Tag Archive | empowered

Your Attention

Brain Bulb

The only reason why people have great success
Seemingly all the time is because they’re able
To see things others can’t see. It’s their attention
That sets them apart. It’s beyond comprehension
How the mind can become completely unstable
To the point where there’s no achieving happiness.

People want Your Attention. It’s the reason why
They do things to attract it. They want you to know
Fully what they’re expressing without distraction.
Your response to them can bring them satisfaction
If you’re kind and you have nothing but love to show.
Respect for their humanity you can’t deny.

Attention without intention – simply being
Is a practice. Essentially you know that you
Exist because you have some sense of attention
At this moment. When you sleep a full suspension
Of attention is certain but it’s to renew
Your consciousness. It’s designed to be stress freeing.

Consciousness is attention – the most evolved part
Of the mind. Memory isn’t as important
As your conscious awareness of the here and now.
When you’re in it a true connection you allow
To your true self expressly. Don’t think that you can’t
Use Your Attention to give your life a new start.

Positive Expectation

Good Times

It’s simply amazing what a life can be yours
When you’re free of resistance and just having fun
With it all. It’s about expecting things to be
Turning out nicely for you, and everybody
That you know shares this freedom of dealing with none
Of the negative energy that closes doors.

You see the world from a different perspective
Than most people do. You find appreciation
In every little thing that occurs around you
And you find simple pleasure in all that you do.
You know that your life is of your own creation
And that happiness is your main reason to live.

You’re feeling more momentum as you begin to
Understand your connection to all that exists.
There’s no effort involved at all in what you do
To find all kinds of things that will satisfy you.
The world wants to play with you. Indeed it insists
That you dare it with your positive point of view.

Positive Expectation comes naturally
With some practice. What you’ve managed to overcome
Is the mindset of the multitude. It’s easy
To live your life the way that you want it to be.
Good things are happening as you’re beating the drum
Of your living your life freely and happily.

The Awesome Leverage Of Alignment

Perceived Opposition

The word ‘pursuing’ is worth consideration
Because this is an ‘attraction’ based universe
And as such there’s no reason to ever pursue
Anything. You need but establish within you
The receptive vibration. You cannot coerce
Your alignment. That’s not the art of creation.

Once your vibration is steady – once it matches
Totally what you want then it will manifest
In the physical but you must enjoy it now.
Though it’s not yet apparent you have to allow
The mere feeling of having it to be expressed.
From your spirit negativity detaches.

Most of any creation is almost complete
Long before plans are drafted and action takes place.
All takes place in the mind first and then vibration
It becomes all by deliberate creation.
Focus only on things that you firmly embrace.
Happiness is the key to a life that is sweet.

Be enlivened. The leverage of alignment
Is so huge in comparison to brute forcing
Your way through life. Take advantage of the power.
Only the good things in life you want to devour.
All the universe has ended up endorsing
All that leads to your spiritual refinement.

How To Heal A Broken Heart

Triple Sorrow

We’ve heard the idea that time heals everything.
Yet if your leg was broken would you just let time
Heal it? Treat your heart with the same level of care
That you would your leg otherwise to your heart there
May be danger. The height of emotional crime
Only rises so onto your heart you will cling.

The danger is that your heart having been broken
Will heal a little too closed, a bit crooked, and
A little too easily bruised if only time
Were the healer. The outcome that would be sublime
Is a parting of ways where you both understand
Why it happened and your hearts have truly spoken.

There’s a movement afoot in the therapeutic
Community. It has to do with Prolonged Grief
– a chronic heightened state of mourning.

Post-Traumatic Growth is now what is happening.
From your heartache you can find a lasting relief.
It may be the only thing that will do the trick.

We’re all at risk of having this experience.
The loss of a loving relationship is one
Of the hardest things to go through. It can break your
Spirit as well as your heart but know that the cure
Is your heartache. It helps in your transformation
Into someone who loves again with confidence.

Life Is Easy

Happy With The Routine

The immensity of it is overwhelming.
It’s my life that I’m talking about. It beats me
To a pulp why things don’t want to turn out my way.
Why do I end up working my ass off all day
Without much satisfaction? I just want to be
Free to live a life that is truly amazing.

I’ll attend my own seminar. I’ve learned enough
To fill lifetimes of wisdom. If I could access
All of it in this moment, I would realize
The illusion. My truest self wears a disguise
Called the ego, and it specializes in stress.
It can keep me from getting to all the good stuff.

I could go for a different experience
Than the one that I’m having. The one most ideal
Is of passion and wonder. I’ve been there before.
It’s my strongest intention to be there some more.
There is nothing more important than how I feel.
I can deal with a life of delightful suspense.

Do I know what I’m doing? I know better now
That my doing means nothing unless I’m aligned
With my truest self, then I can do anything.
What is the vibration that I am offering
To my universe? In the answer I will find
Everything that will enable me to allow.