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Your Day


You would love to just stay there in bed for a while
To savor the feeling of being well rested.
You don’t have a snooze button so you must arise.
If you stayed in bed longer it wouldn’t be wise.
To the living of life you’re fully invested.
 You’ve already started your day with a big smile.

Today’s going to be a great day – one wherein
You’ll find much satisfaction. The smile on your face
Means that from start to finish you handle Your Day
In the knowing that no one can stand in your way
But yourself. Take advantage of the awesome grace
Of Your Day. Be most eager to want to begin.

There’s no time for excuses, daydreams, and delays.
Fill your lungs with your own positive energy.
Get your mind in the mode. Get your body to scream
With excitement regarding your most cherished dream.
You may not win today but tomorrow will be
Fortunate and fulfilling in manifold ways.

Today you want to do something differently
Than you’ve done in the past because you want a new
Thing to happen. Be the change that you want to see
In your world. It can be as you want it to be
Only if you don’t let life get the best of you.
Come awake to the one you are eternally.

Positive Aspects

Thumbs Up

You may find that the world treats you better when you
Are your happiest and you know how to get there.
Look for Positive Aspects in all that you do.
Folks respond to an optimistic point of view
In a good way when you have your true self to share.
You may also find that most of your dreams come true.

If however you have a chip on your shoulder
And you’re usually ornery or upset
Then the world sucks and life is a constant nightmare.
You’re aware that no one in their right mind would dare
Get close to you. You come off as a lethal threat.
Confrontations with folks are likely to occur.

It gets better the better it gets and it gets
A lot worse the worse it gets. Which way do you find
More appealing? One cannot overemphasize
The importance of your coming to realize
That you can become more positively inclined.
Your true nature is one of your greatest assets.

Look for things about your life and the world that you
Can appreciate then you will find a lot more
In yourself to be thankful for. Look for the good
In all things and your life will work out as it should.
Take advantage of all that there is to explore
That uplifts you. Love what you give attention to.

Unnecessary Yearning


Nothing’s going wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything
Is unfolding. There’s Unnecessary Yearning
On your part. Somewhere along your physical trail
You picked up the notion that you’re destined to fail.
Satisfaction with your life is nil concerning
Where you are now. It doesn’t cause your heart to sing.

Wherever you are now is perfectly okay
Because it’s where you are now. There’s no better place
For you to be right now. Pieces of resistance
That you’ve put on your path are no big deal. The chance
To remove them is yours. You’re not running a race
To the finish line. That’s just a game that you play.

Right where you are your inner being adores you.
It knows exactly everything you’re asking for
And it sees clearly the path of least resistance
To help you to experience the circumstance
Of fulfillment. Allow it to help you gain more
Of a positive mindset, then dreams become true.

The pieces of resistance are not a problem
Whatsoever to your inner being because
They’re an integral part of your joyous journey
Of existence if you handle them properly.
Have faith in the good will of universal laws.
Take those pieces and make positive use of them.

Believe In Yourself


From a textbook you can’t learn everything that you
Need to know to be healthy and happy. Some say
That when you’re in the trenches of life, you will know
That this world is a tough place. Is this really so?
It may be true for those programmed in such a way
That they can’t escape from what they believe is true.

Getting what you want and making the most of the
Time you have here requires that you put yourself in
The position to succeed. It means you see a
Finish line before one exists. If you can stay
Focused on your fulfillment, then you will begin
To see proof that what you want is coming to be.

You either accomplish something or you do not
In a binary system. Results people see –
Not the hard work and long hours you’ve dedicated.
If you’re satisfied with what you have created,
Then you are living your life most successfully.
Your belief in yourself really matters a lot.

True ambition means that you’re cloaked in confidence.
When you look in the mirror, you believe in who
Stares back at you. You see the unseen. You’re willing
To choose for yourself a life that is fulfilling.
Life has failures and setbacks, but you make it through
By the power that guides your very existence.

Your Own Candle Flame

Singular Flame

Whatever you’ve got going on in your life in
The way of animosity, pain, bitterness,
Or anguish toward anyone, it will never
Let you go. It will cling on to you forever.
It will interfere greatly with your life unless
You do something about it. Where should you begin?

Let it go. You don’t have to make any phone calls
Or let anyone else know. You can purify
Your heart by simply saying, “Love is forgiving.
It is also for giving.”
The life you’re living

Can be free of toxicity if you will try
To eliminate all of your negative walls.

Only orange juice can come from an orange when it’s squeezed.
When you are under pressure, what tends to come out?
If it’s anger, hatred, tension and depression,
Then that must have been in you. Its full expression
Is triggered by the squeezing. Is there any doubt
That you can get quite nasty when you are displeased?

There is a candle that burns inside you always.
It cannot be extinguished completely, although
Wind and moisture will cause it to dance and flicker.
You can make the wick of your own candle thicker
By remembering all that you are meant to know.
As your flame remains steady, it brightens your days.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.

Self-Esteem And Oneself

Darkness Of Spirit

Am I confident in who I am or am I
Struggling seeing worth as it pertains to me?
This affects how I think and feel and how I act.
I feel there’s nothing left in this world to distract
Me from myself and everyone. All that I see
Is sorrow sorely strangled. I’ve no alibi.

If I could say I’m sorry to those I have harmed
I might feel a lot better, though this won’t occur.
My darkness has a thickness outside of pitch-black.
Along with many other things, courage I lack
And a clue as to what to do. I would prefer
That the cross hairs of circumstance are not alarmed.

Guilt encrusted avoidance and isolation
Are to my full advantage. Passively I wait
For something bad to happen. I figure I’m due
For the next indiscriminate turn of the screw
All the time. Where the hell is there time to create?
If I keep feeling this way, indeed I’ll have none.

I need positive feedback to somehow negate
Negative reinforcement that reverberates
Through my entire being. Perceived worthlessness
Will undo me in due time. I made a big mess
Of my life. I’m in fear of what karma awaits.
I’m aware of but reject the hell I create.