Tag Archive | athlete

Ease And Resistance

Daily Run

A magnificent piece of work is your body.
You achieve peak performance by doing what you
Think is necessary as a daily routine.
Also you know you must keep your vibration clean
Of resistance. Among all the good things you do
For yourself it’s important that you be happy.

It may be hard for some to keep themselves on track
Only because they think that hard work is required
To maintain a fit body. It does take a lot
Of focus. You have to give it all that you’ve got
In order to achieve the result that’s desired
And it all becomes easy once you get the knack.

The cells of your body are so compliant to
How you’re thinking in each moment. If you can change
Your thoughts to those of health and utter wellbeing
Then the cells of your body can’t help agreeing
With your new thinking. Do Not think that this is strange.
Science has proven this is actually true.

Your desire has inspired you to the path of least
Resistance for right now because your alignment
With what you want allows you the freedom to be
On the leading edge of waves of thought energy.
Struggle is not the way to your being content.
May your strength of alignment be ever increased.

Living Masterpiece

Personal Expression

Your Vortex of Creation is your masterpiece.
You’re the artist, the musician, and the actor
In a world class performance while live and on stage
With other entertainers who love to engage
In expressive activity. What could be more
Satisfying a form of energy release?

If you don’t have enough money what do you do
To maintain your existence? You need to pay rent
And keep food on the table. Don’t think about it.
Negative emotion will not help you one bit.
Instead of freaking out your time is better spent
Focusing on what brings absolute joy to you.

Your Vortex knows what you want. You’ve been putting there
Incrementally all that you’ve been asking for.
You can access what’s in there by staying happy
Even though it feels like there’s no reason to be.
That’s why you need to focus on what you adore.
Give your Point of Attraction your utmost of care.

Keep your undivided attention on the thing
That consumes and enthralls you. If you wrote a book
That’s not selling then write another one because
The first one wasn’t done according to the laws
Of the universe. You can transform your outlook
To one which is not you with your ass in a sling.

What Is Winning?

Material Success

Like sperm cells that compete for fertilization
Of the egg, we as humans are mostly concerned
About winning. Our lives are all about the goal.
We believe that our winning will make our lives whole.
It’s not true. Yet how can this falsehood be unlearned?
We seem to have a competitive fixation.

Why do some companies run so efficiently
While others are a nightmare? The ones that do well
Are devoted to the process instead of to
Any goal. They take pleasure in all that they do.
They compete not among themselves and what the sell
Is their passion in all that they’re wanting to be.

If you are doing something that you love to do
Then just do it! You must enjoy hitting the ball
More than anything. Then you will be in a state
Of accepting what you are about to create.
But you cannot create victories large or small.
Always wanting to win will not benefit you.

If you’ve one eye on the goal you’ve only got one
To find your way, which is very inefficient.
You need both eyes to take the next step to seeing
That you are a magnificent human being.
Keep loving what you’re doing and get proficient.
Hit the ball and take advantage of the home run.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.