Manifest Anything

Fairy Dust

Absolute clarity about what I want to
Manifest I must have first then I can prepare
To receive what I’m asking for. Naturally
In alignment with my higher self I must be.
The momentum increases if I can stay there
In that place where I have an evolved point of view.

I enjoy the excitement that I feel when I
Think about what I want. I love talking about
It with others. My passion may blow them away
Because I have so much about my dream to say
To the world. In my heart of hearts I have no doubt
That with my wishes the universe will comply.

Everything seen was once a thought. All that occurs,
Good and bad, is just a thought originally
So I watch what I’m thinking. If it starts to go
Southerly then I’ll implement all that I know
To get back to good thinking. I love getting free
Of my lower self and the chaos it prefers.

Single-mindedly focused I am on my goal.
The universe yields to both faith and commitment.
Negative thought takes me in the wrong direction
Whereas thoughts that are not enhance my connection
To my higher self where I find extreme content.
Of my point of attraction I’ve complete control.

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