Tag Archive | eternally

Being Happy

Pure Happiness

There’s no mystery to it. It’s simply a choice
That you make to be happy. All it takes is your
Willingness to look forward – not where you have been.
Many doors of opportunity open when
You get happy. When you do you get a lot more
Out of life. This is probable cause to rejoice.

People may ask you, “How are you doing?” But you
Don’t want to answer that question. Where you’re going
Is what you want to tell them so answer that way.
They may not understand anything that you say.
The only thing they’re interested in knowing
Is if you’ve been successful in all that you do.

Where you are now and where you’ve been are not where you
Want to focus. You cannot have been and you can’t
Be as good as you’ve become vibrationally.
Where you’re going is really where you want to be.
When you feel it’s appropriate go on a rant
About it. Always maintain your positive view.

The larger part of you has already gone where
You have pointed it. Follow it and you will be
Delighted on your journey. To not go is to
Deny yourself of the blessings offered to you.
It’s not difficult to live your life happily
When with how you are feeling you fervently care.

Looking Forward

In The Distance

You have to begin telling the story of where
You are going – not where you are or where you’ve been.
Looking Forward is looking where your spirit knows
You should be and you must go where your spirit goes.
You’ll find satisfaction with yourself only when
You decide that you’re going to get yourself there.

If someone asks, “How are you?” you want to hear that
And then translate that into, “Where are you going?”
In your own mind. You don’t want to answer the way
They’d expect so to them you can truthfully say
That your cup of abundance is overflowing.
You can put meaning into your idle chitchat.

“How have you been?” You don’t even want to go there.
How and where you’ve been isn’t where you want to be.
Say to them, “Everything’s unfolding as it should.”
This response from you may not be well understood
But you can coax them into your reality.
All about where you’re going is what you can share.

The much larger part of you has already gone
To where you want to be. Somewhere along the trail
You’ll get stuck but don’t fret. Just remember that you
With your conscious intention can think something new.
Be content in knowing that your truth will prevail.
It’s one thing that you can always depend upon.

A Co-Rampage

Sound Off

At this moment, where all of my power is, I
Have a knowing. Wellbeing continually
Is available to me. It’s been underway
For a long time. I feel more with each brand new day
Confident that goodness is the majority
Of existence, though contrast I cannot deny.

The momentum that I’ve planned and practiced is now
Paying off, and I live for that feeling of trust
In the universe and in the essence divine
Which tells me that my life and the world are just fine.
If I don’t have that feeling I need to adjust
My vibration. I’m glad that by now I know how.

It’s not urgent that I always stay out ahead
Of every situation. If I slip away
From that sense of wellbeing I can easily
Get right back to it. I do it naturally.
There’s no reason that in a bad mood I should stay
When I can reach a state of happiness instead.

The blending of myself with the best part of me
Is delicious, and nothing else will ever do.
There’s no regression. I can’t go back to the way
That I was. In that place of alignment I’ll stay.
I must release the old to embrace what is new.
From the chains of my troubled self I’ve broken free.

Being Happy

Wonderful Feeling

Look Forward – no backward nor where you are right now.
Where you’re going should be your most potent concern.
Begin telling your story as you’d have it be.
No matter what the subject be passionately
About how it’s evolving. Everything will turn
Out magnificently. You need but to allow.

Folks will ask how you’re doing or how you have been.
Even if you’ve been doing well, you can’t answer
Such questions because you can’t be as good as you
Have already become in the clear point of view
Of your innermost being who loves to concur
With whatever you’re focused on time and again.

When someone asks how you’re doing, you can translate
That into: “Where are you going?” You may reply,
“Everything is unfolding perfectly for me.
Everything’s right on schedule. I am completely
Looking Forward to good things.”
You don’t have to try

To explain why you’re in such a positive state.

The larger part of you has already gone where
You have pointed. You want to partake of the ride.
Negative emotion means you’re stuck on the trail.
Just let loose of where you are and you will prevail
On your path to true happiness. Be satisfied
Not with now, but what’s coming, and stay focused there.

Setting Intentions

Creating Your Dreams

The purpose of your Setting Intentions is to
Allow all the things that you’ve been wanting to flow
Into your life experience. You understand
That this is a vibrational universe, and
You are exhilarated about this to know.
What you want to make happen can then become true.

What you’re thinking and feeling and what you’re getting
Are a vibrational match always to be sure.
You are the creator of your experience.
Practicing allowing makes the wisest of sense.
In itself it is a wonderful adventure,
One in which there is nothing worth your regretting.

Allowing means acknowledging all the good things
About your life. It means basking and frolicking
In the positive aspects of you’re here and now.
Everything’s done already. You need not know how
To make things happen for you. Indeed everything
Comes to you easily. It’s what happiness brings.

You are looking for only what you want to see.
The variety of objects of attention
Is enough that you easily find wellbeing.
Do what you need to do to enhance your seeing.
Look not upon life with undue apprehension.
You can dream your world as you believe it should be.

Being Happy

The Most Popular Choice

What a beautiful portrait – a happy person
With a bright face that lets everyone around know
That she’s in full alignment. She’s not just okay.
Life to her is a game that is much fun to play.
The arrow pointing forward is the way to go.
She does better in this way than most anyone.

People mean well when they ask, “How are you doing?”
Or, “How have you been?”. These aren’t the proper questions

That a person should ask of another because
Where you’re going is more important than what was
Or what is now. Neither can provide solutions
So interrogation may lead to your bluffing.

Folks you may know demand that you tell them straight out,
“Did you get that promotion that you want badly?”
You may answer, “It’s all right on schedule.” But they
Will but scoff and just go on about their own way.
It is all taken care of vibrationally.
Your are in separate worlds. There can be no doubt.

Others are stuck in the world of where you have been
And how you are now doing, but you’re focused in
The most forward direction life has taken you.
When you’re stuck on your path the one thing you can do
Is to count on the guidance you get from within.
You have no need to be where you once were again.