Tag Archive | prove

Create Big Things

Think Big

Things that are insignificant you can create
Easily. It’s the really big things that are so
Difficult at least that’s the way it seems to be.
It’s true that you create your own reality
But between big and small things it’s good that you know
That there’s no difference. This should make you feel great.

It’s as easy to create a button as it
Is to create a castle. The button is more
Easily believed by you. That’s why it’s easy
To create it. A castle it might as well be
To the universe if that’s what you’re aiming for.
You can create most anything as you see fit.

Ten million dollars is just as easy to make
As ten thousand or twenty. You’re using the same
Application of the Law to three different
Intentions. Only your resistance can prevent
It from happening. Any amount you can claim
As your own. Just believe that it’s a piece of cake.

There’s a mindset that tells you that you’re not worthy.
Try your best to ignore it because it’s not true.
By the power of your wanting you arrived here
To create in this state of the art atmosphere.
You need not justify the creating you do.
Set your sights on the big things and live happily.

The Cycle Of Reception

Pleasant Surprise

All you need is desire. It’s a powerful force
That you have full control of but sometimes you may
Have limiting beliefs that are keeping you from
What you want. If you want what you’re wanting to come
You must lose the resistance. You must find some way
To believe in yourself as a matter of course.

When your beliefs and desires are in agreement
What you want will come quickly without having to
Justify or prove anything to anyone.
You know deep in your heart that what you want is done.
If you don’t feel this way let it serve as a clue
That your mindset may be causing your discontent.

Don’t shoot your desire in the foot by believing
Anything other than that it will manifest.
Put the world and your friendships on the back burner.
Focus only on the thing you want to occur.
Then the wisdom of the universe is expressed
To you clearly. This is the art of receiving.

Find the power of your desire and hang around
There often. Your emotional guidance system
Will show you every time when you stray just a bit
Off your path. You can use it to your benefit.
All those negative thoughts… you must let go of them.
Allow your natural wellbeing to abound.


Faces In A Digital Maze

The truth simply exists. There’s no need for it to
Be deciphered and analyzed. It’s true that there
Are millions upon millions of absolute lies
About everything. Difficult to realize
Is this truth because lies can be found everywhere
Human speech occurs. What in the world can one do?

Innocently or by intent people will lie
Out of habit. It’s often done unconsciously.
Always there’s a war going on inside the mind
Between truth and the fantasy. It’s hard to find
Inner peace when the two versions do not agree.
The reality of life is hard to deny.

As close as possible to the truth words can get
But there are no words to explain truth because we
Are the truth. As we come into full awareness
Of the deep truth within us, we have more access
To the ultimate truth of this reality.
Human fear is a drama we’ve not conquered yet.

Don’t let the expectations and opinions of
Other people affect your decisions. It’s your
Life not theirs. You must live your own reality.
You must be the person you know yourself to be.
Do believe that your own truth is worth searching for.
You may find that the truth has much to do with love.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.

Grow Through It

Troubling Situation

We all go through things that are uncomfortable.
There’s that troubling coworker who gets on your nerves.
There’s a dream that has taken longer than you thought
To come true. Generally, it feels like you’re caught
In a trap of frustration. No person deserves
Such a thing, but it seems it’s not preventable.

You can’t pray away everything that bothers you.
God uses inconveniences, difficulties,
And delays to see if you choose to Grow Through It
Rather than getting bitter. If you can submit
To the test you’ve been given, then you will with ease
Get the insight and strength needed to follow through.

Our faith is tested in the fire of affliction.
We don’t grow so much in the good times. We grow in
Difficult situations. It’s not a mistake
When someone does you wrong or you get a bad break.
If you choose not to hold a grudge, you will begin
To live life with a little less contradiction.

Grow Through It! Go the extra mile. Take the high road
And forgive. This is how to use God’s loving grace.
Build your spiritual muscles. Don’t get upset
Over struggles that haven’t even happened yet.
Do not be afraid to look challenge in the face.
Grace comes to you when you’re in the receptive mode.

Ask, Believe… Receive

Open Treasure

All you need is desire, but you hardly ever
Have a wanting for something without a belief
That opposes it. That’s why things have stayed the same,
Which makes you not believe in the attraction game.
Your desire then becomes something that gives you grief.
Your wanting is a spiritual endeavor.

If you could just have a pure desire, it would be
Such a blessing, because without the resistance,
It would manifest easily. If you believe
It can happen, then it’s likely you will achieve
Fulfillment of your wishes. It isn’t by chance
That this happens. Your heart must be resistance free.

Your desire will gain power if you can let go
Of the asking and line up with the energy
That creates worlds and keeps them suspended in space.
That power is your point of attraction and grace.
You do not have to prove or get others to see
The reason for your passion, for they cannot know.

When desires and beliefs match, things fall into place
Without effort, like magic. But when they do not,
Things are difficult. Yet negative emotion
Is your guidance toward a better solution.
As you’re living you life, give it all that you’ve got.
Take advantage of the power that you embrace.