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Alien Perspective

Alien Encounter

How the universe sees us is something that’s known
By the aliens. Coming from somewhere in space
They’re among us and they have our story to tell
To our faces. Don’t worry that it won’t go well.
Actually it may put a smile on the face
Of the weary to which some relief can be shown.

We’ve chosen to forget who we are so that we
Rediscover ourselves from a new perspective.
With forgetting comes the ability to choose
Negative ways of thinking. Our limited views
Of existence determine the lives that we live.
So in living why do we have difficulty?

We buy into certain ways of understanding.
We’ve forgotten that physical reality
Is a mental projection such as in a dream.
We tend to take things then to the very extreme.
Reinforcement of our negative energy
Keep us stuck. Our consciousness isn’t expanding.

We are master transformers of thought energy
And as such we’re a master class of very strong
Spirit beings who can change darkness into light,
Limitation to freedom, and wrongness to right.
At the rate we’re going will it take very long
For us to remember who we came here to be?

Who You Really Are

A Big Question

Do you know Who You Really Are? You’re a machine
With a spirit created by God. You’re the light
That shines through you. Both essences are intertwined
In a way that whatever comes into your mind
Will become manifested. You don’t have to fight
For the process to work and results to be seen.

In this world there are no victims, villains, or those
Who cast shadows upon you. That’s an illusion
Of the ego. There’s no one doing things to you.
It makes sense to take the logical point of view.
You choose what you’ve created and all that you’ve done
You own up to. You can know what your spirit knows.

When you can say, “I did this,” you find the power
To change things for the better. And in so doing
Tremendous satisfaction is what you will feel.
All in good timing the universe will reveal
Exactly the best path you should be pursuing.
Be open to having wonderful things occur.

Seek then to create change not because something’s wrong
But because it no longer makes an accurate
Statement of who you are now. As soon as today
You can change your life circumstance in a big way.
Go ahead with the life you were meant to create.
Get accustomed to living your life like a song.


In Your Mind

I feel good about having the ability
To find joy very quickly, but there’s just one thing.
Should I then speak about it in vivid detail?
If I do, then the issue will only prevail
Through my life. I’d like to keep it on the upswing.
I can get back on track if I pet my puppy.

My work in social media exposes me
Often times to disturbing content. I regret
Only that aspect. Everything else is okay.
In fact, it brings much excitement into my day.
It would be wonderful for me if I could let
The upsetting part not mess with who I must be.

I can be more proactive if I activate
Something other than that which knocks me off my game.
My incessant bombardment with information
Is my source of psychic overstimulation.
Being happy with my work is my only aim.
Most everything about life I appreciate.

The Source within me knows where I am with respect
To where I want to be, and it shows me the way
To get there through brief moments of inspiration.
Trusting in it will help me with the creation
Of a life beyond measure and with no delay.
It’s that Source with which I mostly want to connect.