
On The Way To Fulfillment

Enjoying The Present Moment

I want things. This is natural. Everyone does.
I don’t need to feel guilty or justify it.
When I do, things don’t happen as quickly as they
Otherwise would. I cannot lead myself astray
Of my purpose for living the way I see fit.
I can never go back to the way that it was.

What I can do is have fun on my way to that
Which I’m wanting. I can have an experience
Of fulfillment while I’m on the path to receive
What I want. It is worthwhile for me to believe
In this theory because it makes absolute sense.
The emotions that I feel reflect where I’m at.

This puts everything in the proper perspective.
I am happy to have a good time on my way
To whatever I want. It matters not one bit
If it’s big or small. I get the full benefit
Of the universal forces that are at play.
They are working to satisfy my objective.

It is fun to identify something I want,
Then find resonance with it, and then to behold
The cooperative components coalesce
To align with the focus of my consciousness.
The feeling of excitement is worth more than gold.
It is one in which I remain tempted to flaunt.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

Give Up The Struggle

Let Momentum Take Its Course

When momentum has gathered there’s no turning back.
Primal urges withstanding, you must go along
With the flow of creation. The reason you feel
Any struggle is that you reject the ideal
Of resistance free living. The current is strong,
So do you have the ability to keep track?

Situations where you’re off folks don’t care about.
You’ll abuse them to the point where they will react
In aggressive defiance. Just leave them alone.
To the world at large, it is best that it’s unknown.
If you want to stay negative, you will attract
Pissed off people in plenitude beyond all doubt.

Focus upon what you want. Let yourself go there,
And let go of resistance. Let the flow take you
To the place you are destined to be, and let go
Of the questions whose answers you don’t need to know.
You can get there not by all the things you can do
But by how you are feeling. It’s done with much care.

When you Give Up The Struggle you free yourself from
Negative thoughts and feelings. You have more control
Over more than you can know. In your letting go
You gain power. What a good thing this is to know!
Get used to the feeling of your becoming whole.
Contemplate only on all the good times to come.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Enjoy The Present

Find something to be happy about – anything,
Then be happy about it, and find another
Thing that will make you happy, and then be happy
About it. Celebrate where you happen to be.
Of the invention of your life, you’re the mother.
To the table, you have an abundance to bring.

Do not try to fix the world. It isn’t broken
Nor is it something worthy of your attention.
Nothing needs to be reformed. Make Peace With Where You
right now. It remains the best thing you can do.

Don’t engage with what’s beyond your comprehension
Because beasts of the past may then be awoken.

Look for things to be happy about, and make lists
Of positive aspects. You can do a rampage
Of appreciation for what is going well
In you life at the moment. You know not to dwell
On the things that aren’t working, so you don’t engage
In the negative. The best part of you resists.

Be selfishly interested in how you feel
In each moment. Let everyone else attend to
How they feel. You’ll fulfill your reason for being.
You’ll delight in your ability for seeing
The big picture. Believe what is in store for you.
You’ll be living the life that is for you ideal.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go

Love It Or Leave It

Good advice comes in handy when I’m not at ease.
If for whatever reason I choose to believe
That I must make things happen, it happens to be
Just the one little thing that is preventing me
From a fruitful encounter. If I can’t achieve
Whatever, then it’s best that it’s cast to the breeze.

As long as I am having fun with it, then the
Momentum is most positive, and it will grow
Into something substantial, which is a good thing.
Something is wrong when I feel myself efforting
Through the process. My conscience is letting me know
That I can be as happy as I want to be.

Energy flows toward anything. When it does
Through me personally, it begins to expand
Into something more interesting. It gathers
Cooperative Components as it slathers
Me with ever more confidence. What I command
Is a power that venerates me just because.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go. This fine advice
Applies to people, places, ideas, and things.
My focus is of value. It is not to waste.
My attention to something cannot be misplaced
On potentially unfulfilling happenings.
I’ll avoid conditions that are meant to entice.

Is This Thought Satisfying?

Happily, Wildly Guessing

Allow your dream to gestate. Train yourself into
Excitement and the vibration of receiving.
Practice thoughts that allow yourself to be aligned
With your dream. You can let it become more defined
To the point where you are totally believing
That your dream will eventually become true.

From the same place the idea of the dream came,
More ideas about how to proceed come too.
Every thought builds momentum if focused upon.
Your outgoing, positive energy is drawn
From the much larger, spiritual part of you.
All the blessings of life you have the right to claim.

Someone cut you off in traffic. That was unkind.
But is that a satisfying thought? It is not.
Then just leave it. If someone shows kindness to you,
You will have positive thoughts. Indeed you will do
Your best to share the blessing. It matters a lot
That you leave any negative thinking behind.

Is This Thought Satisfying? Then keep thinking it
Until momentum gathers. Thoughts that are the same
In vibration will culminate into desire.
Don’t be shocked by the peace of mind you will acquire.
You can make it a powerful feeling good game.
This question asked a lot is to your benefit.

Get Used To It

Life Is Wonderful!

Much fulfillment you have now. The time you have spent
Working on your vibration becomes evident
In your manifestations and how well you feel.
You’re an expert at making your dreams become real.
You have mastered the technique of feeling content
Regardless of conditions that life may present.

Innocently, you like being crazy and wild
With excitement about everything that you do.
You used to be afraid of appearing too weird
To others. That illusion has all disappeared.
You know your craziness as an asset to you.
With it, all your creativity is compiled.

What is crazy is following one’s own guidance
When the vast population at large wants you to
Follow certain conditions that they have laid out
Even though they may generate genuine doubt
As to their sensibility. You are one who
Specializes in crazy in full abidance.

Get used to things working out for you. Get used to
Ideas flowing to you. Get used to timing
That is perfect. This is the way things ought to be.
Get used to good things happening naturally.
Let your bell of being be forever chiming.
Feel the freedom of living a life that is new.

Be Nice To Yourself

Celebrate Who You Are

You know you’re an uplifter. You were born that way.
Your best work, or awareness, or focus should be
On maintaining your vibrational atmosphere.
It takes constant attention, and you’ve made it clear
To the universe you were meant to be happy.
Allowing the wellbeing to you is child’s play.

It’s all about reception. Selective sifting
Through the contrast life offers, your best influence
You are most advocating. Your preparation
For the launching of your wildest dreams has begun.
The advantage you have is renewed confidence
In your quest to be eternally uplifting.

So, be nice to you. Rest well, eat well, and get out
Where there are beautiful things. Think thoughts that feel good.
Your receptive mode has to be attended to
Which means Be Nice To Yourself in all that you do.
That you must be delighted is well understood
By yourself and the universe beyond all doubt.

Advocate for yourself. Pick your favorite thing,
Whatever on the planet it is, then pretend
That you are it. Treat yourself as you would treat that.
Prepare for the conclusions that you’ll arrive at.
There’s no other advice that one could recommend
Than to be receptive to your own wellbeing.

Avoid Disease

Righteous Resistance

Illness runs in the family. Why is this so?
My father died of cancer; my mother, of stroke.
Chances are that I will die in one of these ways.
The constant attention that I give to this plays
A big part in its happening. How I will croak
Is not something to focus on. This much I know.

Illness is lack of wellness. We’re not satisfied
With that phrase, thus the word ‘illness’ is invented.
Too much focus on disease will keep it around.
For every cure, there is another sickness found.
All depends on how the mind is oriented.
We’re objective to the point where health is denied.

In this reality we line up everything.
We say, “This is a bad thing, and this one is good.”
We put so much more emphasis upon illness.
This is why we are making very slow progress
Toward health and wellbeing. It is understood
That knowledge is intelligence. To this we cling.

We must know what we don’t want to know what we do.
This logic is sustainable to the degree
That we snoop only long enough in the abyss
To find the silver lining. Then we can dismiss
With toxic recollections. Objectivity,
In this instance, is of very little value.

Don’t Get Angry

Controlling Negative Emotion

There’s so much to be angry about. Look around
At this world gone psychotic. People everywhere
Congregate with their hatred fully on display.
Discordant, uncomfortable things people say
To provoke confrontation reveal the despair
In the heart of humanity. It is profound.

If such people show up in my experience,
Even if it is only one other, it means
That I’m hooked into that part of them. It is by
My attention to ‘their’ issue. It’s best that I
Remain silent. Why can I not avoid such scenes?
Momentum preestablished is loud and intense.

I’ll do my best to feel good. It isn’t easy
When something important in my life is at stake.
Energy flowing through me bypasses the mind.
Strong reactions are normal, although they’re unkind.
I’ll relax and breath deeply. The time that I take
To detach from the negative is good for me.

Injustice teases anger. What next do I do?
Do I brood in it, spin with it, and talk about
It with others? For me, there’s a much better way
To deal with righteous anger. I’m willing to stay
Far away from circumstances that freak me out.
To this self who is peaceful, I must remain true.

Don’t Tell It Like It Is

Righteous Distraction

Telling the same old story will keep you right where
You don’t want to be any more. What you believe
Is what you are observing. ‘What is’ has you hooked
To the point where ‘what could be’ may be overlooked.
Inspiration from spirit may not be perceived
To be relevant even though all truth is there.

You pinch off the abundance available to
Everyone by your determination to tell
The story like it is. You don’t want to be seen
As delusional. There’s a difference between
Ignorance and psychosis. You know very well
That your reality is created by you.

Feel hopeful about the abundance being there
Instead of disappointed that it hasn’t been.
It’s not a matter of winning the lottery
Nor is it about all of your activity.
It’s about your exuding abundance and then
Owning up to the goodness of which you’re aware.

The loudness of ‘what is’ is just so deafening,
But you do have complete control of the volume.
Tell a different story. What you fabricate
Is the now story that you were born to create.
Knowing no better, the universe will assume
That it is true. To you, what you dream it will bring.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

Tell It The Way You Want It Told

Your Story Your Way

What you’re living is only a temporary,
In the moment indicator of what you are
Offering by vibration. Your feeling creates
A magnetic transmission. Your positive states
Bring about blessings that border on the bizarre,
Yet, this moment, as all, at some point, cease to be.

Tell a different story than the one that you
Were provided by others because it does not
Measure up to the real you, nor does it suffice
As one which includes things that you consider nice.
You are authorized by God to write your own plot.
You’re the star, the director, and the staging crew.

The old story contains things that are best to lose.
When you’re beating the drum of, “I don’t have enough,”
Then you draw others like you and give power to

The notion of not having. What you’re free to do
Is to tell the new story where life isn’t tough.
The best thing about it all is you get to choose.

Listen to the call of your source, and follow through
With the impulse to do something and change the way
You approach life and others. Your story can be
One in which everything works out successfully.
We are all acting with other forces at play.
Be open to what is more refreshing and new.

Be The Advantage

Light Your World

Be The Advantage to yourself and to the world
That you were meant to be. You are the only one
Who creates your reality. Surrendering
To the wellbeing in your life often can bring
Satisfaction wherein a journey has begun
Toward ecstasy. Your compact dreams are unfurled.

On the spectrum of positive emotion, there
Is satisfaction at one end. On the other
Is pure passion and true invincibility.
Let the momentum within your vibration be
Free of thoughts of resistance that sometimes occur
Through the day just by being a bit more aware.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
And allows you to be in the receptive mode.
But once you’re in alignment, you’re truly aligned.
Then go out into the world. No doubt you will find
Manifold blessings which upon you are bestowed.
It’s a good thing to know how the mind is designed.

Through appreciation, versus meditation,
You can feel more dynamic. There’s more energy
You can direct your powerful focus upon.
Any doubt that you can feel your best will be gone.
From contentment to eagerness and clarity
Is traversed in a short time while you’re having fun.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

Life’s Secret

Listen Carefully

The most obvious question is, “What’s life about?”
It’s no secret to many who have come to know
The most accurate answer. That we must survive
Is apparently the reason to stay alive,
To prosper, and to find fulfillment as we grow.
Our Western philosophy leaves us with some doubt.

“You’ve got to go on living,” says society.
“It’s your duty to make it or else,” they will say.
There’s no real necessity to go on living,
Not because life can be harsh and unforgiving,
But because all our troubles are washed clean away.
So, the fear of death must be absurd completely.

The spontaneous nature of nature is such
That it happens of itself without influence
From outside. If you try to command the process
You will falter and encounter much undue stress.
Nature’s code to our feeble minds doesn’t make sense.
Focused in this reality we are too much.

Way deep down far inside us, we basically
Are the fabric and structure of all that exists.
Fireworks in the universe celebrate all
That is happening with it. This isn’t a small
Thing to ponder, even though the ego resists.
You are now living the secret, which is ‘to be.’


Happy About Life

When a car has its brake off, and it’s out of gear
On a steep hill, it will move and gain momentum
Very quickly downward. In the same way, I can
Go from satisfaction to a place better than
Mere contentment. There’s nothing I need overcome
But my own resistance and corruptible fear.

Satisfaction into ecstasy or into
Love or exhilaration, or into passion
Happens as I have practiced. It gets easier
To live life in a way that I most would prefer.
Finding ways to feel good is always in fashion.
The emotional scale is not something that’s new.

I can feel much relief if I go from despair
To revenge, for example. I have some control
With the latter. I don’t want to stay there too long.
In that state, I will end up doing something wrong.
Feeling better is always the ultimate goal.
Of my emotions I am constantly aware.

There is a fine tuning adjustment to be made.
The relief that I feel is more resistive than
Satisfaction, although relief is a good thing.
When I’m satisfied, doors then begin opening.
There’s no other way but to do all that I can
To stay happy. Before, I had been too afraid.

The Luck Of Alignment

Divine Providence

As you look at ‘what is’ in the physical sense,
You offer most of your vibration about it
So that what really is doesn’t make its way through
To the psyche. What you can count on to be true
Is that you’re worthy and powerful. Benefit
From your own built in guidance. There is no expense.

You are bridging the gap between where you are now
And where you want to go. Point in that direction
And delight in the journey. Accept where you are
At the moment. You can practice how to look far
Ahead to where you’re going. This knowing is fun
To partake of. You have but to learn to allow.

Feeling better is the goal. It’s not the money
Or the new job or lover. You can feel good by
Simply imagining or looking at something
That is pleasing to you. This one action will bring
About feelings of happiness. You need not try
To feel better. It can happen most easily.

Hold yourself in alignment with the wellbeing
That abounds. It floods into your experience
Easily when you’re positive. Strive for the best
Feeling you can have in this moment. Leave the rest
To universal sources. Let good times commence.
Take command of the practice of forward seeing.

Happily Ever After

Enjoyment Of Life

Why do you define yourself in such terms of lack?
You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways, nor
Can you argue for your limitations and be
Happy in your life. Forget the past completely.
Feeling better than you have ever felt before
Is a good game when the universe has your back.

You have been trained to look through your physical eyes.
You can learn to feel through vibrational senses.
Do not think your way to it. Find the feeling then
Let the thoughts flow. A deep soothing will happen when
You consume life as it joyfully commences.
Talk yourself into feeling your way to the prize.

“It’s alright. I’m just fine. I was born to be here.
I’m on my path. I’m pure positive energy.
Ideas are flowing to me. Inspiration
Comes to me. I have so much appreciation
For the things I’ve got going that benefit me.
Well enough is in progress. I’ll not interfere.”

General is the way to go – no specific.
Life is meant to be fun. Wellbeing is assured.
Make peace with yourself. Make it alright where you are.
Don’t let others guide you to a place that is far
From where you want to be. Your desire has matured
To where your life can be a virtual picnic.

Removing Your Unhappiness

Overcoming The Blues

Being grateful for whatever experience
Of this moment is doesn’t mean you must give in
To the constant mind chatter. Your acknowledgement
Of your feeling of unhappiness may prevent
It from growing. The only way you can begin
To feel better is by doing what makes good sense.

It makes no sense to ruminate. That only keeps
You locked into your fogginess, so gratefulness
In the moment is difficult. Change your mindset
To one in which the feeling cannot be a threat.
The ill thoughts you keep thinking lead to no access
To the key that will ultimately help you heaps.

Allow it to exist. It takes not a whole lot
Of your mental energy to just let it be
Something that you are feeling. This one simple thing
Will reduce ninety percent of your suffering.
Logic dictates that because it is already,
Accepting its existence is all that you’ve got.

Reconnect with your joy. Sometimes letting things go
That you’ve been collecting helps you to realize
The few things that you value above all the rest.
Your mind and your circumstance can both be addressed
By your knowing that it’s a blessing in disguise.
Let your sorrow upon you a blessing bestow.

Long Lasting Happiness

Unshakable Joy

The purpose of our lives here is true happiness.
The reason is the future. We know not what will
Happen this afternoon. There is no guarantee.
Our lives are based on hope to a wholesome degree.
Even through difficult times our hope can instill
Sufficient energy for the self to progress.

If someone loses hope completely, that very
Mental attitude shortens the life, and it may
Become tragic if there’s nothing to intervene.
Happiness is our purpose. All sadness is seen
As a sorrow contingent. This isn’t to say
That we can’t benefit from it effectively.

There are two kinds of happiness: one sensory.
When we watch a good movie or eat a fine meal
Our senses are engaged, and there is enjoyment.
But it lasts just a short while. The joyful event
Was a flash of the lightbulb. Though it was for real
It cannot keep you happy indefinitely.

Long Lasting Happiness must develop on a
Mental level – not sensory. Calming the mind
That abides by its nature enables insight
To consume life and live it in utter delight.
In the present moment we ultimately find
Happiness. It’s within us. Redeem us it may.

Focus Only On This

Attend To What Is Important

This message from the universe is meant for you.
Who are we? You may call us God. It matters not…
We extend from one consciousness. We are aligned
With the cosmos of which you are. Your humankind
Is our ultimate focus. You’re part of the plot
Of existence. This information isn’t new.

We make worlds, and you make yours a much better place
When you are satisfied and most eager for more.
Getting ready to be ready to be ready
Is but the best emotional state there could be.
Satisfying it is for your hearts to explore
The whole unique experience of time and space.

By your cataloguing and your pigeonholing
What it is that you don’t want and then sharing it
With others, you’re introducing much resistance
To what you really want. The human circumstance
Can improve quite immensely if you will permit
The release of beliefs that are mind controlling.

You came not to just meditate and be happy
In the absence of things that you want, but you must
Meditate and be happy in the absence of
The things that you want for them to come from above
And within you. Your future depends on your trust
In yourselves and in us. How will you have it be?

Care Only About How You Feel

Nothing More Important

Who stands in the full knowledge of who you’ve become
But the One who created you and everything?
Do not fret for a moment about where you are.
According to divinity you have come far
On your path of alignment. You know it will bring
But more blessings, and you know where they all come from.

You could say, “It might take years,” but you realize
That your poking around where you are will only
Keep you in a vibration that doesn’t allow
What you want to come easily right here and now.
When you’re up to speed with who you are you can be
Truly invincible, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Some of us are so hung up on ‘what is’ that we’ve
Gotten used to focusing on the physical.
With our God given senses we experience
Our reality. We have much less confidence
In the real but unseen, and with this rationale,
We have trouble believing before we receive.

Physical essence is intoxicatingly
Attractive because of all the senses you use
To perceive your experience, but if you will
Ignore much of it, much of your dream you’ll fulfill.
Care Only About How You Feel, then you can’t lose.
It’s the key to your being all who you must be.

Be You!

You Are Fantastic

I’m created wonderfully and fearfully
In my mother’s womb. That’s why I’m so full of praise
For that which has begotten my inner being.
My belief in myself is righteously freeing.
I adore God within me right now and always.
There’s no one in this whole world who I’d rather be.

I’m to this world a favor. I am needed here
Or else I wouldn’t be here as who I am now.
I can be no one else but me. All others are
Already taken. I don’t have to look too far
For some person I could be. I need but allow
God to mold me into someone who is most dear.

Stop letting the culture define what’s beautiful.
TV and magazine cover images prove
Only that people’s judgements are fickle and vain.
Falling for such social feces causes much pain.
You’ve been made to feel ugly, but please know that you’ve
Been approved by divinity. This is no bull.

You may not like who you are. You have weaknesses,
But don’t beat up on yourself for all you’ve done wrong.
That will only keep you in a difficult place.
Start enjoying the pleasure of God’s loving grace.
Be the self that you are now and it won’t be long
Before you will know nothing but huge successes.

Feel Good And Behold

Savor The Bliss

There’s nothing more important than that you feel good.
You must be that outrageous about who you are
Because your feeling your best invites everyone
Around you to be uplifted. Your life is fun
And exciting. You know that you’ve come very far
On your journey. Things are working out as they should.

You’re a vibrational being emanating
A signal at all times by the words that you speak,
All the thoughts that you think, and the action you take.
Whatever your focus is on while you’re awake
Is causing you to offer a signal unique,
And the universe for you is advocating.

This is how you create your own reality.
The Law of Attraction matches your vibration
With the proper cooperative components
That deliver life to you. Your only expense
Is your being in love with life and having fun.
You get back what you’re giving out absolutely.

To be consciously aware of what you give out
Is most helpful. You’ve figured things out already.
When you can vocalize what you want and mean it
You can then start relaxing. This way you permit
Unseen forces to make what you want come to be.
It is appropriate for you to sing and shout.

Consistent Enjoyment

The Unending Pleasure In Life

Life is meant for enjoyment and for having fun.
Don’t let anyone fool you into believing
That you are meant to struggle to get anywhere.
That is wrong! You are meant to live without a care
And to become good at the art of receiving.
Much of your work at this point is already done.

We each have a vibrational escrow account
Which means everything wished for from your beginning
Exists now. It is spiritual in essence.
It is accessed simply by the bliss of suspense
In each moment of living. Your world is spinning
As you want it. You can handle any amount.

We translate into reality vibration
By our attention to it and practice of it.
Imagine yourself  traveling to the future
When things have turned out the way that you would prefer.
Then bring back that vibration for your benefit.
This will enhance your receiving mode a crap ton.

The next step is consistency. You’ve already
Achieved close enough proximity to your dreams.
Be aware of the thoughts you think – or stop thinking
Altogether. You’ll note the universe winking
To let you know that everything is as it seems.
Be eternally as happy as you can be.

Satisfaction Made Easy

The Ease Of Feeling Good

How do I make much shorter the time to get there?
There’s a certain condition that I want to change.
By my trying to feel my way through the issue
Perhaps I’ll get a clue as to what I should do
To feel some satisfaction. I need to arrange
My emotions thoroughly and with utmost care.

What emotions would I feel if I had this thing
That I have been wanting? How indeed would I feel
If it were right before me? I’d be satisfied,
Happy, contented, fulfilled, and worthy inside.
Harmony in the knowing that this is for real
I behold, and it takes not my analyzing.

I’m right there now without having the condition
To put me there. This is a phenomenal feat.
If I keep practicing this I’ll know the power
Of attraction and wellbeing each waking hour.
I must recognize the fact that my life is sweet
No matter the condition. It’s how life is done.

Focusing on something that’s not yet come to be
From a place of alignment and not from wanting
Or needing it desperately, I overcome
The resistance that is surely keeping me from
Creating and receiving. No longer daunting
Is the path that I travel. I’m finally free.

Reset Your Energy

Get Life Moving Again

I want to feel wellbeing, and I want to thrive,
But I feel weak and vulnerable to disease.
When my body and things around me are unwell
All my passion about life is gone straight to hell.
If someone has an answer give it to me please.
There must be more to living than staying alive.

By my deciding how I want to feel and by
Rendering how I feel now as unimportant
I can help myself greatly. The way I feel
Is the most important thing. In order to heal
I must release resistance. If I feel I can’t
Then it can’t be a problem for me if I try.

I can make an emotional jump. I can feel
Just a little less worried. Relief I can find
By finding thoughts that give me a reason to be
Optimistic. I recover naturally
By asking questions specifically designed
To get me to the place where my body can heal.

It’s an issue of energy and how it flows,
Or does not, through the body. My emotions are
Indicators. I don’t have to figure out how
To feel just a bit better. I need but allow
Wellbeing to take over. I’m not all that far
From an energy reset that I won’t oppose.

Surrender To Your Worthiness

Goodness Embraces You

We may often fall victim to comparison.
In our determination to feel unworthy
Or subservient in some way, we’ve concluded
That for everything there’s a price to pay. With dread
We consider becoming who we want to be
So it is hard to get almost anything done.

The only price that you pay is your alignment.
Your absence of resistance is all that you need
To feel that you’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing. In fact, it engulfs all of us.
Know that in your surrender to it you are freed
To pursue anything that’s to your heart’s content.

Often we pay with struggle by thinking that we
Haven’t jumped through enough hoops or kissed the right ring
To deserve something different, and our armor
Prevents blessings from penetrating to the core
Of our beingness. Success does not effort bring,
And hard work is not needed for prosperity.

The meek will inherit this earth someone once said
A long time ago. He meant the non-resisted
Lighthearted, free feeling folk who are allowing,
Not angry or determined but understanding
And accepting of the goodness that lies ahead.
Surrender To Your Worthiness. Don’t be misled.

Wake Up Happy

A Fine Day Awaits

One eliminates false starts by being prepared
With the intention of having an awesome day.
While asleep you were in the non-resistant mode.
Now awake, you’re a clean slate. You’ve released the load
That existed before sleeping, and you can stay
In that space. By you it need only be declared.

It’s another day on planet earth. This is why
It’s a great day. No other reason needs to be.
You have no idea what’s going to happen.
Feeling good once can certainly happen again.
Do not carry anything forward that really
With your spiritual program cannot comply.

Break the conventional patterns holding you back
From becoming the person you are deep inside.
Social structures and mannerisms are a toll
On your creative energy. You become whole
Only when your true self is not being denied.
You can know that you’re totally free from attack.

Let the subconscious programming that you create
Redirect you to the place where you want to be.
There’s a moment while you are playing the program
Where you will ask yourself if your work’s worth a damn.
In that moment there’s power because you are free
To choose whether or not to remain in that state.

Be Nice To Yourself

You Are Worth Everything

You can be an uplifter if you’re uplifted
In the moment and to the core of your being.
What advice can be given to become this way?
Start selectively sifting and learning to play
With your vibrational atmosphere and seeing
Yourself as someone special and hugely gifted.

Your best focus, or work, or constant attention
Is to be advocating your best influence.
As you’re being receptive you are allowing
Universal forces to bring the wellbeing
And a wonderfully rich life experience.
Be yourself, but be happy, and have lots of fun.

Rest and eat well. Get out where beautiful things are.
Play with people who are fun. Think thoughts that feel good.
Watch movies that are uplifting, and stay away
From the patterns that may cause your mood to decay.
Life can be fascinating when it’s understood
That you are worthy. In you’re drama, you’re the star.

Just Be Nice To Yourself. For yourself advocate.
Pick your favorite whatever on the planet
And pretend that you are it, and treat yourself as
You would treat that. Do trust that the universe has
Everything taken care of. Your biggest asset
Is that you have control over what you create.

No Matter What Happens

Even Through The Calamity

Feeling good is the mission but in the best way.
Selfishness and self-consciousness are a bad mix
However, nothing matters to you more than that
You feel good, and with that there is no caveat.
May this have something to do with what’s done for kicks?
And could there be vibrational forces at play?

You’re a vibrational being, and you create
Your own reality. You are emanating
A signal at all times by the thoughts that you think
And the words that you speak. There’s a definite link
Between those simple things and how you are feeling
And the universe matches what you activate.

You get back what you’re giving out now and always.
Be consistently aware of what you give out
With respect to what you want. Your inner being
Knows what you want and leads you toward everything
With the least bit of effort. This leaves you no doubt
That what you do is righteous and worthy of praise.

You’ve a relationship with your reality
Everything that you feel is your interacting
With your intimate surroundings. If happiness
Becomes your dominant quest then you will access
Universal forces that ultimately bring
A life of fulfillment and increased clarity.

Care Only About How You Feel

Your Heart IS Your Guide

A selective sifter you’re encouraged to be
As you pick from the past, present, or the future
What you care about mostly. The way that you feel
Is your guidance momentum. It is the ideal
Thing to focus on always. You can’t be unsure
About how you feel anywhere on your journey.

Only Care About How You Feel no matter what
May be happening or not. You have the power
To care not whether it happens. You are someone
Who receives divine blessings. The things you get done
Are through your true alignment with what you prefer.
Everything that you have to give comes from your gut.

“Have you landed that big job yet?” “It’s right on track,”
You’ll respond to the questioners with the mindset
That things have to be manifested in order
To feel the emotion. That will only deter
What is wanted from coming, with all due regret.
The emotion must come first before you get jack.

You create your reality. You don’t’ face it.
By using the condition to help you conclude
What it is that you’re after then focusing on
The preferred condition, much energy is drawn
From the universe to the intention pursued.
That it hasn’t occurred yet matters not one bit.

Feeling Good Lets It In

The Key To Ultimate Acceptance

It seems that life programs us for not feeling good
And for not having fun. It’s because the contrast
That manifests in this time space reality
Is for our spiritual growth ultimately.
Hard work is honored. We’re taught to remain steadfast
In our struggle, as every good citizen should.

This mindset becomes outdated in the long run.
Leveraging of energy is easier
Than action that is taken. It doesn’t take much
Energy if you are wholeheartedly in touch
With you true self. Only pleasantness can occur
In the process of chilling while getting things done.

Time shortage consciousness stems from too much effort
Or focus on something that can be easily
Taken care of through your thought or meditation.
Energy outdoes action a billion to none.
You are now realizing how life ought to be.
Universal forces give you loving support.

It takes not long for you to be in such a state
Of contentment where nothing at all bothers you.
From there you have control over this universe.
This is quite the real deal. We’re not here to rehearse.
Is feeling good something that is long overdue?
It’s time to let the goodness in. Why do you wait?

I Appreciate Who I Am

You Are Naturally Magnificent

Several billion people live on earth so far.
Each one of us is special with our points of view
And connections with others. Our resonating
With vibrational concepts does good graces bring.
The Law of Attraction orchestrates all we do.
Stardust formed into consciousness is what we are.

I appreciate myself and others because
We are all one big process destined to evolve
Into our exaltation. I am gratified
In knowing that I’m wonderful deep down inside
Even though not around me does the world revolve.
I’m subject happily to spiritual laws.

A bright light is shown upon what I’ve created.
More awakened I become, with each brand new day,
To who I really am minus all the nonsense
Of the ego. I live always in present tense.
I think thoughts that are pleasing and mind what I say
To myself and to others. I am elated.

I remember the bigness of who I am, and
I appreciate differences among us.
The broadness of the playground we get to create
Is our means of expansion. I appreciate
My role in the process. There’s a world to discuss.
I anticipate what the universe has planned.

How Much Do You Value Yourself?

How Do You Feel?

How do you feel about yourself? Are you okay
With who you are, and does anything make you proud?
Self-worth is about who you are – not what you do.
If in this area you’re feeling somewhat blue
Like a general misfit who’s lost in the crowd
Do not feel you’re alone. Many folk are this way.

Much of the problem isn’t yours. Society,
With its strong focus on ‘healthy’ competition,
Gets you comparing yourself to others instead
Of your intrinsic value. Do not be misled
By what makes you feel worse. Your only solution
Lies within you. You can’t let the world pass you by.

There will always be someone more successful or
More attractive or richer. That’s why self-esteem
Is a trap for most people. The game isn’t fun
Nor is it healthy for you. You’re the only one
Who can concentrate on your most fulfilling dream
Then the universe will give you strength and much more.

If someone handed you a fifty dollar bill
That was tattered and torn, crumpled up and dirty,
You would accept it as if it were crisp and new.
Life can beat, tear, and crumple, but you are too
Of much worth to the universe. When you can see
This as absolute fact then life becomes a thrill.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Resistance In The Body

All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Everyone has one that is in excellent shape,
But that self is a counterpart of your body.
If you stub your toe, the message may simply be
‘Watch your step’ because it was a narrow escape.
Sadly, the only word that rhymes with ‘self’ is ‘shelf.’

Let’s say you have an expectation that something
Will occur but it doesn’t and then you resist
The process that’s unfolding which causes you pain.
You act on it, but everything done is in vain.
The intensity of it cannot be dismissed.
You are caught in the trap of overreacting.

You are not buying into the natural flow
Of how things unfold in your life, understanding
Not that things are occurring to give you the chance
To know more about yourself, so the circumstance
Of the pain that is present is an offering
Of a wonderful opportunity to grow.

Whether your pain be physical or of the mind
Know that in it there is a magnificent clue
Regarding what is needed for your wellbeing.
Pain can sometimes help us toward better seeing
Things we do to ourselves without our meaning to.
This message is designed for all of humankind.

Feel Better Instantly

Joyful Innocence

We adults have our aliments, especially pain
That comes on rather suddenly causing distress.
We also have discomforts in the gut and chest.
Competition is fierce to provide what is best
To address our conditions as we acquiesce
To the real life of rigors and of constant strain.

There is not an emotion associated
With a feeling of stuckness within the body.
It’s just sluggish and present. It comes and it goes.
It is good that children do not suffer the woes
Of the unevolved adult who happens to be
The student in this instance. Much more can be said.

But this poem is finite in length. We can find
Relief from pain and discomfort most easily
By relaxing into it letting the mind drift
While thinking only thoughts that will soothe and uplift.
One can then ask the question, “Is this good for me?”
Coaxing oneself in this way is much more than kind.

Reaching for feelings of relief are we always…
From fear, hatred, revenge, anger, worry, and doubt…
And a half a mile other ways of resistance.
It’s good to be happy in any circumstance.
Being free like a child is what it’s all about.
Their example is certainly worthy of praise.

That Was Then…

The Past Is Of No Use

Once my manifestations always seemed to go
Somewhere else and my life was an absolute mess
Of revenge and frustration. I know well by now
How to shift my mood consciously and to allow
Natural goodness to which I have full access.
Did I need pain and sorrow in order to grow?

Maintaining my vibration is certainly key
To my forward momentum. I cannot afford
The wasting of my life force on feeling depressed.
It’s my decision only if I am obsessed
With the negative aspects which should be ignored.
I must entertain only thoughts that will please me.

The work is finding the path of least resistance.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Wonderful things to happen, it’s easy for me
To feel appreciation. I am completely
In relationship with life, and I am endowed
With a spirit that masters any circumstance.

I need not defend or justify to others
Who’ve decided that I don’t deserve happiness.
It erodes my vibration. That was in the past.
Day by day I am learning to live the contrast
Provided for my growing. I suffer much less
And I’m more willing to do what my heart prefers.

Sixty Eight Seconds

One Cycle Of Creation

In four times that it takes for a thought to become
Registered in the psyche, magic can take place
In the way of pure freedom of seeing just how
My own thoughts that are negative must disallow
The least bit of attention. I know that my grace
Is in going more general. I’ll beat that drum.

If I start off by thinking of just having fun…
People laughing and moving about gleefully…
Then more thoughts like that follow. But if I get stuck
In a negative thought stream, am I out of luck?
Noticing when I am there may train me to be
Mindful of how, in general, life is to run.

If my thought takes a downturn, and I act quickly,
I can simply stop thinking it before it grows
Into much of a monster. I can start again
Going general until I reach the point when
I can do it unconsciously. Who would oppose
Having heart healing focus? That wouldn’t be me.

The specifics fill into my general view
Of this life that I’m given as I play along
Not opposing the present. The way things may be
May not be the reason for my not being free
To live life any better than utterly wrong.
In a handful of seconds, all can become new.

Just A Few Laughs Away

The Levity Solution

All because of the context in which I’m focused,
Understanding who I am I take on with glee.
I like nitty gritty experiences where
I acknowledge that things could be better, and there
Is a trust that I feel that no harm comes to me.
If I can find some laughter in life, it is just.

I make too much of all of this. Life should be fun.
If I lighten up more I’ll find humor in things.
I’m too hard on myself in my relationship
With where I want to be. Misery I can skip
If I make peace with where I am. Many blessings
Are available to me, the determined one.

I’ll play down all the negative things about me
And play up everything positive I can find
In a life punctuated with so much disgust.
How I wish I were able to turn it to dust
But I can’t so I’m forced to just leave it behind.
In my next life I shall behave differently.

I must know that the universe will yield to me
All that I’ve created both now and forever.
Were I given a glimpse of the aerial view
Of my life’s full potential, I wouldn’t be blue.
I would be laughing insanely at whatever.
I’m already crazy. The rest comes easily.

Get Out Of Trouble

Escaping The Rubbish

Ominous is the feeling that cripples my soul.
What may happen is dreadful. I can’t think about
Devastation, poverty, and deep emptiness.
If I’m so out of balance and crippled with stress
Over what I’ve created, there is little doubt
That I can get a grip and take back some control.

How can I shift my frequency, when in despair,
To one higher, if that is even possible?
Luckily it can be done without going mad
Through a process and promise that is ironclad.
I can save my own life if I am docible
Of the logic of wellbeing which isn’t rare.

Everything is a lesson. Each experience
Is for me a perfect opportunity to
Let myself be the best student that I can be.
I would gain some awareness of dark parts of me.
Giving up is the worst thing on earth I could do.
Nonexistence is futile and doesn’t make sense.

To say that it’s too difficult reinforces
My belief that it’s difficult. I can divest
Myself of negative thoughts about what is taught.
If I see myself in others, I won’t be caught
In the trap of hopelessness. This life is the test.
Its curriculum consists of many courses.

Forget Bad Memories

Releasing the Negative Past

It was gross and traumatic – all that I went through.
Memories still catch up with me no matter where
I decide is a good place to block them away.
Deep inside me where they don’t belong they will stay.
Am I worthy enough to relive my despair?
Is there some way that I can live my life anew?

In the present, the past is created by me.
To better wrap my head around this, I accept
That everything is here and now. What I can’t do
Is invalidate what I don’t like. It is true
That I must come from a neutral place. What is kept
That is of no use can be released completely.

If I’m putting too much emphasis on the pain,
I must know that I do have the power to choose
To unlock from the feelings that I don’t prefer.
Putting my focus elsewhere, relief will occur.
Otherwise I will be open to self-abuse.
Logic dictates the choice if I’ve not gone insane.

It really doesn’t matter what happens – only
What I do with what happens that determines how
I will deal with the future. Toxic memories
Linger as long as needed until my heart sees
Past my old belief systems. If I can allow
Some relief in this moment, much better I’ll be.

Just Relax

Nothing Is The Matter

In the making of peace with the way things are now
You prepare for excitement and blessings to come.
Now is where your control is. Choosing how you feel
In the moment, you ensure each one is ideal.
You need not know the details of where all comes from.
All you need do is relax and learn to allow.

Releasing of resistance relieves the tension
That prevents you from feeling well inside your skin.
Just Relax and be happy. Give up your struggling.
All that does is create roadblocks. It doesn’t bring
What it is that you’re after. Now you can begin
Feeling better. Get ready for your ascension.

The first manifestation you experience
As you relax some is an emotional one.
You feel better, and this is most significant.
The least bit of relief that is felt will enchant
Your most creative spirit. You can get more done
Doing nothing but being fulfilled by suspense.

Who the heck cares where you are if you are on track?
No one does, and you shouldn’t. All that you need do
Is love this present moment and watch for the signs
Of all good taking place in your life. This aligns
You to your inner being – the true part of you.
You will realize freedom and never look back.

Feel Better Instantly

Capture The Moment

In my gut there’s some stuckness. My lungs, chest, and heart
Feel a little too heavy. Is there something wrong
With my processing of life? Is this atonement
For bad acts of the past? Does my body repent
Through its not feeling right? Does my asking prolong
The process of recovery? I’m not that smart.

I ask too many questions, so thank God for those
Who have knowledge sufficient. I’m not feeling pain
And I need not describe it with an emotion
Even though at its core there probably is one.
Psychoanalysis would mean that I’m insane.
Must I rely on everything everyone knows?

Relax into your pain. If you are lying down
Pretend that there is a big sponge underneath you.
Your pain will be drawn out, and the thoughts that you think
Should be simply uplifting and not on the brink
Of your sinking right back into your feeling blue.
Pain ignores the fact that you are wearing a frown.

Sensations of discomfort and deep unsettling
You are reaching relief from, and negative thought
Keeps you in the emotion of blame, doubt and fear.
Your relief from resistance comes when thoughts are clear.
Nothing else but your feeling better can be sought.
You are the perfect master of your wellbeing.

The Key To My Happiness

The Way Of Living Well

I don’t want to feel ornery, out of control
And disgusted with people and life constantly.
I would rather feel happiness and loving grace.
From the way that I am can I get to that place
Where I am never bothered by things that I see?
Is there some way of thinking that can make me whole?

I need to feel hopeful then I’m right on the brink
Of entering a vortex of untold delight.
It’s imaginary. The domain of this space
Is between hope and belief where I can embrace
Everything in my world that I know is alright.
I need only take care of the thoughts that I think.

Feeling hopeful, I am in the vicinity
Of this vortex, and I know that I’ll be swept in
Easily as the Laws of Attraction take place.
I need only let go. I have nothing to chase.
As I release resistance I’m free to begin
Feeling better than ever. This sits well with me.

If I’m not doing that thing that’s holding me back
Everything takes a turn in the right direction.
I can know that it is so just by how I feel.
Maintenance of the feeling can’t be an ordeal.
My work is to be happy and have as much fun
As I can in this life. I know that I’m on track.

Avoid Disease Forever

Attitudinal Protection

Sometime when you were little you may have been told
That your aunt died of cancer… your grandmother too.
If you were told that it runs in the family
And that you will die from it, it’s easy to see
How you can make it happen. All that can ail you
Does it because your mind has been thoroughly sold.

When you focus on something you don’t want, you are
Blocking energy flow that provides wellbeing
To your body most naturally. It is true
That illness is simply lack of wellness. This clue
Is forgotten by many who end up seeing
Sickness as part of nature – a notion bizarre.

With our words we’ve become such communicators.
We believe that speech passes good information
But we don’t need to identify with the lack
Of a thing that is normal. It’s like talking smack
When the word illness is used. It gets not much done
To facilitate healing and effective cures.

We’ve been trained to believe that objectivity
Is intelligent. This notion needs to be changed.
We create what’s not wanted by giving it names
And solutions that come with extravagant claims.
Some of them are produced by the truly deranged.
We each have guidance systems to keep us healthy.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Relax and Be Blessed

You are powerful beings with like energy –
Like that which creates worlds. It flows freely through you
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
With God’s wind at your back you are meant to go far
On your blessed life journey. The thing you must do
Is decide that you’re just going to be happy.

Enjoy all of your moments of inspiration.
Wonderful it has been. It continues to be
A life filled with excitement and many blessings.
You have much to look forward to in terms of things
Of the eternal spirit. Eventually,
Anything that you’re doing will be lots of fun.

You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment.
Clarity and prosperity both will improve.
You’ll appreciate others and feel more alive.
Under adverse conditions you are meant to thrive.
And your point of attraction is destined to move
Many things into your life through conscious intent.

Focus yourself in the direction of the way
That is of least resistance. Your constant worldview
As a worthy world citizen is one of peace.
Through the turmoil apparent you find your release
Paying attention to things that matter to you.
Know that things will get better as soon as today.