Tag Archive | unfulfilled desire

Unfulfilled Desire

Strongly Hopeful

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you know
For damned sure that the things that you ask for will flow
Into your life. You manifest much better than
You may think. You may think you need some refinement.

You’re connected to Source Energy. Resources
Are available to you to guide you to where
You most want to be. The moment you give birth to
A desire the universe delivers to you
All the clues necessary to take you right there.
You’re taken care of by spiritual forces.

Into the future you can propel the problem
With you mind and the solution will follow suit
If you let go of worry and take it easy.
Look for reasons to feel good. There are so many
To consider. Partake of the low hanging fruit
Of your life. Find some puppies and give love to them.

Let the things that feel good to you call out to you.
Don’t beat up on yourself when you’re in a moment
Of not being able to find wholeness. Instead
Find the most relief possible. Don’t fill your head
With ideas and opinions that will prevent
Your most cherished of dreams from ever coming true.


Love In Bloom

When you feel negative emotion it’s a sign
That the larger part of you has expanded to
A new place but you have chosen not to go there
For some reason of which you may not be aware
Consciously or it could be a problem that you
Cannot handle without some help from the divine.

Preferences about life that you have become
Integral parts of your Vortex of Creation.
As you sift through the contrast that life offers you
What you want will be evident and a brand new
Wish will enter your Vortex. Manifestation
Then must follow. It’s where most everything comes from.

Where you are now is perfect. You’ve done nothing wrong.
There’s nothing that you need to change. Where you now stand
Is in this perfect relationship between you
And the expanded part of you. Be open to
What that part has to tell you. Take it by the hand.
Let it guide you. Let it keep your vibration strong.

Make peace with where you are. It’s where you’re meant to be
And it’s perfect! You get to do something about
Getting into alignment. Enjoy the journey
Of becoming a person who lives happily
Ever after. There’s no need to figure things out.
Enjoy the Perfection of moving energy.

In Sync With The Solution

Eye On Potential

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that in the
Moment a problem happens it’s effectively
Taken care of. This way works out much better than
Freaking out. Instead you remain rather content.

You can speed the problem right into your future
When you do right behind it the solution will
Follow quickly. The contrasting experience
Gives birth to the solution. It makes perfect sense.
You’ve come here with a whole lot of dreams to fulfill
And about this you can be absolutely sure.

You can change lanes before the accident happens
Or receive an impulse to give someone a call.
You can find the thought or act that moves you toward
Wellness rather than illness. You can be restored
To perfection. You can take advantage of all
That you can when you see the world through a new lens.

Come to know that there’s nothing that you cannot be,
Do, or have. Look for reasons to feel good and let
The abundance of wellbeing satisfy you.
If you can do this then anything you can do.
Sync up with the solution if you haven’t yet.
Do what you need to do but do it happily.


Perfect Cut

Like a huge uncut diamond is your true essence.
Do you need to be perfect in anyone’s eyes
But your own? Be aware of the God within you.
Don’t accept anyone’s negative point of view.
You live life as you want to when you realize
That you are of perfection way beyond expense.

You sift through the variety that life offers,
And you come up with personal preferences
About what you want. These preferences are heard
By the universe. It hears every single word
That you utter or think. There are no pretenses
Regarding your vibration to which all refers.

If you had not expanded to a new place, you
Would not feel the discord of your not going there.
All of the negative emotion that you feel
Is a lovely indicator that can reveal
What you may have forgotten due to lack of care
For the way you’ve been feeling. Your joy is come due.

Where you are is just perfect. You’re on a journey
That does not have an ending. There’s always going
To be a new perspective, and with it, contrast.
Let go of all the negative stuff from the past.
It’s no challenge for you to continue growing
In perfection throughout all of eternity.

Any Reason For Joy

Spontaneous Happiness

What’s so appealing about unfulfilled desire?
You’re not the only Vortex through which answers come.
Connected to Source Energy you are always.
It and you are deserving of infinite praise.
It is where all your creative power comes from.
What state of consciousness does this moment require?

You’ve the resources to discover the answer
To any question and to find the solution
To every problem. Contrast causes you to ask.
It is answered immediately, and your task
Is to feel good and watch for the evolution
Of abundance in your life begin to occur.

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you’ll find
Answers to problems before they’ve entered your mind.
Feeling anticipation is much better than
Neediness and a sense of psychic confinement.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You can change lanes before the accident happens.
You can find the thought or the action that it takes
Toward illness or wellness. So, for goodness sakes,
Consider your feelings to be your best of friends.
Feel the best that you can now, and take it easy.


As I’m sifting through contrast, the variety
Of the things I don’t want in my life I welcome.
It means that I’m alive, and what life is about
Is accepting all circumstances with no doubt
That they can get much better. The best rule of thumb
Is to trust that the universe does support me.

I’ve a deep relationship with that part of me
Who is larger, much wiser, and connected to
Everything in existence. Emotionally
I can know that my inner self wants me to be
At the peak of perfection. All that I need do
Is desist from the struggle and dare to be free.

If I have not expanded to a newer place
I would not feel the discord of not being there.
If I have not become it, then I wouldn’t feel
Discomfort about it. It is meant to reveal
What I’d like to see happen, and with utmost care
Negative episodes I may learn to embrace.

Where I am now is perfect from the point of view
Of my innermost being who sees everything
As a work in the making. There always will be
Something new to desire. I’m eternally
In the process of being more and becoming
Ever closer to perfect than what is now true.