Tag Archive | anxiety

Making Peace


Disappointed you are that it hasn’t come yet.
Your awareness of what you want that you have not
Messes with you. It keeps you from full resonance
With your true self and there is much less of a chance
Of your getting what you want. It matters a lot
That you find some way of dealing with your regret.

If you keep being disappointed because it
Isn’t manifested you cannot be aware
Of the signs of its coming so you set a goal
And create a timeline thinking you have control
Of a tough situation. It’s too much to bear
So much so that in no time you’re ready to quit.

Yet you know about deliberate creation.
You know what you don’t want so you know what you do.
Focus only on what you want. Start Making Peace
With ‘what is.’ In no time you’ll begin to release
Some resistance. Surrender to that part of you
Who gets you out of any tough situation.

Do it because you have the ability to
Feel good where you are anyway at any time.
Here and now is the jumping off place to your bliss
And you know it can only get better than this
Current struggle. So much of your life is sublime.
Ask yourself why you want to do all that you do.

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.

Why We’re So Anxious

Extreme Concerned

When you feel like there’s something you must do to get
To a place where you will have some security,
Is it normal? Or is it just an illusion
To be so anxious that you can’t get a thing done?
If you want long-lasting peace and serenity,
Don’t worry that it hasn’t manifested yet.

Our anxiety is a permanent feature
Of our lives here as humans. We are to the core
Anxious beings. We hold powerful fantasies
About things we could get that would bring us more ease
In our everyday living. What do we live for
But to struggle? How can life be the best teacher?

When we find the right home, status, or lover, we
Think that we’ll be much happier. This isn’t so.
We will always be restless, but we can show some
Compassion for our fellows. We can overcome
Our discomfort through the process of letting go
Of the fear and the desperation completely.

We can learn to laugh about our anxieties,
Laughter being the exuberant expression
Of relief. We can hug people much more often
Than we do now. Anxiety dissipates when
We share with others our unique situation.
Learn to see the way that your inner being sees.

Remove Force From Your Life

Hot Race

To resist all evil means to give up the fight.
Your problems are not solvable by using force.
When you become a fighter against anything
Onto the forces that created it you cling.
It takes conscious awareness to get to the source
Of your struggle. You know that things are not all right.

In this material world, things move at a pace
That causes much anxiety, illness, and pain.
It’s slow-moving energy ironically.
It’s the kind that always asks, “What’s in it for me?”
Scurrying to meet deadlines can drive you insane.

Life does not have to be a chaotic rat race.

Hold no one or no thing in judgment. You cannot
Bring spiritual harmony to an issue
As long as you accept the idea that one
Side is right. You will never reach a solution.
Judging others means only that something in you
Needs expressing, and it doesn’t mean a whole lot.

When you slow yourself down, you will actually
Always speed up your spiritual vibration.
Peaceful, tranquil thoughts clear the chatter in the mind.
While you’re stopped at a traffic light, be more inclined
To connect with your inner peace. Meditation
Is the wonderful practice of letting things be.

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

You Are All Involved

The Cooperative System Of Being

Psychologically it is more conducive
To release from illusion to remember that
The thinker, feeler, or the experiencer
Is part of the experience. One can refer
To each part and come up with a complex format
To embellish its meaning and how one should live.

Out of anxiety we try to stabilize
And keep permanent the ‘separate’ observer
Which causes conflict. It is more that memory
Is a dynamic system. It definitely
Is not a storage system. It is, as it were,
A repeating of rhythms that we realize.

The ongoing flow of present experience
Is such that we can’t distinguish between something
That is known and a memory. We cannot know
Anything until we remember it, although
Different cues attached to memories will bring
A bit of continuity to our presence.

Present experience cues are different from
Memory cues. They have not the same vibration.
All experiences are part of the present.
No witness can be separate from the event,
And the whole process is engaged by everyone.
If you don’t know your place in life, this may help some.

Facing Your Fears

Handling Life Anxiety

Deep down everyone is afraid. When you don’t face
What you fear, much of life you are missing out on.
That you could have, or should have, or would have is the
Saddest way to sum up your life. Don’t let it be
The thing that holds you back until your life is gone.
 Take each step at a time as you steady your pace.

Life can be overwhelming especially when
You are not in a good place to handle it well.
Each little success will increase your confidence.
Break humongous things down so that they make more sense.
It is not good for you to remain in your shell.
This applies equally to both women and men.

Get professional advice. To yourself be kind.
Get whatever support you need. Accentuate
What is going well. You can rewrite your story
To exactly the way that you want things to be
But you must face your fear in order to create
Any further. You must be with yourself aligned.

When your brain is not well oxygenated things
Will feel much worse than they really are. Helplessness
And paralysis keep you in the negative
Reinforcing mentality. Decide to live
To your fullest. You intended for nothing less
Than to live upon this earth as do queens and kings.

Make Them Text You Right Away

Attract Through Your Vibration

What you want to take care of is getting in touch
With acquaintances you’ve not heard from for a while
But you had some anxiety so you waited
‘Til you felt in alignment yet you created
Resistance by your action. The cramp in your style
Yielded some success but indeed not very much.

It may have made you feel somewhat vulnerable
As it does add more resistance to what is there
But when you really own this, to the contrary
Is this so. It takes much thought before you can see
That you’re not in alignment, yet not in despair.
With regard to your feelings you must be mindful.

You need not figure out things. If you are unsure
How you feel then feel it as deeply as you can
At least until something can be identified.
Isolate and describe it. In your heart confide.
Do what you feel is best. Do not follow a plan.
Readjust your vibration and make sure it’s pure.

Is it because you feel great and they feel not right
Or that they feel wonderful and you feel anxious?
Don’t attempt to find answers to what can’t be known.
Let the Law of Attraction take care of your phone
And the people who call you. You need not discuss
Anything not uplifting to your appetite.

Anxiety And Depression

Personal Hell

The Dead End I have reached. There is nowhere to go
That is not without torment. “Struggle is okay,”
Would say friends if I had them. “We all can relate
To the bitter taste life has. When in a lost state
Know that you’re not alone although it seems that way.”

Could there be a ‘friend’ inside me who I don’t know?

What I feel is reality, and it is now.
Contemplating ending it all, I find relief
In the knowing that doing so may curse my soul.
What if it is already too much less than whole?
My own negative thinking I know is the thief
Of my spirit. I’d feel better if I knew how…

So we all go through hard times, and I would do best
To be patient with myself. I deserve a break.
Some rest and relaxation and good exercise
When I’m feeling much better is proper and wise.
I must move this damned body while I am awake
Whatever that may look like and rightly expressed.

I must force myself off the couch and on a walk.
I can create something from the pain that I feel.
Things that make me wonderful, blessed, and unique
And the things I appreciate counter the bleak.
I become all the better throughout the ordeal.
Therapy for the psyche is positive shock.

You Are All Involved

Vibrational Cacophony

The feeler, the thinker… the experiencer
Are the feeling, the thought and the experience.
There’s no separate witness to judge the process.
Yet we are all involved with the will to express
In ways truly convergent. There is no past tense
In the present awareness To Be, as it were.

Don’t try to make them separate. Anxiety
Will result in so doing. Do not stabilize
Or make permanent things that are destined to flow.
Memory is dynamic. In order to know
Anything it must be remembered. It is wise
To see what is right now the same as memory.

Memory signals have certain markers attached
That are different from present time signal cues
So that we don’t confuse them. Yet reality
Dictates that past becomes present through memory.
Sometimes signals get mixed which creates déjà vu’s.
We have not scratched the surface of how they’re dispatched.

I and all I’m perceiving are one and the same.
All of time is This Moment and all that exists.
Memory is not storage. It is consciousness.
As a part of one puzzle we’ve complete access
To the blessings of which the universe consists.
We’re all in this together and have much to claim.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

Another World

Alien To All That Is Known

From one world to another I want to transcend
In a state meditative whenever I can.
Freedom I have to enter a world of pure bliss
Which in life is the sweetest nectar. Like a kiss
To the confounded consciousness, it is more than
A brief break from attention the mind does expend.

With a peanut sized consciousness I can only
Have a peanut sized understanding of most things
But if I can expand it beyond boundaries
Then the world becomes friendly, and my acts appease
Others’ whose offer harshness. The exercise brings
On a flood of awareness most definitely.

There’s a pure vibrant ocean of consciousness in
Each one of us, and it’s called The Unified Field.
Modern science says all matter emanates from
This Field which has a consciousness that can become
That of anyone seeking it. What is revealed
Is awareness divine yet within human skin.

People look like friends rather than enemies when
They have sought true alignment by going within
Where there’s infinite knowing, creative release,
And a path that will lead to the ultimate peace.
Can this life be a game that one can play to win
With no harm done to others as ever has been?


The Right Of Free Will

I don’t know where my hiccup decisions come from.
They’re like guttural spasms. The choking of air
Is the constant anxiety. Thinking things through
Only adds more confusion. Whatever I do,
Worrying about worrying while in despair
Is a blend of psychosis that renders me numb.

In my mind there’s a feedback loop endlessly closed.
Thoughts that speed as if race cars are always the same.
Did I take enough time to consider every
Possible thing I should have and confidently?
In a dither of doubt no relief can I claim.
Choices are not decisions. My truth is exposed.

There are infinite data – too much to take in
For any given situation that occurs.
Deciding on an issue by using the mind
May result in catastrophe for my behind.
Doing just as I please is what this self prefers.
Can there be a solution that won’t mete my sin?

Mystical states of consciousness can be achieved
Where there is a natural lightness of feeling
Difficulty is effortless. Life is a breeze.
I’m not at that place yet, but I feel more at ease.
I’m a cloud not misshapen… a God awful thing
That is badly designed. In that, I am relieved.

The awareness state I’m conditioned to resist.
The repugnant sensation of discord creates
Sensory basis for the ego to appear
To convince me that no state is better than fear.
We are not helpless creatures consumed by our fates.
Intuition is something that can’t be dismissed.


Let It Go

Sympathetic the system of nerves is to stress.
Somewhere in all the business throughout the long day,
Things don’t catch up completely. Into fight or flight
I am kicked as I’m flustered by anything slight
So that comfort offered is taken the wrong way.
Feeling this way is something I need to address.

A technique called deep breathing is fairly well-known.
It involves, as it implies, taking in fresh air
And releasing it slowly enough to partake
Of the presence awakened for wellbeing’s sake.
That I can do it anytime and anywhere
Makes it ideal a remedy done while alone.

 Breathing deeply means slowly and with awareness
Of the air going places it had not before,
From my body’s perspective. It knows everything
That I’ve done to it since birth. Right now I can bring
My attention to its health, desires, and much more.
What could be a more wholesome and easy process?

Inhaling through the nose to the short count of five,
And then holding it there for a few seconds more,
Then exhaling completely is good exercise.
If I want to be more things along with just wise
Then I need not feel burnt out. Breathing can restore
The lost sense of myself as it keeps me alive.

Breaking Free From Anxiety And Fear

The Ethereal Monster

This world is full of sorrow, and mine is surreal.
There’s no one to support me in my time of need
Of a proper solution to my tangled mess.
Had I someone to talk to I’d freely confess
That I am rather hopeless. My case I would plead,
But I am so ashamed of the way that I feel.

Meditation eludes me. My life’s twists and turns
Make me fearful and anxious. My letting it be
Seems to make it grow bigger. Darkness has a grip
On my soul, of which I claim complete ownership.
If I don’t find an answer that satisfies me,
Then I may be an object the devil discerns.

Attention must be focused, when problems arise,
On the fact of their presence, then detach from it.
Examine carefully all the negative talk
That the pain body thrives on. Indeed, it will balk
At the notion of presence and will throw a fit
In defense of disaster with which it allies.

Fear is of a low frequency. It puts the nerves
In the rhythm of panic. While identified
With the thoughts that create it, I am not aware
That I’m safe in the moment and that I must care
That awareness and presence cannot be denied.
It’s a gift that every living creature deserves.

Well immersed in the problem, must I feel the pain
That the body responds to imagined or real?
Fight or flight is the trigger created by thought.
An awakening comes when this moment is caught.
What is real and the story can both make me feel
Much the same, so from drama I’m best to abstain.

Anxiety And Illness

The Ongoing Struggle

Because they threaten life, they elicit concern.
Conditions preexisting within mortal genes
Turn the mind to a whirlpool of obsessive thought.
I become the victim of a sinister plot
If I focus on wondering what it all means.
The grotesqueness of illness is one lesson stern.

Nowhere is absoluteness among all the cells
Of the creatures at home here for but a brief while.
Substance must be substantial, but not for too long
Due to laws put in place to curse those who are strong
As well as all we weak ones. One could wear a smile,
As the Push Into Presence is what it compels.

Not to deny reality, yet not to dwell
On the thing with its name that’s connected to me
But detached from the true self, I stand well at ease
And relieved of the duty to pump up and please
Everyone with the notion that life is carefree
When reality is for many utter hell.

Most of suffering is a product of the mind.
That it wants to maintain a good story is known
To the quiet observer of all taking place.
When new freedom is found, I cannot but embrace
A transition of being wherein I am shown
What it is that I live for among humankind.