Tag Archive | oxygen

A Breath Of Wellbeing

Joyful Friendship

The earth spins in its orbit. Is this a big deal?
…Not so much to most people unfortunately
Unless they fancy science. The rest of us are
Too consumed with our issues. Earth’s orbit is far
Down the list of things that makes one yodel with glee.
Truthfully though why doesn’t it have more appeal?

Wellbeing is the dominant force throughout all
Of the universe and here we are tucked away
In a fold of infinity and burgeoning.
One would have to admit it’s a wonderful thing
To consider. It can even brighten your day
If you let it. Wellbeing is not something small.

It’s so real you can breathe it so breathe in and out
With intention. You want to get fresh oxygen
To all parts of your body. You want to breathe in
Wellbeing and breathe out chaos. You can begin
To feel better instantly. It happens again
And again. The next breath comes without any doubt.

It’s the most natural thing that you’ll ever do
So do it with appreciation in your heart
For your life and all things that make it worth living.
Wellbeing is like breathing. They’re both life-giving.
Give this moment, your day, and your life a fresh start
By just breathing in the wellbeing meant for you.

Daily Practice

Taking Life In

It’s all about my newfound determination
To focus with the intent of generating
Good feelings no matter where I happen to be.
Through the Art of Allowing, I’m perfectly free
To inhale life because it’s invigorating.
I feel as if I’m the center of creation.

For about twenty minutes or so every day,
With the intent of filling your body with air,
Just breathe in and out… in and out. Appreciate
The delicious oxygen. You don’t have to wait
To partake of the freshness. Become most aware
Of how quickly the stress begins to wash away.

It’s the most natural thing in the world to do.
When you’re moving your body, you are doing it
Automatically, but you can consciously
Allow in the abundance. Your focus is key
In taking and releasing to your benefit.
You are worthy and loved simply for being you.

So much is ready to come into fruition.
Just breathe it into being. Breathe in happiness.
Fill your lungs and let it infiltrate every part
Of your being. Right now is a good time to start
Taking in all the goodness and releasing stress.
Breathing life is only about your volition.