Tag Archive | vividly

Manifest Anything

Fairy Dust

Absolute clarity about what I want to
Manifest I must have first then I can prepare
To receive what I’m asking for. Naturally
In alignment with my higher self I must be.
The momentum increases if I can stay there
In that place where I have an evolved point of view.

I enjoy the excitement that I feel when I
Think about what I want. I love talking about
It with others. My passion may blow them away
Because I have so much about my dream to say
To the world. In my heart of hearts I have no doubt
That with my wishes the universe will comply.

Everything seen was once a thought. All that occurs,
Good and bad, is just a thought originally
So I watch what I’m thinking. If it starts to go
Southerly then I’ll implement all that I know
To get back to good thinking. I love getting free
Of my lower self and the chaos it prefers.

Single-mindedly focused I am on my goal.
The universe yields to both faith and commitment.
Negative thought takes me in the wrong direction
Whereas thoughts that are not enhance my connection
To my higher self where I find extreme content.
Of my point of attraction I’ve complete control.

Soothing Thoughts

Fresh Thinking

Can I heal myself through my determination
To do so? Can I figure out what to do then
Set a goal and achieve it? These thoughts are upstream
And I know they won’t help me to fulfill my dream
Of a life of simplicity. I don’t know when
I’ve ever been in such a tough situation.

I need thoughts that are downstream. I need to let go
Of a ton of resistance. It stands in the way
Of my becoming the person I’m meant to be.
I must know that there’s nothing the matter with me.
To get into alignment what price must I pay?
It’s that of being willing to go with the flow.

My life has caused me to create it. I know it’s
Waiting for me. I don’t have to worry about
It becoming reality. I don’t have to
Figure it all out right now. All I need to do
Is to keep myself free of any thoughts of doubt
Which means I cannot focus too much on my wits.

It’s natural for things to turn out well for me.
There’s no rush. I’ve got plenty of time to do this.
When I feel like doing it, it always feels good.
When I don’t, then it sucks. It’s now well understood.
All the things that are going well I can’t dismiss.
To think any thought I want I’m perfectly free.

Right Back Into Alignment


It takes much self-control to let go of control.
It feels almost counter to what I’m asking for.
I think I’m meant to do things that I’m not doing
And that’s why I have difficulty pursuing
What I want. I’ve no time for the things I adore.
How I feel in the moment is much less than whole.

In my determination to have a fine day
I’m obsessed with figuring out what I can do
To be the best at what I do, somehow I know
That I’m struggling upstream. If I go with the flow
Then I’ll have a much more positive point of view.
Things may just work out for me if I think this way.

I don’t know exactly where to go or what to
Do but I can feel the call and know that as I
Relax more then I’m better able to translate
The call into more details. I want to create
A life full of excitement. It’s the reason why
I was born and each moment I have here is new.

Now I’m meant to do things that I’m going to let
Myself do. There’s a difference in how that feels
Which is lighter. I don’t have to figure it all
Out right this red hot minute. It is but a small
Thing to change my direction. My true heart reveals
What I need to know to me and there’s no regret.

The Only Missing Component

Colorful Puzzle

A newfound resolution can be yours to make.
Since you’re going to explore contrast while you’re here
In this time space reality it’s valid for
You to see vividly what you don’t want. The core
Of your wanting is feeling it to make it clear
To the subconscious mind which is always awake.

In the moment you see something you don’t want you
To the universe send a rocket of desire
Then all that is nonphysical takes it from there
And you can tune yourself to become more aware
Of the blessings and happy times as they transpire.
It’s about time to line up with what’s coming due.

Everything’s been amassed. The right people, places,
And events are all worked out. The question is, Where
Are you in this equation? Are you The Only
Missing Component?
Are you vibrationally

Matching up with what you want? How much do you care
For the things that your inner being embraces?

Allow yourself the pleasure of trusting in the
Universe to deliver. Relax and let go
Of the need to control things. Exercise some hope
In your wanting. The universe will not say nope
To your asking so you can ask it to bestow
Many blessings upon you immediately.