Tag Archive | eternal beings

What God Wants You To Know

Realm Of Divinity

It’s about your accepting the sheer perfection
Of who you are as a human being. For so
Long no matter what platform you were born into
You were taught that you’re not perfect. This isn’t true.
This is the biggest thing that God wants you to know
And it’s worth keeping part of your recollection.

God wants you always to embrace all the contrast
In your life because it produces expansion.
You’re an eternal being. You must find a way
To love yourself no matter what. You want to stay
In that state of wellbeing where you are the one
In control and you’re able to remain steadfast.

Anytime you’re not loving yourself you may feel
Guilt or shame. Even hope has a bit of a stain
Of uncertainty. All that it means is that you
Have forgotten the wonderful things God can do.
You can be healed of your troublesome self-disdain
In an instant. Any ailment you have can heal.

Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows all of this. Don’t sweat the small
Stuff. It’s all small compared to your ability
To grab hold of some of God’s awesome energy.
Get yourself hooked up with the being who knows all.
All feelings of divinity come from the heart.

Forget About Struggle

Monumental Task

How can I get to that place of satisfaction?
What’s the most effective way I can get from hope
To believing and knowing? What can I do now
Right this moment to help me to better allow
Understanding and energy to help me cope
With the struggle? Does this happen with everyone?

Your are where you are. If something has happened and
You’re reacting to it, you’re vibrationally
Where you are with it and anything you can do
To improve the way you feel will benefit you.
Your climbing the emotional scale just may be
The appropriate tool of which you have command.

You can work your way up the emotional scale
Or you can do something that will quiet your mind
And there are many ways such as meditation.
Anything that will help you in the creation
Of a path that leads you to a place more aligned
With your spirit ensures that your truth will prevail.

Often times you need to count to ten and look for
Positive aspects in this person when there’s not
A one evident. You don’t want to make it worse.
Sometimes you have to walk away. The universe
Remembers everything that you may have forgot
And its constant reminders you cannot ignore.

The Bigger Picture

In Perfect Proximity

The perfection of who you are is nothing new
To the universe since you are a part of it.
It is perfect in every way and it reflects
How you feel about your life. Your feeling affects
How it treats you. So it is to your benefit
To be happy. In this way, more joy comes to you.

Find a way to love yourself no matter what may
Be your negative programming. You are not here
To work hard at redemption. You’re more than worthy
Of wellbeing and happiness. Get yourself free
From the mindset of lack generated by fear.
Don’t let what others think of you lead you astray.

You want to talk to fewer people about stuff
And to be much more generally accepting
Of what’s going on. You want to step back and see
How this earth spinning in perfect proximity
To other spatial bodies is an awesome thing.
Wonder is such that you can never get enough.

Understanding The Bigger Picture, you’re aware
Of the higher thoughts that hold the planets in place
And that you can tap into. Your best creating
Is done when you know that all is advocating
For your utter fulfillment. The infinite grace
Of the universe is for everyone to share.

Accepting The Gift

No Need For Humility

Some believe that a good life is one that is long.
This is not necessarily so. There’s a link
Between feeling terrific and longevity,
Yet the most functional way that you want to be
Is contented but eager for more. Do not think
That a short life that’s blissful has somehow gone wrong.

Life is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, something
Is out of alignment and needs looking into.
When your life is delicious, appreciation
From moment to moment is good for everyone
Who happens to be in proximity to you
As well as yourself. Do what will make your heart sing.

A long life in the current body some address
From a negative standpoint. They are not ready
To start over. They want to reap more benefit
From the knowledge accumulated yet unfit
Is the attitude needed to live happily.
How you feel is the ultimate key to success.

It’s not possible for you to withdraw focus
On your many surroundings. You will want to see
Changes made until they meet your satisfaction.
Content yet eager is the best combination
For accepting the gift of your life gracefully.
It is one that is to be shared by all of us.

The Kingdom Of Heaven

What Lies Within

In this world there is never an intervention.
It implies some assertion that something is wrong
And needs to be corrected by someone outside
The person with the issue who serves as a guide.
So the word ‘intervention’ does seem rather strong
For something nonexistent and wholly home spun.

There is only attraction. There’s no assertion
In this time space reality that we perceive.
We engage all the drama with strong emotion
That stirs up the momentum for getting things done.
Happiness is the one goal we want to achieve.
The times that we are purest is when having fun.

We’re here to explore contrast and from it create
Conditions for solutions to fall into place.
Coming into alignment with all that we are,
We have access to heaven which isn’t that far
From where we may be looking. We’ve no one to face
But ourselves, and it helps not to foolishly wait.

So, The Kingdom Of Heaven we know is within.
We’ve been told that by many a teacher by now.
That must mean that God resides in each one of us,
And the fact that we’re human also is a plus.
We can enter the Kingdom if we but allow
Our acceptance of our worthiness to begin.

Re-Tune Your Thoughts

In Pursuit Of Clarity

When the gas gauge nears empty do you cry in shame
With your head on the steering wheel wondering why
Such a crisis befell you? You’d hoped it would last
But it didn’t so you feel you’ve done things half assed.
You then feel the despair of a life gone awry
And you have no one else but your damned self to blame.

Slap a happy face sticker across that gas gauge.
It’s depressing to look at. Indeed it’s obscene.
This ridiculous scenario is to say
That we have built in gauges that lead us the way
That is of least resistance. Somewhere in between
The absurd and reality our thoughts engage.

It’s an indicator that tells you what you need.
Nothing more or less is it than a messenger.
It is time for a fill up if you don’t feel well.
Do not hang around others and put them through hell.
Offer thoughts more conducive to what you prefer.
Take notice of how you feel, and you will succeed.

When you’re pissed off at someone, that gauge is ignored
To your ultimate detriment. All of your thought
Is devoted to anger, like swimming upstream
When what you want is downstream. This recurring theme
 Is the lifelong conundrum in which you are caught.
Having thoughts that aren’t loving you cannot afford.

Stop Thinking About It

When The Mind Is In Overdrive

When I’m outcome fixated I can’t see beyond
The most unfulfilled present. My thoughts turn to things
That I don’t want and never have. What I must do
Is to alter my thinking, if only I knew
How to do it effectively. But my mind clings
To the now which is past tense where turmoil is spawned.

The cycle become vicious, I learn through its pain.
My receiver must be tuned to the frequency
Of the righteous transmitting of infinite grace.
Every bit of the whole process I must embrace.
Forever on the leading edge of what’s to be,
How can I stop resistance for maximum gain?

Energy that creates worlds is flowing through me.
Why rely on someone for the life I desire?
I create my experiences while awake,
Yet unconscious of many wrong paths that I take
On the way to fulfillment, wisdom I acquire.
Thoughts I think must align with who I want to be.

The process of achieving must entertain doubt.
The resistance it offers may cause me to think.
“Show me, then I’ll believe it.” It works not that way.
“Just stop thinking about it throughout the whole day,
Then with infinite forces, you’ll be well in sync.”
I can know that in good time, good things will work out.