Tag Archive | express

The Science Of Gratitude

Giving Love

By adopting an attitude of gratitude
You improve your wellbeing, increase happiness,
And promote healthy interactions with others.
Anyone who’s had sisters, brothers, or mothers
Knows one thing about gratitude – it relieves stress
And it does wonders for elevating one’s mood.

People who purposefully appreciate more
Have reported that they have higher self-esteem
Than those who don’t so much. The science doesn’t lie.
For this reason you should give gratitude a try.
You’ll have blessings coming to you in the extreme.
Think of all the many things that you’re grateful for.

People who capture grateful thoughts before they sleep
Will sleep better than those who don’t. Why is this so?
Gratitude actually does rewire the brain.
Chemical interactions therein help you gain
Some momentum so that you’re allowing the flow
Of feelings and memories that you get to keep.

The good feeling neurotransmitters activate
The bliss center of the brain. Regular practice
Of being happy trains your prefrontal cortex
In a manner that often seems very complex.
Say to yourself, “It doesn’t get better than this!”
Gratitude is a wonderful way to feel great.

The Great Song

Celestial Song

Sometimes a song keeps playing inside of your head.
It may be happy or sad depending upon
How you feel in the moment, but you have control
Over which one you’re hearing. You’re playing the role
Of the maestro. To you all attention is drawn.
 And by you the awaiting orchestra is led.

There’s a much greater song reverberating through
The whole universe. It keeps things in harmony
So that planets that have life are safe and secure.
The Great Song is a vibration that shall endure
Through eternity. Know the exquisite beauty
Of existence especially that which is you.

Some say that life’s a sad song. They experience
What they sadly sing then they expect things to change
For the better or they just stay in a foul mood
Constantly. They develop a bad attitude.
The notion of their changing their song is too strange
So they put up destructive walls of self-defense.

Those who say it’s a happy song are the ones who
Know that it’s not the song. It’s the way you’re singing
That brings meaning to life. How you sing The Great Song
Is your freedom. Do know that you can’t get it wrong
If unto the main melody you are clinging.
May the music bring everlasting joy to you.


Spontaneous Excitement

All I know about living is that I want More
Of the good times. The More excited I become
About life, the More wonderfully it treats me.
Am I close to fulfilling my reason to be?
That can’t happen because there will always be some
New adventure. There’s always something More in store.

I’m continually asking for More, so I’m
Never going to be done. I can’t truly be
Forever fulfilled. I can just be up to speed
With my asking. I’ll never have all that I need
To fulfill me. Therefore I can live happily
Ever after. I can stay content all the time.

What it’s called is alignment. It is or is not
In the moment depending upon how well I
Am connected to my Source of empowerment.
I must ask and there’s nothing on earth to prevent
My receiving. I’ve tapped an enormous supply
Of exuberance. I’ve found it helps me a lot.

In spirit’s union with this physical body
There’s perfection of balance. I put myself in
Positions where new insights are born within me.
There’s no place quite like this time space reality.
What a wonderful journey my whole life has been
And shall be. I want More of what’s coming to me.

Can Everyone Segment Intend?

Piecemeal Preparation

The process whereby you define your intentions
For the next segment of your day is called Segment
. It’s a way of pre-paving what you

Want to happen. Each part of your day is a new
Point of focus. The process is meant to prevent
Unintended things happening. It helps you tons.

It forces you to make the most of this moment
And to line up your thoughts to what you most desire.
More peaceful moments it allows you to create
Through the day. It keeps you in a positive state
Of alignment. The day that you want will transpire.
You’ve control of it all through your conscious intent.

It helps you to focus your attention on the
Here and now and to recognize that your power
Is in this present moment. Deliberately
Intending gives you confidence and clarity.
The benevolent universe wants to shower
The next segment with all that will make you happy.

The more you take the time to pre-pave the more you
Are aligning your energies with the future.
The path of least resistance it helps you to find.
It is beneficial to all of humankind.
Segment Intending is the best way to ensure
Satisfaction in everything you have to do.