Tag Archive | light

Remember Who You Are


Many times we feel fear. The human condition
Is such that negative emotion is a cave
In which we are all hiding. Sometimes we may feel
That life isn’t worth living. The feeling is real
To the point where our souls we’re not able to save.
It is difficult to be in this position.

Yet there are times of happiness so we can be
Skeptical. We can learn to listen with our hearts
Rather than with the confused voices in our heads.
We can rip the script that they’re reading from to shreds.
Our intention is to master the loving arts
And to live life outside of the cave happily.

Don’t believe all those negative emotions that
Create poisonous stories. Don’t spew them around
Because they keep you in the cave. It’s time that you
Change your message. Empower your word. As you do
A new sense of respect for yourself will be found.
You’ll be free of the problem of mental chitchat.

We’re given this wonderful opportunity
To get out of the cave that we have created.
Within the utter darkness you can be the light
To lead others knowing that everything’s alright
Once that you’ve been properly indoctrinated.
You’re a messenger of peace, love, and harmony.

Time Has Come

Consumption Of Spirit

We are standing at the threshold of a nightmare
Or the beginning of a whole new way of life.
Artificial intelligence is promoted
By a few folk who are only interested
In pure profit. How can it eliminate strife?
When you’re down on your luck how could a robot care?

Are they themselves the result of what a human
Being will evolve into when disconnected
From the real force of the universe? Is there light
Within the human heart? Do they know wrong from right?
There are some whose hearts will never be affected
By the feelings of others. It’s not in their plan.

Yet the kingdom of heaven is within us all.
Difficult it is to see how this can be true
Nowadays but we must remember who we are
And what our purpose is. We have strayed way too far
Off the right path. Is there anything we can do?
Will our ignorance ultimately be our fall?

We are light beings with access to the greatest
Medicine. It is the light consciousness within.
We can radiate wholeness, love, and compassion
Rather than fear and hatred. We will have begun
Something worthy of passing to our next of kin.
In the future of our species we must invest.

Light Expanding Meditation


Everyone deserves happiness, freedom, and peace
And to find some relief from the daily routine.
Your life force is depleted by worldly affairs
And its replenishment is what your spirit cares
About greatly. Its urging to you can be seen
As a sign that you have some tension to release.

All the universe is made of light energy
Which includes your own body. When you meditate
You align yourself with this eternal life force.
Everyone has access to this powerful source.
Take time to get into the meditative state.
It can only affect your life positively.

It begins with your breathing. Take a big breath in
While envisioning the beautiful cleansing light
Coming from your heart center and extending far
Into eternity. It’s who you really are.
Breathe out stresses and worries and become the bright
Light that you are in essence. This isn’t a sin.

The awareness you come to through meditation
Is in contrast to your normal reality.
It’s good to escape there every once in a while.
As you do you can take much of life with a smile.
In a constant state of alignment you can be.
A world that is peaceful is your own creation.

Are You Allowing?

Winter Cool

You’ve been doing the work. You’ve been meditating
In the morning and throughout the day you find things
To appreciate. Lists of positive aspects
About life you make often and your world reflects
Your vibration and responds to your offerings.
You find everything about life stimulating.

When you ask, it is given. But you must align
With receiving, which means stop your asking and then
Find a way to get happy, then you will receive.
It’s the feeling of having you want to achieve.
If you drop out of line you can get there again
The moment you perceive that you’re not feeling fine.

Ask yourself, “Is my body tight or is light?
How well am I allowing the goodness to come?”

Like a sponge in a bowl of water you absorb
The universe. Your body’s an energy orb
And the bowl is the quantum field. There may be some
Resistance squeezing your sponge with relative might.

Is your energy body tight and constricting?
Are your thoughts heavy or are they lighter than air?
Are you thinking too much about things or are you
At peace in your mind? You know what you need to do
To give yourself the best ever possible care.
Do only those things that are goodness inflicting.

Call On Your Spirit Guides

Moment Of Prayer

How do angels and spirit guides work? Are they real?
How can I call upon them? Can they assist me
In my everyday living? If so, how can I
Sense their guidance? I keep on asking myself why
Others can perceive their guides occasionally.
Is there some special way that I’m needing to feel?

You are an extension of Source Energy and
You are now in this body. You are connected
To the world of pure spirit eternally so.
There’s no way you need be. There’s no place you need go
And your asking for help cannot be rejected.
There’s not a whole lot that you need to understand.

The nonphysical world is one of energy
Of the purest vibration. Your ability
To perceive it depends on your strength of desire.
Your communication with it doesn’t require
You to be other than who you happen to be.
Your vibration must be higher naturally.

Apart from the beliefs that you already hold
You cannot interact with the nonphysical.
The way you interpret energy is unique.
It’s alignment with your inner being you seek.
Your experiences with what is spirit shall
Become for you nuggets of spiritual gold.

What Happens When We Die?


We arrive with amnesia about what is real.
All of physical matter is an illusion
On a scale so immense that it boggles the mind
Made of matter. Within the illusion we find
Not a way that we can come to the conclusion
That this physical world cannot be the real deal.

All that exists is spirit. Imagine being
Not of substance yet conscious and fully aware
Of yourself as a spirit. Would you not want to
Sink yourself into something that would put you through
A process of relearning? Nothing can compare
To an out of the spirit world way of seeing.

What Happens When We Die? We return to where we
All came from. We become like children once again.
Our loved ones and our closest friends are waiting there
For our coming to be with them. Fully aware
They are of what we’re doing. They celebrate when
We arrive back in spirit. It’s the place to be.

We must choose between the violence of adults and
The smiles of children – between the ugliness of
Hate and the will to oppose it. We become strong
On our journey as we determine right from wrong.
Through the process we learn what we can about love.
Things of spirit are not that hard to understand.



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.

Lower Self Versus Higher Self

Grasp Of Hope

The lower self is the ego. It’s the content
Of the mind, It’s the thinker, the judge, the chooser,
The doer, the self, the emotional feeler,
And above all a masterful wheeler dealer.
When things don’t go right it becomes the accuser.
It’s the main source of human struggle and torment.

This lower self is self-grasping, self-cherishing,
And completely identified with image, name,
Thought and form. It’s conventional and dependent
On something greater than itself. Conscious intent
Is focused upon winning the survival game.
The great fear of the ego is its perishing.

Lower self, the ego, the personality
Is dependent upon the much higher being
Called the higher self. It’s the context of the mind –
Not the content. It’s nature is true and refined.
It’s the silent observer who’s overseeing
Everything that the ego is trying to be.

The eye of the higher self is the eye of God
Witnessing the unfolding of the creation
As it’s happening now. It is the omniscient
Awareness of the infinite ever present
That can bring about a total restoration
Of the lower self and its survival façade.

Your Spirit Guide

Guidance From Within

We all have the ability to interact
With nonphysical, but we can’t do so apart
From beliefs that we hold. What you find to be true
Is by faith or experience. It helps if you
Can release all the folklore and go with your heart.
You can be aware of when you have made contact.

Many different names and labels we offer
In attempting to explain the nonphysical.
We are all the extensions of Source Energy.
Angels and spirit guides are a reality.
For what others believe, do not be quizzical.
Of your own beliefs, one may become a scoffer.

The nonphysical is interacting with you
In many different ways. The intensity
Of your desire to know and your ability
To allow in this moment the variety
Of experiences makes you ever more free
To receive information from out of the blue.

You get to interpret it in whatever way
That you want to. It is offered to you purely,
But you are the interpreter of it, and so
You make it what it is. It’s good for you to know
That you always have contact. Your focus is key.
You can tune to precisely what it has to say.

What Is It To See?


Some use the symbolism of relationship
Wherein God is expressing through a brilliant light.
Underneath all the forms we perceive, the divine
Is kept from direct vision unless we align
With its presence. The notion implies inner sight.
Going into the bright light is a sacred trip.

You are looking right at it, and in doing so,
You are it. The experience is exactly
The same as pure divinity. We’re pretending
Not to know this for the fear of our offending
The Almighty. We want to see desperately
Evidence of the presence that seems hard to know.

The vision of the paper cup is just the same
As the brilliant light of the cosmos. It’s unseen
Because all the points of divine light are tiny.
We’re amazed by the many things there are to see.
We can know that within God there’s no in-between.
A rose is still a rose by any other name.

The source of all light is in the eyes. If there were
No eyes in the world, then there would be no sunlight.
We evoke light from being. Our consciousness state
In this moment is one we can appreciate.
It is something like heaven to be given sight.
The spirit that you are is obliged to concur.

Define Yourself

Know Yourself As Eternity Knows You

How do you Define Yourself? Do you think that you
Are a separate entity from everything
Else that you perceive? Do you believe that you are
Everything even though the notion is bizarre
To most people? We each have an inner being
Who can answer these questions from out of the blue.

The Big Bang is still happening. It never ceased.
It’s a process in progress with a beginning
And an ending uncertain from our perspective.
As sophisticated as we are we still live
As if we do not know that the earth is spinning
In its orbit by forces immensely released.

Someone has thrown a bottle of ink at the wall.
The big spot in the middle is surrounded by
Smaller ones. There are droplets on the outer fringe.
It’s foolish to think that our actions don’t impinge
On all that is occurring. It’s hard to deny
Unity fundamental. It’s an easy call.

In our ordinary everyday consciousness,
We pretend that we are not what we are truly.
Without eyes the sun cannot express as sunlight.
We know darkness because of what we know as bright.
You call things into beingness naturally.
You are the universe. You can be nothing less.

Life Mastery

At One With The Flow

When you’re into the flow of things life is a breeze.
You feel full, well connected, and part of the whole
Of all that is created. Ascended masters
Guide you through your existence. Whatever occurs
You remain unaffected. You have trained your soul
To be calm, contented, and quite easy to please.

Your akashic record you may care to peruse.
You are interested in your tapping into
The power of your higher self. There is a way,
But you need not believe in a word that I say
Until you’ve tried some things out. The human in you
Demands proof, or else its truth you’ll flat out refuse.

The body is a complex energy system.
It is composed of chakras. The one that’s outside
Is the Soul Star Chakra. It is above the head.
Through this chakra, divine love you are being fed.
Everyone has this access. It can’t be denied
Nor can it be a thing that someone could condemn.

As you’re grounded and prepared for deeper insights
To come to you, the activation has begun.
In a nice quiet place focus on your breathing.
Imagine white or golden light that is bringing
Loving grace and a peace that’s as warm as the sun
To your Solar Star Chakra through your days and nights.

A Powerful Message

You Are Everything

Powerful is your essence. The eternal flame
That is you shall never be extinguished by you
Or by anyone else. You are the universe.
You may feel sometimes that existence is a curse,
But the fact that you are here can offer a clue
To the confounding puzzle that has not a name.

You are infinite spirit, body, mind, and heart,
And a heartfelt expression of the infinite.
You are thought and the dream become reality.
The fabric of existence wanted you To Be.
The divine spark that you are remains ever bright

You’re the whole of creation as well as one part.

The nature of eternity you understand.
A conscious decision was made by the divine
That confirms your creation out of perfection.
You maintain by your focus a strong connection
To the God force within you. You are by design
An expression of worthiness, and you were planned.

This moment is eternal and all that can be.
From within it you are born into here and now.
Now has always existed and ever shall be.
Is it not time that you acted accordingly?
It is up to you only to choose to allow
All that you are made up of to be completely.

Breaking News

Alien Faces Of Spirit

They are coming. Some are already here by now.
Why they’ve come is a learning and teaching exchange
Exercise in the making. It’s kept top secret.
Humankind can’t accept its own, and with regret,
Populations in general can’t deal with strange
Off the earth kinds of beings. Our hearts won’t allow.

Cultural shock, social disorientation…
Would compound the psychoses that eat at our souls
If we were to gain knowledge of all that goes on.
If our hatred for one another could be gone
Then no threats are perceived, and we could play the roles
Of galactic ambassadors second to none.

While we’re in waiting for all things to be revealed
May it be beneficial to inventory
Our spiritual assets? Our changing our ways
May happen or may not. They’re not here to appraise
For the purpose of conquering. To let them be
Is the wisest decision that must be concealed.

Those who’ve gone further into the darkness may find
That eventually they’re able to see light.
There’s some benefit to having experienced
Suffering the delusion of for and against
And the confounding issues of what’s wrong and right.
In that they are not hostile we find peace of mind.

The Laughing Heart

The Sheer Joy Of Living

Your life is your own life. Be as bright as can be
And as light as the feather that tickles the soul.
Do not let it be clubbed into dank submission.
Be always on the watch. There are ways to have fun
As there always are ways out of life’s rigmarole.
Yes, there is a light somewhere. It’s for you to see.

Though the light is not brilliant, it beats the darkness
By infinity’s measure. So, be on the watch.
The gods will offer you many chances. Know Them.
You must be of the right heart. You may not condemn.
If you do it may leave an indelible splotch
On the memory of your life in the process.

You can’t beat death, but sometimes you can do just that
Through the life you are living. And the more often
You choose to learn to do it, more light there will be.
Your life is your life fully and absolutely.
Never mind about where in the past it has been.
That would mean that your heart has to wear a hard hat.

Know your life while you have it. You are marvelous.
The gods wait to delight in you wholeheartedly.
Your expressing of joy is their confirmation
Of their masterful work which has only begun.
It’s your life. Live with laughter that people may see
That your angelic presence is always a plus.


…And The Word Is Made Spirit

Wise ones reveal their secrets to students intent
On achieving enlightenment. Knowledge received
Is a solid foundation upon which is built
A new world more awake and where less blood is spilt.
Those who seed the ideas of insight conceived
Have been long at experiencing our assent.

The illusion of descent is so hard to shake.
Yet there are proven techniques to help us along.
They involve a new mindset with heart open wide
To the peace that is possible if we decide
As a human community that all belong
And are equal in essence. So much is at stake.

‘When the pupil is ready, the Master appears.’
Many are the disguises that wisdom can take.
There’s uncanny assurance that light has occurred.
One magnificent sign is that spirit is stirred.
Life becomes a lot clearer and much less opaque.
Students who are not ready remain in their fears.

What matters is the Mastery – not the Master.
The art in the revealing is subtle yet strong.
The process is Transmission of beingness to
Those in search of solutions. Great is the breakthrough
That the soul will encounter in time not too long.
Is this not quite the way anyone would prefer?

Enlarging My Scope

Confident Self-Expression

Knowing where I should stand is to know where to sit
And to love what I’m doing as I’m resting there.
If I claim to be upright I may not stand tall
Next to almost all others. If I can recall
That uprightness is relative then I’m aware
Of a more refined justice to our benefit.

I like keeping my eyes open to everything
In the vastness around me without the debris.
An oil painting of real life shows nothing obscene
Unless shades of the fake life have made the heart mean.
Both portrayals prepare the observer to see
Which is preferable and what peace it may bring.

More decisively active I am when relieved
Of the clutter the lens catches due to high speed.
Slowing down is effective, but crap is still there
And should I magnify that, I’m blind with despair.
When it gets a good cleansing, my spirit is freed.
Wider vision becomes a dream fully achieved.

Much more focus on standing than feeling at ease
Inflicts harm on the body if it carries weight
That surpasses its limit. The need to reduce
The big buildup of baggage and vain self-abuse
Becomes evermore urgent in these times of hate.
Indeed, one has no one but oneself to appease.