Tag Archive | offerings

A New Story

Magic Book

Whatever your living, whether it’s about your
Money, or your relationship, or your body…
It’s only a temporary in the moment
Indicator of the vibration you present
To the universe. Your life becomes your story
As you live it while hoping that it will endure.

If you’re not satisfied with your life it’s because
You’ve been telling the same old story for so long
That you can’t think of new ones. You’re stuck in a scene
That repeats itself. The only thing it can mean
Is that you think something about your life is wrong
But what you think goes against spiritual laws.

“I don’t have enough money. I don’t like what the
Government isn’t doing. I hate billionaires
And their uppity attitudes.”
This certainly

Isn’t the story you want to tell. It would be
Useless to you because nobody on earth cares
For that kind of a story unfortunately.

“There’s a crap ton of money. I can get my share.
Things are lined up and the resources are in place.
Circumstances have been arranged. All I need do
Is relax and adopt a more positive view
Of my life.”
This story is one you can embrace

With assurance that you’ll find satisfaction there.

Re-Tune Your Thoughts

In Pursuit Of Clarity

When the gas gauge nears empty do you cry in shame
With your head on the steering wheel wondering why
Such a crisis befell you? You’d hoped it would last
But it didn’t so you feel you’ve done things half assed.
You then feel the despair of a life gone awry
And you have no one else but your damned self to blame.

Slap a happy face sticker across that gas gauge.
It’s depressing to look at. Indeed it’s obscene.
This ridiculous scenario is to say
That we have built in gauges that lead us the way
That is of least resistance. Somewhere in between
The absurd and reality our thoughts engage.

It’s an indicator that tells you what you need.
Nothing more or less is it than a messenger.
It is time for a fill up if you don’t feel well.
Do not hang around others and put them through hell.
Offer thoughts more conducive to what you prefer.
Take notice of how you feel, and you will succeed.

When you’re pissed off at someone, that gauge is ignored
To your ultimate detriment. All of your thought
Is devoted to anger, like swimming upstream
When what you want is downstream. This recurring theme
 Is the lifelong conundrum in which you are caught.
Having thoughts that aren’t loving you cannot afford.