Tag Archive | inspire

Time Is Precious

Temporal Celestial Overlay

Sometimes you need to distance yourself from people.
If they care then they’ll notice. If they don’t then you
Know where you stand with them. Someday all the love you’ve
Given out will find its way back to you to prove
Its existence. Let its energy get you through
Your magnificent journey. Be ever grateful.

Studies show that men and women experience
The same amount of emotion but women tend
To show it more. A woman can love you deeply
And still never speak to you again. You can be
More open with your feelings and like and old friend
Showing how much you care makes a huge difference.

Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire
You to change and grow. Couples who spend at least ten
Minutes daily laughing together have stronger
And more positive relationships. The longer
You wait for a good feeling to happen again
The more you’re in sync with all the things you desire.

Time Is Precious. Make sure you spend it with the right
People. Give people time and respect in every
Situation. The effective solution to
All your difficulties is to be patient. You
Can feel proud to know you have the capacity
To live a life of freedom and utter delight.

Your Vibrational Reality

Happy Daydream

Sometimes people worry that becoming aligned
With your higher self means giving up all the things
That are physical – that it’s an airy fairy
Existence and it’s too far from reality
To be of any value. From this notion springs
Myriad excuses of the negative kind.

You don’t have to give up one for the other here.
The worlds of the nonphysical and physical
Are interconnected in miraculous ways.
Only good things can happen to the one who stays
In communication with what’s spiritual.
Keep yourself in an elevated atmosphere.

You create Your Vibrational Reality
By your sifting through contrast. All that you put there
In your ever growing vortex of creation
Is of worthiness beyond imagination.
It’s nonphysical so do your utmost to care
More about it than your having it come to be.

Make the nonphysical your top priority.
When you do blessings will come from out of nowhere.
Everywhere you’ll find things working out well for you.
You’ll have greater success in whatever you do
And it’s all because you took the time to prepare
Your vibration by finding ways to be happy.

Loosen Up!

Too Hard At Work

All good work is exciting when you first start out.
Then as time goes by life happens and frustration
Is experienced often. The work must go on
But it’s now an entrapment. Ambition is gone
And there’s not enough time left for recreation.
Your dreams for the future are now riddled with doubt.

Don’t Be Tense. To be tense is the surest way to
Fail in any undertaking great or not so.
Your success is a splendid thing but don’t pursue
It too tensely. It will suck the life out of you
If you do it, and you will have nothing to show
For the struggle in all of the work that you do.

There’s an attitude of mind which may be compared
To a clenched fist, a knitted brow, set teeth… and this
Kind of attitude cannot bring any success.
What it will do is make you ill because of stress.
If you play your life like a game then you won’t miss
Opportunities which with others can be shared.

Beyond your wildest expectations you’ll succeed
If you treat your work as fun. The difficulties
Are all part of the game. Laugh at annoyances.
The whole picture will change as your mood enhances
Your becoming. Eventually you’ll find ease
In your work as the tension within you is freed.

Mastery Of Life

Family Fun

I’m on top of the world. Life is going so well
That I don’t have to worry about anything.
My life is moving forward. I see through the eyes
Of the larger part of me. I now realize
All the wonderful things being happy can bring.
In a state of perpetual joy I do dwell.

I believe that the Law of Attraction helps me
By arranging cooperative components
Of my main point of focus into what is real
In the physical. It’s by the way that I feel
That I master my life, and it makes perfect sense
That it only gets better. My mood is the key.

In this moment, my quest is to identify
What I choose for my point of attraction to be.
I joyously watch the universe fill in all
The details, and I know that it’s right on the ball
Regarding what I ask for. Now I’ve become free
Of resistance. My focus is the reason why.

Would you call me delusional? If it’s seeing
The world differently than most others folks do
And more than most would want me to, then I suppose
You’re correct. But the most evolved part of me knows
Nothing but wellbeing from its broad point of view.
Fantastic is the life of this human being.

Absolute Freedom

Open Air Bliss

On your right path you can never be other than,
But there is the human tendency to try to
Find an answer in someone else. Your clarity
Comes from your inner being. You are meant to be
Independently and consciously sifting through
Life’s contrast. You are doing what no one else can.

You are born with the innate knowledge that it should
Be a pleasure to be alive. Every moment
Is a growing experience, but after time
You forget due to others who commit the crime
Of informing you of their extreme discontent.
If you speak about joy, you are misunderstood.

You become more comparative. Your interest
Is in how you appear to other folks instead
Of how it feels to you. Your intentions erode.
The momentum toward your desires is slowed.
You’ve no enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
Nothing more than what is now do you manifest.

With a basic triad of intentions you came.
Freedom, growth, and joy they are, and your expansion
Is inevitable. Look within for balance.
You can feel happiness in any circumstance.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
The freedom of your childhood you now can reclaim.

Tuning Into Your Station

Frequency Selection

Sometimes people worry that the airy fairy
And nonphysical verbiage uttered so much
Hits nowhere close to home. In their understanding,
The vibration of something does not mean a thing
Unless it evolves into something one can touch.
Only in the receiving can one be merry.

We’re not being lured into some volatile place
Where only the intangible seems to exist
Far outside of the practical world we live in,
But the things that we want in life will not begin
To take form if we’re continuing to resist
What we think is pure nothing suspended in space.

Yet, we don’t have to give up one for the other.
That which we can call spirit is physically
Understandable. One sees manifestation
As reality, but feeling is also one
That gives birth to the physical. There couldn’t be
Physical existence unless thought did occur.

This vibrational reality is as real
As the world that we live in. We just have to tune
Ourselves day by day, thought by though, and mood by mood.
Success always comes with a winning attitude.
The upliftment of all happens never too soon.
Co-existence of frequencies is the ideal.

Matching Your Vibrational Abundance

Aligning With Source

How can I be a vibrational match to all
That is in my vibrational escrow? Am I
Lining up with abundance, or shortage and lack?
For my doing things I don’t like, what I get back
Is a bad taste for living. I must satisfy
My intention by not focusing on the small.

I must see things as they really are. Abundance,
Financial wellbeing, and money are all just
Like the air that I breathe. They are not hard to get.
I can learn how to keep my soul frequency set
To that of my heart’s wanting. It does require trust
In the guidance within me in my circumstance.

I can tune my receiver to the frequency
Of what I have in escrow. By focused intent
I choose thoughts that feel better than those I have now.
In this way it is best that I trust and allow
Better feelings consume me that will complement
Everything that I’m wanting my nowness to be.

Excuses to feel happy are many indeed,
And I need but to find them. As I look around
At this planet, there’s something bigger going on.
Universal forces are conclusions foregone
That our sun and its system are perfectly sound.
Thinking in this way much of life’s tension is freed.