Tag Archive | appetite

Fun Along The Way

Pure Exhilaration

Let’s say that you’ve a list of things that you desire
Such as physical conditions, relationships,
Emotions, and material objects. Now make
A statement about each for happiness’ sake.
Be emphatic with the words that come from your lips.
Let the universe know that you heart is on fire.

Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that. I
Want to have a great time while I’m on my way to
Everything that I want.”
This puts everything in

The proper perspective so that you may begin
Understanding the power you have within you
To stay happy without even having to try.

It’s a journey that never ends. It matters not
Whether the steps are large or small. It just matters
That they’re fun while you’re taking them while on your way
To whatever you’re after. To live every day
Happily is to ignore the voice that chatters
With concern about all the things you haven’t got.

All along the way you receive inspiration
And you get to see the results of it right now.
There’s no gap between where you want to be and where
You are now and you have more of yourself to share
With the world. It becomes easier to allow
Into your life all the fruits of your creation.

Why Aren’t I A Millionaire Yet?

Genuine Wondering

If you’re asking yourself this you’re introducing
Resistance into the equation. Just step back
Away from the specifics and go general.
Get yourself to believe that the universe shall
Give it to you. You may have some feelings of lack
In your current vibration and in your asking.

“I have the potential to receive anything
That I want.”
There’s no resistance in that statement.

“I’m getting better at this. I’m getting closer
To where I want to be and all that I prefer.”

The key to your receiving is feeling content
And trusting in all that the universe will bring.

“I know that others who are now billionaires were
At one time standing right where I’m standing right now.
I look for abundance everywhere that I go
And I’m thankful for all of the blessings that flow
Presently into my life. I’ve learned to allow
My thinking to be on the things I most prefer.”

This productive self-talk can be done easily.
Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge.
Feed the appetite of your realization.
Be content in the knowledge that you are someone
Who can navigate well out on this leading edge
Of creation where anything can come to be.

Abundance Unlimited

Visible Currency

What I love about living is all the freedom
To be, do, or have anything. This universe
Is abundant. Those who are now wealthy once were
Just like me so I can live the life I’d prefer
And it’s time now for all that exists to disburse
Unto me a way of getting lots of income.

In my own life experience I look for the
Abundance – not just money but clarity and
Physical energy and wellbeing. I know
That I will come across more by my doing so.
That I can have it all is what I understand.
I am thankful for what so far has come to me.

I know that it won’t all come immediately.
I would not want it that way. A nice steady stream
Flowing to me is what I want. I don’t have to
Figure it all out at once. Indeed what is true
Is that unseen forces are aware of my dream
In explicit detail. What a joy to be free!

I love the interest I have on so many
Different subjects. I’m the creator of my
Own reality. I know intuitively
What to do. My abundance is absolutely
Guaranteed all without my not having to try.
All I need to do is live my life happily.

On The Way To Fulfillment

Enjoying The Present Moment

I want things. This is natural. Everyone does.
I don’t need to feel guilty or justify it.
When I do, things don’t happen as quickly as they
Otherwise would. I cannot lead myself astray
Of my purpose for living the way I see fit.
I can never go back to the way that it was.

What I can do is have fun on my way to that
Which I’m wanting. I can have an experience
Of fulfillment while I’m on the path to receive
What I want. It is worthwhile for me to believe
In this theory because it makes absolute sense.
The emotions that I feel reflect where I’m at.

This puts everything in the proper perspective.
I am happy to have a good time on my way
To whatever I want. It matters not one bit
If it’s big or small. I get the full benefit
Of the universal forces that are at play.
They are working to satisfy my objective.

It is fun to identify something I want,
Then find resonance with it, and then to behold
The cooperative components coalesce
To align with the focus of my consciousness.
The feeling of excitement is worth more than gold.
It is one in which I remain tempted to flaunt.

Reason And Passion

Table Games

My soul is oftentimes a grotesque battlefield
Upon which judgment and reason wage bitter war
Against passion and appetite. Is there someone
Who could be the peacemaker to get the work done
That my discord and rivalry I’ll exchange for
Melody amid oneness wherein I am healed?

But how shall you address my most troublesome need
Unless I myself make peace with all elements
That my being consists of? Passion and Reason
Are the sails and the rudder. The voyage begun
Without one or the other must lead to events
Unbecoming a vessel. Who could intercede?

Reason ruling alone is a force confining,
And passion unattended is an open flame
That burns to its own destruction. For this reason
Let my soul exalt reason in praise of passion
For without proper guidance it will cause me shame.
As two guests in my home much do both of them bring.

I then treat them as equal. To elevate one
Is to lose the faith and love from both of the two.
Among hills as I sit in the cool shade of trees
I’ll know God rests in reason. From that place of ease
God also moves in passion. I am the one who,
As a leaf in the forest, has only begun.

This Repetitive Statement

Keep Reminding Yourself

Galaxies made of words poets are thankful for.
Grains of sand can be shaped into castles most grand
That succumb to erosion by nature or fate.
But they do have much power in that they create
In the minds of most people what all understand
As a means to share consciousness and to keep score.

Let’s say that you’ve a list of unfulfilled desires.
One good way to approach this is also easy.
Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that thing.”
It puts things in perspective. Indeed it will bring
What you want most assuredly as you will see
In your manifestations and all that transpires.

“I just want to have fun on my way to that job
Or that huge sum of money… “ whatever it be.
Having fun on the way there is well justified
Then fulfillment of wishes cannot be denied.
To watch something I want manifesting for me
Is a feeling that no one on this earth can rob.

It matters not if steps you take are big or small.
It just matters that you’re having fun on the way.
There’s no gap between where you are and want to be.
You can feel where you want to be most vividly
Should you slip into sadness through part of my day
It is fun to discover and not take the fall.