Tag Archive | feelings

Dealing With Neediness


Some people are so important in our lives, not
Because we enjoy their company but because
We feel so lonely in their absence. Never care
So much for one that you couldn’t possibly bear
Their rejection of you. The relationship was
Built upon an illusion that you clearly bought.

When someone starts avoiding you just let them be.
Never again disturb them. It’s time to move on.
Don’t chase, don’t beg, and don’t become a spectacle.
Don’t do something that you know is irrational.
Benefit from the truthful conclusion you’ve drawn.
Get them out of your heart and your mind completely.

Life has its ups and downs and it’s natural for
There to be good and bad moments but they don’t last
Forever. Getting over it is difficult
But you must otherwise distress is the result.
What was once but is not now belongs in the past.
Be open to the blessings that may be in store.

You feel good when you focus on yourself instead
Of comparing yourself to others. Concentrate
On your dream moving forward. Courage it will take
To get past the rejection. The peace that you make
With it all leaves you plenty of room to create
A new point of attraction for good times ahead.

The Meaning Of Life

Tree Of Life Book

There are those who think all kinds of things constantly.
They may question existence. They may play around
With the notion that consciousness is a façade.
Things that happen in reality they find odd.
In their ponderings answers to questions are found.
The biggest have to do with our reason to be.

What’s the purpose of living? Is it to achieve
Great success in relationship, health, and money?
Is it to worship who is said to be divine?
Is it so that we all learn to get along fine?
Is it just for the purpose of being happy?
Find something most fulfilling in which to believe.

Joy is the basis of life and it’s the reason
For existence. It’s to feel exhilaration
In each moment. Don’t take life so seriously.
Your expansion happens automatically.
You’re your best in a state of appreciation.
You came here for the fun – not for getting things done.

Life means life itself meaning it’s simply to be
And to find true alignment with who we’ve become
Through the process of living. It’s the reason why
You often find life thrilling. It’s hard to deny
Where your feelings of enthusiasm come from.
The Meaning Of Life is to live it happily.


Grasp Of Hope

The mind is the faculty of human beings
To reason and to think. It includes perception,
Thinking, memory, opinions, consciousness, and
Judgment. It has the potential to understand,
Imagine, recognize, and get many things done.
It is responsible for processing feelings.

In spiritually advanced thought, this thinking
Mind is the ego. It’s in fact called the small mind.
Dualistic in nature, it identifies
Itself as a person. It assumes the disguise
Of a personal construct wherein it will find
Dominance. It’s addicted to what that will bring.

The egoic lower mind is attached to and
Quite infatuated with the thinking process,
Because the delusion of conventional thought
Is its reason for being. It often gets caught
In a psychic dilemma all due to the stress
Of maintaining the false illusion of command.

Spiritual advancement is the consequence
Of undoing the ignorance and dominance
Of the lower ego thinking mind. The process
Is intensified with one’s increased willingness
To evolve and to spiritually advance.
The true mind is the context of one’s existence.



The ability to understand and to share
The feelings of another is called empathy.
It’s a sensitivity to and awareness
Of others’ emotions. People need to express
Their compassion. The only motive is truly
Understanding the feelings of those in despair.

Empathy makes it difficult to turn a blind
Eye to the suffering of others. It helps us
To relate to them so that we can respond to
Their not well situation. All that we can do
To bring comfort to them is a blessed thing plus
It brings to both parties involved some peace of mind.

Everyone’s born with this capability, but
It may need to be redeveloped or relearned.
Many in modern society have lost touch
With their sense of compassion because it’s too much
Of a bother. About others they’re not concerned
Empathy can’t be practiced when the heart is shut.

The process of spiritual awakening
Concerns sensitivity to the collective
Consciousness of humanity. There’s no such thing
As another. We all are simply one being.
No one can be told which is the right way to live.
Everything’s affected by what you’re offering.

No Patience

Time Is A Cyclic Pleasure

To attempt the impossible is to pretend
To be happy with waiting. I don’t need a break,
But what I want to happen does. Why is this so?
Hypnotized by the spinning icon, I can’t know
Anything but sheer boredom. My staying awake
Is a struggle. What does my spirit recommend?

My spirit isn’t patient. I know for a fact
That it is always focused on things that feel good.
It has the full advantage of seeing where I
Want to be, and its guidance I cannot deny.
Intervals between good things can be understood
To be filled with excitement. This I can attract.

Patience means looking at something that I clearly
Do not want and then forcing myself to feel fine.
It is always distressful especially when
I recall that I will do it ever again
Unless with my true spirit I choose to align.
It’s the only way I can become patience free.

It takes no patience at all when I’m focusing
On good feeling things. If I can make that my goal,
Situations of boredom and waiting around
Will decrease. A new sense of joy I will have found.
All the way through alignment, myself is made whole.
My growth is the only thing that I’m awaiting.

What Is Telepathy?

The Nature Of Mental Access

That the more unconditional love you emit
The more you can identify with other folk
Is a provable fact regarding everyone.
Generally there is a bit of confusion
As to what is occurring. We each are a spoke
In the Wheel of Creation. We are used to it.

And you are the only one in your universe.
There’s no one else to read but yourself. It is true
That the idea of other people is one
That is not of your universe. Nothing is done
That you are not a part of. The concept of you
Is your own. It is in it that you do immerse.

You are not reading anyone’s mind. You’re simply
Vibrating at the same frequency so you will
Have the same thoughts at the same time, so that you are
Independent of contact, which would be bizarre.
All it takes is some time to develop this skill.
Some are born with a ton of it naturally.

Using someone as a symbol to resonate,
What you do is ‘become’ them as much as you can
Through positive emotion. Like tuning forks we
Allow ourselves to vibrate at the frequency
Of the one we are focused on, woman or man.
You can make a practice of achieving this state.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.


An Evasive Illusion

I control not my thoughts nor the ways that I feel.
In a real sense I am them. To give up control
Is to have it completely. If I were to try
To gain absolute power by force I apply,
It will only disturb things, which isn’t my goal.
I must trust what the universe has to reveal.

Like a good friend this universe can be to me.
Trusting it like a person who knows me quite well,
I can give up the struggle of lying awake
Fretting over control of things. What A Headache!
But the friend who’s much bigger can banish the spell
 If my faith in this kind one is of high degree.

Universes are bodies. Cells know who they are
And have things delegated at every level.
If I can but allow them to do their damned work,
Then perhaps they would think that I’m not such a jerk
Having tried to control them. I’ve put them through hell.
My relationship with them is not up to par.

That which flows to all things and does nourish them all –
Both the left and the right and all manner between –
Lords not over creation nor seeks any claim
Of merit for accomplishments. All is the same
To the friend universal who surely has seen
Every bit of creation. I am not so small.

Emotional Power

Root Force

Powerful are emotions. They drive everything
On the planet, like politics, performing arts,
And the world’s wealth of business. In love people are
With those they haven’t met, and it isn’t bizarre.
Simply it’s human nature to judge with our hearts.
That our feelings control things is not surprising.

   How do I build goodwill and manage perceptions?
It’s a question some ask. It might as well be mine.
What I get for an answer from those who are wise
Is that love can’t be built, yet they’ll kindly advise
That I get folks to love me. Is this asinine?
Or perhaps I’m worthy to be one of those ones.

But this begs the next question. How do I complete
The impossible mission? I’m not a person
One would pay much attention to. How can this change?
Well… It can’t. But my feelings I can rearrange
To the point where I bask in my own world of fun.
I can become someone who is mellow and sweet.

Fall in love with the whole world, and it will love you…
Not at first, but in good time some will come around
And become your disciples or very best friends.
People have their free will, so my loving depends
Not on reciprocation. One can’t be let down
When exuding wellbeing just like a guru.