Tag Archive | inclination

Magical Day

Purple Passion

A new day has begun. Once again you’re awake.
You have reemerged back into the physical
From a place of pure spirit. Just lie there a while
And ponder anything that will put a big smile
In your heart. Decide that today is magical.
Bask in comfort as you usher in the daybreak.

Offer thoughts such as, “Today, no matter what I’m
Doing, it’s my dominant intent to feel good.”

Then throughout your day look for exactly those things
That feel good and be eager for what the day brings.
That you want to be happy is well understood
By your spirit who’s known you for such a long time.

There will be moments throughout your day when you feel
Negative emotion. It means only that you
Are focused on something you don’t want but you can
Ask yourself what you do want. It’s easier than
Not asking. The answer from your spirit is true.
Shift your focus to something that’s more ideal.

As you move through your day look for more reasons to
Laugh and have fun. Don’t take things too seriously
Then you’re not likely to notice the lack of things
That you want. Your detachment ultimately brings
It all to you. Pure joy is your reason to be.
May the day be an absolute pleasure for you.

More Reasons To Feel Good

Streaming Flow Of Happiness

A flowing stream of happiness starts off my day.
I’m awake. I have reemerged into this world
That is full of such wonder. I bask for a while
And consider those things that will cause me to smile.
My knob of feeling is appropriately knurled
So that I have a firm grip on life’s cabaret.

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing,
It is my dominant intent to look for things
That feel good. When I feel good, my higher power
I vibrate with. The good life I want to devour.
I know that my feeling good ultimately brings
Into my life experience every good thing.

I’m in harmony with that which I consider
To be good. I am in the mode of attracting,
But it’s just good to feel good. Positive aspects
I look for all around me. Indeed, it connects
Me to my higher power. I am reacting
To its infinite guidance. It’s sure to occur.

Negative emotion comes up once in a while.
It means that I am focused on something that I
Do not want. I remember then that I want to
Feel my best. This will usually get me through
What’s already in motion. I don’t have to try
To do anything that doesn’t pay with a smile.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Relax and Be Blessed

You are powerful beings with like energy –
Like that which creates worlds. It flows freely through you
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
With God’s wind at your back you are meant to go far
On your blessed life journey. The thing you must do
Is decide that you’re just going to be happy.

Enjoy all of your moments of inspiration.
Wonderful it has been. It continues to be
A life filled with excitement and many blessings.
You have much to look forward to in terms of things
Of the eternal spirit. Eventually,
Anything that you’re doing will be lots of fun.

You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment.
Clarity and prosperity both will improve.
You’ll appreciate others and feel more alive.
Under adverse conditions you are meant to thrive.
And your point of attraction is destined to move
Many things into your life through conscious intent.

Focus yourself in the direction of the way
That is of least resistance. Your constant worldview
As a worthy world citizen is one of peace.
Through the turmoil apparent you find your release
Paying attention to things that matter to you.
Know that things will get better as soon as today.