Tag Archive | yearn

Things Will Go Your Way

Pleasure Ready

There’s a universe that exists parallel to
This one made up of matter and slow energy.
It’s a nonphysical world of feeling and thought.
It’s as real as can be but sometimes folks get caught
In the mind trap of thinking that reality
Can only be of substance. This just isn’t true.

Think of love. When you feel love how do you define
It in terms of physical manifestation?
It cannot be done. Pure love is intangible.
You can feel it, however. Your heart can be full
Of intense feelings of immense adoration.
Without form they precisely depict the divine.

The nonphysical universe celebrates you
On your journey so be completely satisfied
With not having what you want right now. You can be
Happy even though it’s not a reality
You can see and touch. Nothing to you is denied
When how you’re feeling you pay close attention to.

Align with the vibration of what you desire.
Build the emotional bridge from where you are now
To where you want to be. Pay attention to the
Universe’s attention to you constantly.
With your conscious intent you begin to allow
All the universe to provide what you require.

A Long, Fulfilling Life

Long Happy Journey

Everyone wants a long and fulfilling life. So
How do people achieve it? They stay excited
About things they love doing and do them they do
With abandon. Each moment for them is brand new.
The flame of their lives keeps being reignited
By their love for life and their willingness to grow.

Keep it simple. Find out what you love to do and
Do it as early as you can if possible.
Remember what you loved to do when you were young.
What excited you? You can find something among
All those things that will make your life more meaningful.
Doing it causes your consciousness to expand.

Failures are fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it but in it will grow
Seeds of wisdom. Your failures are only detours
Off your path. Get Back On. The decision is yours.
Those who live happy lives learn to go with the flow.
That life has peaks and valleys is well understood.

When you live today as if tomorrow you’ll die
But you learn and you yearn as if you’re going to
Live forever you guarantee your life will be
Most fulfilling and ripe with opportunity.
Give more back than all that has been given to you.
Never retire because you can always retry.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.

A Long And Fulfilling Life

The Rewards of Spiritual Alignmant

Some would say it’s a given that life is fulfilled
When the spirit is happy on into old age.
Normalcy in this manner helps this race survive,
And the secret to living is always to strive
For the next new adventure in which to engage
The spirit, most willing and able to be thrilled.

It’s simple but not easy to get there from where
One is most disadvantaged in terms of spirit.
Remember what excited you in your childhood.
What did you love to do because it felt so good?
If your past is atrocious learn not to fear it
Because there’s some redemption in visiting there.

What do you love to do after work and when you
Have the time and the energy at your avail?
To love what you do by doing that which you love
Your reward is the earth and blessings from above.
Deliver more that you promise, and you can’t fail.
Find a reason for living that is more than true.

Failure is fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it, but from it can grow
Seeds of absolute greatness and worldly success.
Chase your passion – not pension. Eliminate stress.
Don’t retire. Do inspire with the things that you know.
Your life will be remembered indeed as it should.