Tag Archive | high flying disk

You Are Choosing

Forward Momentum

Have I not chosen wisely by starting my day
Cursing some person out who I don’t even know?
Sometimes I can’t catch myself. I end up doing
Things that I’d rather not do. If I’m pursuing
Some righteous indignation, how far can I go
Before my sense of selfhood begins to decay?

I have got to choose better if I am to be
In alignment with my true self. I can become
Lazy before I’ve had breakfast. If I can stay
In high spirits at the very start of the day,
Then I’ll have accomplished something really awesome.
Maintenance of my vibration is up to me.

With each choice I make I’m creating momentum.
When I choose something, then I choose the opposite,
I get nowhere. I need to stay focused on what
My desire is, otherwise, I’m stuck in a rut
I achieve nothing when my energy is split.
There is some resistance for me to overcome.

Energy that creates worlds is available
To me all the time. It courses through me always.
How much am I allowing it to work for me?
If I keep reaching higher, in time I will be
Indestructible. Being happy always pays.
All I need do is keep my vibration stable.

Pay Attention To One Thing

Singularity Of Focus

There are lots of things you can’t control with action,
But you can control anything from the standpoint
Of alignment with what you believe can come true.
Controlling your vibration is easy to do.
It’s a magical essence you use to anoint
Every day of your life with excitement and fun.

When you get to a place, though, where you can create
What you want, you stop trying to make anything
Happen for you. Things just seem to fall into place.
It’s as if you have tapped into infinite grace,
And it’s true. It’s amazing what focus can bring
Into your life experience and not by fate.

The vibrational frequency you’re achieving,
Practicing and maintaining attracts unto you
Everything that you have. What your mind can believe
Has everything to do with what you can receive.
What will you get if you’re constantly feeling blue?
Innocent little thoughts of lack are deceiving.

There’s no ‘Should I or shouldn’t I’ when you’re aligned
With who you really are. There’s only certainty
That things always work out for you in the long run.
There’s no rush and no effort in getting things done.
Pay Attention To One Thing: how to get happy.
Abundance and wellbeing you’re likely to find.

This Repetitive Statement

Keep Reminding Yourself

Galaxies made of words poets are thankful for.
Grains of sand can be shaped into castles most grand
That succumb to erosion by nature or fate.
But they do have much power in that they create
In the minds of most people what all understand
As a means to share consciousness and to keep score.

Let’s say that you’ve a list of unfulfilled desires.
One good way to approach this is also easy.
Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that thing.”
It puts things in perspective. Indeed it will bring
What you want most assuredly as you will see
In your manifestations and all that transpires.

“I just want to have fun on my way to that job
Or that huge sum of money… “ whatever it be.
Having fun on the way there is well justified
Then fulfillment of wishes cannot be denied.
To watch something I want manifesting for me
Is a feeling that no one on this earth can rob.

It matters not if steps you take are big or small.
It just matters that you’re having fun on the way.
There’s no gap between where you are and want to be.
You can feel where you want to be most vividly
Should you slip into sadness through part of my day
It is fun to discover and not take the fall.