Tag Archive | lazy

Permission To Be Lazy

Nap Time

If someone says you’re lazy it usually
Is because from a false premise is where they come
Which states that the more you do then the more you’re worth.
Nothing could be more wrong. There’s no reason on earth
To believe it therefore don’t be beating the drum
Of the mindset of an errant society.

An alternative premise is that the basis
Of the universe is that the better you feel
The more you allow. You could not be more worthy
Of a nice break from this time space reality.
Don’t wait until existing becomes an ordeal.
Your spiritual world becomes your oasis.

You may wish for everyone to know wellbeing
But it is necessary for you to tend to
Your own wealth of wellbeing then you can extend
It to others. More time by yourself you should spend.
If some friend asks a horrendous favor of you
Tell them with their request you are not agreeing.

Carve out more time to be nicer to yourself and
Spend more private time under the bridge where others
Are not telling you what to do. When you are there
It’s a whole lot easier for you to take care
Of the needs of your fellows as your life occurs.
Sometimes you need to take your own self by the hand.

Just Go With The Flow

Blue Green Splash

You can feel the power of your experience
If you Just Go With The Flow. Much publicity
About crises causes you to think in a way
That’s contrary to happiness. How can you stay
In alignment and free from negativity
When the hate of humanity is so intense?

It’s a time of awakening. Greater contrast
We’re experiencing. People are asking more
Of the universe. The energy that creates
Worlds is moving much faster which clearly translates
To more energy flowing than ever before.
We can no longer keep holding on to the past.

Find ways to move in the direction of the flow.
You don’t have to keep up with the fast energy.
You need only to let the flow turn you around.
You’ll delight in the new sense of ease you have found
Otherwise you paddle with much difficulty
In the upstream direction of heartache and woe.

Wellbeing is the order of this universe.
When you look at the world as a whole you will find
Tiny pockets of discord. Don’t let it deter
You from seeing in the way that you would prefer.
Do believe in the potential for humankind
To evolve in a way that is better – not worse.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.