Tag Archive | message

Remember Who You Are


Many times we feel fear. The human condition
Is such that negative emotion is a cave
In which we are all hiding. Sometimes we may feel
That life isn’t worth living. The feeling is real
To the point where our souls we’re not able to save.
It is difficult to be in this position.

Yet there are times of happiness so we can be
Skeptical. We can learn to listen with our hearts
Rather than with the confused voices in our heads.
We can rip the script that they’re reading from to shreds.
Our intention is to master the loving arts
And to live life outside of the cave happily.

Don’t believe all those negative emotions that
Create poisonous stories. Don’t spew them around
Because they keep you in the cave. It’s time that you
Change your message. Empower your word. As you do
A new sense of respect for yourself will be found.
You’ll be free of the problem of mental chitchat.

We’re given this wonderful opportunity
To get out of the cave that we have created.
Within the utter darkness you can be the light
To lead others knowing that everything’s alright
Once that you’ve been properly indoctrinated.
You’re a messenger of peace, love, and harmony.

About Gratitude

Sign Of Life

Accustomed to the pavement and looks of disdain
From each passerby, one must compartmentalize
Feelings of desperation, shame, and hopelessness
From the art of the sale, as the face must express
Sincere need. One must hope people will sympathize
With their circumstance. This is what drives one insane.

Homelessness of the body, like that of the soul
That has lost its connection to reality,
Is a problem that people encounter each day.
People wish that the issue would just go away
But it won’t. It’s a part of our society
That in some basic ways is way out of control.

At some nook on the freeway the human billboard
Holds the message that cannot be well understood.
We don’t want to be interrupted from our own
Many issues. We won’t throw the poor dog a bone.
Trying to stuff the guilt doesn’t do any good
Because we’re not as practiced at being ignored.

Yet there are success stories. There are people who
Have reached out in a big way. Anyone can be
Faced with hard times. People who deal with homelessness
Work for others’ compassion. They are nonetheless
Worthy of being happy. Those who don’t agree
Have some gratitude issues they should attend to.

Quick Warm-Up

Leaping High

Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be converted from one form to
Another. Yet, it must move. It cannot be still.
It expands and contracts in order to fulfill
Every act of intention. What good it can do
To know this is tremendous and should be enjoyed.

Your vibrational alignment, which can occur
With objects and people in the world around you,
Happens naturally when you’re ‘in tune’ with them.
You can use you emotional guidance system
In the process. It helps if you are able to
Remain focused intently on what you prefer.

When you enjoy a beautiful, bright sunny day,
For example, your brain begins to harmonize
With the frequency of the earth. The alpha state
Of relaxation can make the body feel great.
The new day is just that. You need not analyze
Its significance. You reconnect in this way.

Be reminded that you are made of energy
As well as everything in existence, therefore
You were never created nor will you ever
Cease to be. There will be an energy transfer
Into spirit, but right now you’re here to explore
Life on earth as a human temporarily.


Giving Thanks

Sometimes in life we pass over the simple things
That surround us that are wonderful to behold.
We shift our focus to the things that chip away
At our spirits, yet we can be thankful each day
For the little things. Don’t let your life be controlled
By the world and its most chaotic happenings.

Once a woman was walking down a busy street
When she spotted a beggar with an empty bowl
And a cardboard sign that read, ‘Blind Please Help,’ so she
Took the sign, turned it over, and wrote caringly.
What she wrote must have come directly from her soul.
Having put change in the bowl her task was complete.

Pretty soon the old beggar heard lots of change fall
Into his bowl. He’d wondered what the woman wrote
On his sign. He asked someone to read it to him.
The delighted passerby was filled to the brim
With compassion and read the beggar’s humble note.
What was written there indeed was not something small.

‘Today is a beautiful day, and I am so
Happy you have the privilege to be able
To see it,’
wrote the woman. Your gratitude brings

True fulfillment and many wonderful blessings.
Gratitude need not always be demonstrable
To others. It’s one way that the spirit can grow.

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have

Giving Heart

“You can’t give away what you don’t have.” People who
Are not good at giving away love cannot give
It because they do not have it to give away.
You get back from the world how you feel everyday
About life. It’s precisely the way that you live
That determines what life will reflect back to you.

When you stop asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?”
And instead ask, “In what way can I assist you?”
You begin shifting energy. The universe
Will ask you the same question, then it will disburse
Many blessings upon you, and all that you do
Will be given back to you exponentially.

If you have anger, fear, or contempt in your heart
Then that’s what you’re projecting, so what you get back
Is exactly what you put out – grief and despair.
You will find that you take your hatred everywhere.
If it’s kept up, it may lead to a heart attack.
From a wholesome life your sickness holds you apart.

The ego teaches us that who ‘I am’ is not
Only what I have. It’s what I accomplish too.
We get hung up on the idea of success.
We’re obsessed with this illusion of happiness.
Life is not about all of the things we accrue.
Give away what you have and you get back a lot.

Make Them Text You Right Away

Attract Through Your Vibration

What you want to take care of is getting in touch
With acquaintances you’ve not heard from for a while
But you had some anxiety so you waited
‘Til you felt in alignment yet you created
Resistance by your action. The cramp in your style
Yielded some success but indeed not very much.

It may have made you feel somewhat vulnerable
As it does add more resistance to what is there
But when you really own this, to the contrary
Is this so. It takes much thought before you can see
That you’re not in alignment, yet not in despair.
With regard to your feelings you must be mindful.

You need not figure out things. If you are unsure
How you feel then feel it as deeply as you can
At least until something can be identified.
Isolate and describe it. In your heart confide.
Do what you feel is best. Do not follow a plan.
Readjust your vibration and make sure it’s pure.

Is it because you feel great and they feel not right
Or that they feel wonderful and you feel anxious?
Don’t attempt to find answers to what can’t be known.
Let the Law of Attraction take care of your phone
And the people who call you. You need not discuss
Anything not uplifting to your appetite.

A Blue Jay’s Visit

Mischievous Messenger

There can be no disturbance like that of a bird
Who’s become a winged messenger of the divine.
Like the clear sky is blue with some whiteness of cloud,
The blue jay’s colors match it. That’s why it is proud.
For your visit I’ve waited. You are a sure sign
That the words that I need to hear soon will be heard.

Petrified am I often of sudden noises
Loud and shrill, they’re a nuisance. I can’t get much done
When the country is high on bombs bursting in air.
I was there once, but this time it wouldn’t be fair
To the brave who have fallen. I celebrate none
Of the grossly ironic that life proposes.

But that damned cackling blue jay is at my front door
Making such a commotion. At first I’m annoyed
At it’s utter audacity at audio.
My first thought is that this frigging creature must go.
But then it occurs to me it must be employed
By the angels in heaven where I’ve been before.

I am told that in boldness I must carry on
And defend my position vociferously.
Time for shyness is over. I haven’t grown meek.
I am guided by spirit by now. All I seek
Is the means to remain open and completely
In the hands of divinity as is the dawn.