want to allow
To shine through you? How simple the answer can be!

The door to Your Happiness is somewhere between
Sincere hope and believing. When you enter there,
You are drawn easily into true happiness.
As you get used to it, you’ll accept nothing less
Than a life that is absolutely without care.
To the whole world your true self will clearly be seen.

The Law of Attraction will take you in when there
Is not enough resistance to keep you locked out.
When you stop doing that thing keeps you apart
From your happiness, then things in your life will start
Improving almost instantly, without a doubt.
Happiness is a personal hygiene affair.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

Relax Into Wellbeing

Natural Panacea

My last low brought me to a place where I could not
Resist doing something about it anymore.
When one reaches rock bottom, nowhere else is there
To go but in the direction of loving care
Toward oneself and others. That’s what we’re here for.
The contrast I experience matters a lot.

From between the rock and the hard place, there is hope
Or despair. A thin line exists between the two.
One cannot remain stuck there without going mad.
With a change in perception some peace can be had.
Once things are gone there’s nothing else for me to do
But surrender the struggle and learn how to cope.

Must I suffer sufficiently before I learn
Anything to my benefit? I don’t have to
Live the experience of deep desperation.
Yet indeed anything that helps get the job done
Is fair game for the universe. All I can do
Is to figure out how to relieve my concern.

I don’t need the gut-wrenching experience to
Understand that I can always turn things around.
A comparative experience is needed
To the one most preferred. I will have succeeded
In relaxing into the new wellbeing found.
There is not much of anything I need to do.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

Know Your Worthiness

You Are A Champion

Your vortex of creation existed before
You arrived here, and since then, you’ve added to it
A lifetime of experience. When you feel love,
Peacefulness, or appreciation, these kinds of
Emotions match your vortex, and they will permit
Access to what you’ve put there and even much more.

Many times, throughout your day, you’re in the vortex.
It’s that place where you feel as happy as can be.
It’s a sort of a brief spiking of energy.
In the moment, you’re in touch with divinity.
You cannot stay there all the time, but hopefully,
Getting there doesn’t have to be all that complex.

As you hang around in that range of emotions
The more you are able to maintain it, and you
Can do that rather easily. Feeling worthy,
Blessed, and loved is sustainable naturally.
You need not hype the vortex whatever you do.
How you feel is immune to fantastic notions.

Sometimes just sitting quietly contemplating
With a feeling of utter wellbeing can be
A way into your vortex. Anytime you’re not
Feeling negative emotion, you have a lot
Going for you. Simply because you are worthy,
There is magic in everything you’re creating.

Happy Go Luckily

High Spirits

All good feelings you have means that you’re translating
The vibration of your source most accurately.
Your source is always transmitting its signal to
You to guide you in whatever you’re going through.
Positive emotion means you happen to be
Receiving source’s signal. There’s no debating.

This does put everything in the perfect context.
It speaks to the fact that you are an extension
Of that same source which is always aware of you.
When there is adoration in your point of view,
You will easily get your source’s attention.
Be surprised and delighted by what happens next.

Negative emotion is the diminishment
Of your vibration compared to that of your source.
But it does offer guidance. Give it due respect.
Your connection to your source is always direct.
Consciously you can get it to keep you on course.
Things will happen in life that you cannot prevent.

Do be nice to yourself by appreciating
Someone else. There is nothing nicer you can do
Than allowing source to flow through you to someone.
Your life is rejuvenated when this is done.
Know that your source is the most sacred part of you.
For your own good it is always advocating.

Your Life Will Change

Breaking Away

Were I zapped with a feeling of understanding
That I can be, do, or have anything that I
Want in life, and that life is supposed to be good,
Then my reason for being would be understood.
Life would change for the better if I would comply
With my own desire which is ever expanding.

It takes not much from where I am to get to where
I become what I’m wanting vibrationally.
I used to vibrate according to conditions
I perceived. It got me into tough positions
Of fear and confrontation. Not necessary
Was the waste of my life force. I chose to not care.

My vibration can alter any condition.
Staying focused on feeling the best that I can
In each moment is what creation is about.
There’s no room for the feelings of worry or doubt.
When I’m joyful is when I come up with a plan,
Otherwise there is effort in what I get done.

My jumping through hoops leads not to satisfaction.
It cones only through my having wanted something,
Moving in its direction, then seeing progress.
Every manifestation is a huge success.
I can trust the wisdom of my inner knowing.
This advice is applicable to anyone.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

Take Your Mind Off What Is

The Brink Of Desolation

I would like to let go of my reality,
But I can’t. It’s stuck to me like whiteness to rice.
I keep thinking that I’m moving forward, yet I
Cannot manifest no matter how hard I try.
What I need is someone to give me good advice
On how I can keep up with my own energy.

Something is out of balance. I know deep within
That when I focus on something and I have no
Resistance to prevent it from becoming real,
It will happen. It depends on the way I feel
About it. I can choose to just go with the flow.
This present moment is the best time to begin.

My awareness of my now is preventing my
Now from changing. It’s my responsibility
To maintain my vibration, so my attention
Is on good things. This does lead to the prevention
Of depression. What is now can elevate me
To the next level. All of my now does apply.

Now has already been created. It’s old news.
It’s also the bouncing off place for what is new.
This is deliberate creation at its best.
I can improve on how my wishes are expressed.
My emotions will tell me what I need to do.
I am kept in alignment by which ones I choose.

On The Way To Fulfillment

Enjoying The Present Moment

I want things. This is natural. Everyone does.
I don’t need to feel guilty or justify it.
When I do, things don’t happen as quickly as they
Otherwise would. I cannot lead myself astray
Of my purpose for living the way I see fit.
I can never go back to the way that it was.

What I can do is have fun on my way to that
Which I’m wanting. I can have an experience
Of fulfillment while I’m on the path to receive
What I want. It is worthwhile for me to believe
In this theory because it makes absolute sense.
The emotions that I feel reflect where I’m at.

This puts everything in the proper perspective.
I am happy to have a good time on my way
To whatever I want. It matters not one bit
If it’s big or small. I get the full benefit
Of the universal forces that are at play.
They are working to satisfy my objective.

It is fun to identify something I want,
Then find resonance with it, and then to behold
The cooperative components coalesce
To align with the focus of my consciousness.
The feeling of excitement is worth more than gold.
It is one in which I remain tempted to flaunt.