Tag Archive | spine

Sharpen Your Mind

The Power Of The Brain

There’s a huge difference between confidence and
Clarity. You may feel that you can do something
But you lack proper focus and act randomly.
Confidence – a poor substitute for clarity –
Is not nearly enough that progress it will bring.
There is always room for consciousness to expand.

Crossing a busy highway is life compared to.
Vehicles are moving at a very fast pace.
If your vision is foggy you’re taking a chance.
You could say some Hail Mary’s in this circumstance
But you may get run over. Your ultimate grace
Is in seeing where you’re going and what to do.

The spine is not just a physical organ. It
Is a serious communications network.
Such a complex assemblage requires proper care.
Your perceptions and emotions are processed there
Where negative vibrations are destined to lurk.
There is something you can do for your benefit.

A natural upsurge of energy is gained
By your putting your feet together and squatting.
This will strengthen the back muscles and activate
The lumbar region of the spine. Keep the back straight.
This simple exercise brings instant wellbeing.
Clarity of brain function can thus be maintained.

Healthy Start

The Beginning Of A Great Day

Morning is the most important part of the day.
Once you’ve tackled the morning you’ve a better chance
Of dealing with the afternoon and the evening.
So begin your good day of great health by drinking
A few glasses of water. While in your sleep trance
You had not been hydrated. You can’t stay that way.

Seventy percent of the body is water.
It’s essential to keep batches tucked well away
In the muscles and tissues for proper function.
Again, while you were sleeping the body had none.
Add some lemon juice to it to wake up your day
But do all that you’re doing just as you prefer.

You must get yourself moving when you first awake.
It will lubricate your joints. It will mobilize
And warm up all your muscles. It will improve mood.
Doing something aerobic and eating good food
At the start of the day will win you the day’s prize.
These are common and simple things done for your sake.

Oats with water or milk and plenty of berries
Provides most of the nutrients the body needs.
It’s a good source of non-animal based protein
Which is better for keeping the intestines clean.
One who starts out the new day in this way succeeds
In the fine art of living the fun life ease.