Tag Archive | fuel

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.

Good Intake

Eating Properly

It’s a biotic engine. This body on loan
To the heart of my spirit for one humbled while
Is a biomechanical marvel to praise.
It sustains my existence in wonderful ways.
But if I treat it wrongly it will turn hostile.
Fascinating is this structure I seem own.

The word ‘health’ comes from the word ‘whole.’ What does it mean?
Harmony among body, mind, and the spirit
Is the true indicator of health excellent.
Constantly running engines must be kept content,
And the fuel that it’s given will help keep it fit.
It is all kept in check through digestive hygiene.

Someone is not in good health if there’s no ailment
Yet the energy level is grossly wanting.
Food that’s cooked loses enzymes that can’t be replaced
By the strongest of gut systems and it is faced
With an uncalled for struggle – a truly daunting
Thing to put a machine through. The soul must lament.

Eating foods that are living, like herbs, nuts, and fruits,
Is the best for the body that’s also alive.
They contain the ingredients for digestion.
Try it out for a few days. What will have begun
Is the process of living not just to survive.
Energy is the life force for worthwhile pursuits.