Tag Archive | dream

Don’t Let Your Thoughts Control You


The greatest glory in life lies not in never
Falling but in rising every time that we fall.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you
Can start where you are and change the ending. A new
Way of thinking can get rid of just about all
Of your problems, and thinking of them, forever.

The mind is everything. What you think you become
So become who you want to be. Believe you can
And you’re halfway there. The only way to do great
Work is to love what you do. You get to create
Your own future. It can be more fulfilling than
Your present circumstance – a profound conundrum.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest
Of times if you remember to turn on the light.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live
The life of your dreams. Think of how much you can give
To the world when you feel that everything’s alright.
You know how much you can do when you feel your best.

The mind is the master over the body – not
The reverse. You’re stronger than you seem, braver than
You believe, and smarter than you think. Clarity
Will come to you as soon as you decide to be
Of the attitude that any issue you can
Get yourself through. The way you feel matters a lot.

Law Of Attraction Explained


When the Law of Attraction is clearly explained
To us by those who’ve mastered it then it’s easy
To become educated in living life well.
Knowing how the Law works is like casting a spell
Of deliberate creation. Things come to be
As your most positive vibration is maintained.

You attract what you feel, who you are, how you act,
And what’s on your mind at any given moment.
In the absence of what you want know that it’s there
Ready for you and you have to be more aware
Of the feeling of having it then be content.
Let the universe transform your dream into fact.

Visualize what you want and get specific.
Use your vivid imagination to create
A feeling of excitement. Go there as often
As you can. Things can happen quickly for you when
You put feeling into it. Remain in that state
Of elation. Your happiness will do the trick.

As you think so shall you be so think carefully.
Like attracts like. If you can see it in your mind
Then you can hold it in your hand. If you believe
This is true you become more able to receive
What you’re focused on. Things happen when you’re aligned
With the marvelous person whom you’ve come to be.

Immutable Laws

Science Conscious

Gravity is always working whether or not
You believe in it. You don’t have to believe in
Gravity for it to work. You won’t float away
Due to your disbelief. On this earth you will stay.
Breaking this law would be committing mortal sin
Against nature. One never can be in that spot.

There’s a whole lot of energy locked up inside
The atom. It’s release can cause devastation
Or a sustainable source of clean energy.
It can do tremendous good for humanity.
This law also works always and our flirtation
With it is like a big can of worms opened wide.

Current always seeks the path of least resistance
In a circuit. Voltage is always equal to
Current times resistance. This law works all the time.
There’s no way that one could be accused of the crime
Of electrical battery. All one can do
Is honor their electrons at a safe distance.

It’s quite the same way with the Law of Attraction.
This law works all the time and it can’t be broken.
You’re always manifesting. The trick is to do
It on purpose. The whole universe supports you.
About what you desire you must be outspoken.
In your life you can always find satisfaction.

Go With It!


You want to allow your dream to gestate within
Your Vortex of Creation. It is already
But you must be aware of it without distress
About what hasn’t happened. The joy you express
For its coming must be borderline ecstasy.
At this game of life be most determined to win.

Just ask yourself, “Does this thought feel satisfying?”
If it does then Go With It! Keep on thinking it.
Let thoughts like it occur to you naturally.
In a world of fulfillment you’re destined to be.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.
That you can think what you want there’s no denying.

When something negative happens you get to choose
Which direction you’ll take it. If you think about
How unkind an act it was ask yourself, “Does this
Thought fulfill me?”
The answer you surely can’t miss

So just leave that thought right there. You can’t figure out
How to deal with something that is meant to confuse.

Refocus long enough before the momentum
Of the moment increases or just get away
From the stress altogether. Go with what you know
About yourself. You’re someone who’s willing to go
To extreme lengths to be receptive and to stay
Always looking ahead to the good times to come.

Help Change The World

Earth In Hand

Every little part of the earth works together
To have an equilibrium that we can call
The earth’s metabolism. The earth is alive
Just as all of its creatures that prosper and thrive.
Circulation and breath the earth have, after all.
 So can there be such a thing as stormy weather?

Living creatures on earth are its organs, which means
Life is interconnected. We all work for the
Maintenance of the earth as a living body.
We do that by the transforming of energy
Through awareness of how we feel internally.
We should know by now that we’re not simply machines.

Awareness is a powerful tool of the mind
Which is programmed to dream, to perceive, to create
A story – a symbology to make some sense
Of all that exists. It all has quite an intense
Affect on the earth’s feelings. It means that our fate
Is dependent upon thinking thoughts that are kind.

How do you change the world? Be happy in your dream.
Don’t spread gossip. Keep your thoughts as pure as can be.
Have respect for our mother earth on this fine day.
Think about her in a gentle and caring way.
She responds to the actions of humanity
And when we fail to listen things can get extreme.

The Impossible Dream

Urban Depression

What you’re seeing and hearing right now is nothing
But a dream. At this moment you’re dreaming with the
Brain awake yet the dream of the planet prevails.
It’s a dream with myriad explicit details
And it’s lived out by all human society.
Onto this way of being you were taught to cling.

The dream of this planet and of society
Is one of rules, beliefs, laws, religions, cultures,
Social events, schools, governments, and holidays.
People come up with grossly elaborate ways
Just to be here as humans. As the dream endures
You believe that it’s the only reality.

You did not have the opportunity to choose
Your beliefs. As a child they were forced upon you
And your domestication brings you suffering.
The emotional drama is a constant thing
To be dealt with in this world. So what can you do
To live your life correctly so that you won’t lose?

Your own personal dream does not have to become
An ongoing nightmare. It can be otherwise.
You’ve made tons of agreements with who, what, and where…
But the ones you make with yourself give special care.
Do whatever in your dream that most satisfies
Your fulfillment. Your heart is where it must come from.

More Powerful Than Meditation

Simply Appreciate

Your Vortex is a compilation of what you
Believe possible. Your life most often is not.
Your beliefs are reflecting your outer life through
Your inner conversations. When you’re feeling blue
Things that make you feel happy don’t matter a lot.
That’s when you need to find something pleasant to do.

Reach for a better feeling thought. Keep doing so
Until it becomes easy to get yourself to
A state of pure alignment with all that exists.
You know that your Vortex of Creation consists
Of all that you’ve ever wanted. It’s all for you.
Delight in richly positive thoughts as they flow.

Meditate. Do something that will quiet the mind.
Do your visualizing, lists of positive
Aspects, and dream boards. Do whatever you can do
To get rid of the negativity in you.
Follow your gut instinct. It tells you how to live
Properly. No better guidance system you’ll find.

You can be in a state of appreciation.
In this case also you offer no resistance
And it feels good to do so more so than any
Other process. You just have to try it and see
If it causes any change in your circumstance.
Take advantage of your Vortex of Creation.

Be Happy With Your Dream

Fulfilling Dream

Everything you want will manifest. Let’s start there
Because it’s most imperative that you believe
That the statement is true. You must feel it within.
Only then will the things that you dream of begin
To take form because you’re in the mode to receive.
Of the blessings in your life be fully aware.

Sometimes you, in a moment of disconnection
From your Source, may feel doubtful that your dream will come
To fruition. Your dream could become a nightmare
If you let it. The epitome of despair
Is apparent when you get too far away from
Who you are. You’re in need of a course correction.

Don’t let the manifestation matter to you
More than being content with the evolving dream.
If the final outcome you make too important
The feeling of not having it means that you can’t
Get to where you can let yourself flow with the stream.
To get happy do what you’re most willing to do.

You can’t deposit ten grand into the bank now
And you can’t drop that extra fifty pounds of weight
At this moment but at least you can feel some hope
Which will nudge you right over the slippery slope
To fulfillment. Don’t let life determine your fate.
You’re the one who creates it by what you allow.

What Are You Responding To?

Too Much Information

It’s a wonderful feeling when you finally
Come to know that the universe is responding
To you always according to your vibration
Yet you may think and feel with some hesitation
But don’t worry that it may end up becoming
In an instant a part of your reality.

Momentum and conscious attention are required
For your thoughts to become manifested so you
Have a time cushion where you can nip in the bud
The bad feeling ones such that they’ve no chance to flood
Your consciousness. The thing that you’re responding to
Is of value if from within you it’s inspired.

When the universe responds to your impatience
You get more of it. When it responds to your peace
Then more feelings of wellbeing and contentment
Will be yours and it’s all through your conscious intent
That you feel your best. It’s about time to release
The malignant mindset so that joy can commence.

What you’re giving the universe to respond to
Is your primary focus. Always you will be
Offering a vibration for the universe
To respond to. It happens for better or worse.
Being happy is your highest priority.
Be aware of the wellbeing coming to you.

Follow Your Dreams

Clear Lofty Path

How do people get so ended oriented?
When attached to the manifestation of things
It’s a struggle. So how did you come to believe
That the loftiest goals in life you can’t achieve
Without painstaking effort? Most human beings
Have a distorted view about getting ahead.

When you lost the zest for the joy of the journey…
In that moment you were focused upon something
That you want from an attitude that you could not
Really have it. Your vibration matters a lot
If you want things to happen. Your focus can bring
Either exhilaration or deep misery.

Have you launched rockets of desire through the contrast
That you’re living? Have you filled your vibrational
Escrow full of all kinds of wonderful things that
Are in the process of coming to you? Look at
The big picture. Whatever can boost your morale
Do it constantly. You want to remain steadfast.

Focus on what’s becoming. Look for positive
Aspects of your life. Notice the many good things
Happening for you. Live with anticipation
About what will be your next profound creation.
Be receptive to what your good attitude brings.
Decide for yourself which is the best way to live.

Your Day


You would love to just stay there in bed for a while
To savor the feeling of being well rested.
You don’t have a snooze button so you must arise.
If you stayed in bed longer it wouldn’t be wise.
To the living of life you’re fully invested.
 You’ve already started your day with a big smile.

Today’s going to be a great day – one wherein
You’ll find much satisfaction. The smile on your face
Means that from start to finish you handle Your Day
In the knowing that no one can stand in your way
But yourself. Take advantage of the awesome grace
Of Your Day. Be most eager to want to begin.

There’s no time for excuses, daydreams, and delays.
Fill your lungs with your own positive energy.
Get your mind in the mode. Get your body to scream
With excitement regarding your most cherished dream.
You may not win today but tomorrow will be
Fortunate and fulfilling in manifold ways.

Today you want to do something differently
Than you’ve done in the past because you want a new
Thing to happen. Be the change that you want to see
In your world. It can be as you want it to be
Only if you don’t let life get the best of you.
Come awake to the one you are eternally.

Let Go Of Expectations

Life In Hands

The sun rising each morning, the next breath of air,
And your life getting better with each coming day
Are examples of things you expect to take place.
You believe you’re entitled to provident grace.
You expect things to turn out pretty much your way.
The vibration of wellbeing is everywhere.

You’re expected to have expectations about
Your children because our culture says that we must.
If your child doesn’t meet them then what do you do?
If you panic the worst of your dreams may come true.
Ultimately, you have to let go and to trust
In your child’s decision. You must let go of doubt.

For oneself it’s okay to have expectations
But to have them of others one must be aware
Of the potential of doing harm to someone
Out of your loving kindness. What you may have done
Is abusive. The person may not even care
For your help and it makes for bitter relations.

Let the door stay wide open but do not assume
That someone wants what you want. Be absolutely
Positive in your manner. They may not want to
Take the path that you’ve showed them. Don’t let that make you
A big failure. Just take a deep breath and be free
Of the issue and allow your live to resume.

Remembering Why You Started

The Journey Begun

Why did I even start this thing? I can’t recall
Exactly what the motive was. It had something
To do with self-expression. It had been my dream
To become something of an artist. It would seem
That there’s much competition, so what could I bring
To the table? My contribution would be small.

Yet I know that this attitude gets me nowhere
If I nurse it. I must shift my focus somehow
To something more befitting this now troubled soul.
This adventure I’m on I think can make me whole
As a person. My purpose here is to allow
My words to take on meaning that people can share.

It’s not like I am running some kind of a race
To a finish line. I don’t see this as a sport
To be played as if I were a verbal athlete.
If I got people to read this, that would be sweet
But it’s not necessary. I get my support
From within. To me that is a most sacred space.

I know that in this real world of uncertainty
People struggle before they see any progress.
My story is unwritten yet. This is a start
Of an eternal venture. I speak from the heart
To myself and the universe and my success
Is assured. I remember now who I’m to be.

A Better Version Of You

Change Of Appearance

It’s a dream never ending. A beautiful scene
In a wonderful movie is co-creation.
Your concern is with being who you really are.
As momentum increases, you’re not very far
From alignment. You maintain a high vibration
As your guardian angels so often convene.

How can you be a better version of the one
Who is you incarnated? By not giving so
Much attention to it. Don’t think that you’re not there.
Your inner being would have you be more aware
Of yourself as magnificent. It’s good to know
That is stubbornly holds on to that opinion.

You can’t ask the question and receive the answer
At the same time. You can’t be the problem and the
Solution. The more you keep asking, the more you
Keep the answer form coming. Be receptive to
Intuition and insight. The more you can be
Happy with yourself, the more good things will occur.

Get your attention off yourself. Start looking for
Things that are praiseworthy, and when you find something
That delights you, you are being the whole of you.
You are better already. Believe that it’s true.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Look within. You will discover blessings galore.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.

Be Yourself


It’s easier than ever to look around on
Social media and see everyone living
Their best life, and you can become inundated
With reminders of what you have not created
In your own life. The public is unforgiving
Of those who don’t shine brightly as the sun at dawn.

When you open up your Instagram or Facebook,
There’s that awesome mom who has enough energy
To move mountains, the couple who just bought their dream
House, or your friend who has won in the most extreme
Of competitive challenges. Despondently
You become obsessed with how your profile must look.

We all know how fake social media can be,
But despite that we still end up feeling less than
We’re supposed to. Our time here is quite limited.
Do not waste it on getting more thumbs up. Instead
Be Yourself.  There is no one else on earth who can
Do that job better than you. You’d have to agree.

External validation is nothing to earn.
Volatile in its nature, it’s taken away
As quickly as it’s given. Do something for you
That no one can take from you. To thyself be true.
Where you are in life right now has to be okay.
What goes on in the fake world is not your concern.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.

Control What Comes To You

Easily Manifesting

The universe is responding to you. What are
You responding to? The things you’ve been practicing
That feel good to you are not very far away
As the universe acts on them without delay.
It responds to the vibration you’re offering.
Neither is this unheard of nor is it bizarre.

If you’re responding to shopping for furniture
And you’re feeling good, then the universe gives you
More of that nice experience. But the reverse
Is true also. If you feel bad, it’s like a curse
Cast upon you. No matter what you try to do
Things screw up and you end up feeling insecure.

How are you feeling? What’s your point of attraction?
If you’re worried or impatient, the universe
Will respond with more stuckness and catastrophe.
Your feelings can guide you to where you want to be.
If you don’t listen to them, things get a lot worse.
In fact, you will have started a chain reaction.

You Control What Comes To You by being aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Find simple things
To feel good about, and without difficulty
You will be in a place that is resistance free.
The world is your oyster when your happy heart sings.
Manifesting is a vibrational affair.

Care About How You Feel

Happily Going

All that you want, you will get. Let’s start right from there.
Both the Law of Attraction and Source Energy
Are at work all the time lining up things for you.
Don’t take anyone’s word for it. You know it’s true.
You were meant to be as happy as you can be.
You can take your happiness with you anywhere.

Let the manifestation not be your main goal
For a little while. Be satisfied with the dream
And the wonderful feeling that clarity brings.
You cannot right now purchase magnificent things,
But you can chill and go have some cake and ice cream.
The point is, you have the magic of self-control.

If you care more about the manifestation
Than the feeling it brings you, then you interfere
With the natural process by being aware
Of the absence of what you want. You want to care
More about the excitement. You want to adhere
To the absolute knowing that everything’s done.

You are an emotional evaluator.
Make the way that you feel matter most so that you
Tune yourself into alignment with your desire.
More important than all the things you may acquire
Are the best feelings ever that all lead up to
The moment of your getting what you have asked for.


Peaceful Alignment

You will have an awareness that lets you see things
That were kept hidden from you. You still will chop wood,
Carry water, and meditate. You will enhance
The meaning of coincidence. Life is not chance
 When the laws of the universe are understood.
You become tolerant of the mind’s wanderings.

You won’t entertain doubts about your worthiness.
You will feel loved and nourished spiritually.
Both your inner and outer experiences
Have new meaning. You’ll find no need for defenses.
You are the universal source of energy.
When you know this you have unlimited access.

Fear that immobilizes you will go away
As you feel the presence of the divine in you.
All weakness and falsehood come from the refusal
To accept divine guidance. You can’t play it small
By your not realizing what you know is true.
The evolved self within you is on full display.

You’ll know the power and ecstasy of silence.
It’s the only voice of our God. All profound things
And emotions are preceded and attended
By omnipotent silence. It’s rather splendid.
You become more conscious of divine offerings.
Becoming is a wonderful experience.

When I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.

Overcoming Reluctance

I just don’t feel like doing it, and I’m afraid
That my procrastination is not good for my
Growing business. If I’m action oriented,
Then there’s only one way for me to get ahead.
It’s by acting, but I don’t know the reason why
I’m not feeling excited. In fact, I’m dismayed.

If I get moving anyway even though I
Don’t feel like it, the result will be disaster.
It can’t be the right time if I don’t feel like it.
What could I do that would be to my benefit?
Is there yet another skill set I must master?
Is there some way of dealing with this I can try?

If I let go of the oars, my boat turns downstream.
Alignment before action is the way to go.
My dominant intent is to give my thoughts to
My dream so profoundly that it has to come true.
I’ll receive by insight all that I need to know.
My alignment with my dream must remain supreme.

Action can be delicious when done from a place
Of my knowing and feeling deep inside of me
That I must be delighted in getting things done.
I remember how in the beginning I had fun.
That place of fulfillment is where I want to be.
I will do what I do with a smile on my face.

Think Of Yourself As Wealthy

Sitting Pretty

When you focus on something that’s bothering you,
Or you push against something, notice what happens
To your energy. It feels like there’s a big hole
In your gut, but you do know that you have control
Of your feelings. You can see your life through the lens
Of alignment with all in your world that you do.

Find a thought that feels better. You can find a way
To bring your energy back to where it belongs.
Your point of attraction is how you are feeling
From moment to moment. So, how are you dealing
With your life? Is it an issue of righting wrongs?
In a positive place is where you want to stay.

Whatever you’re focused on, real or imagined,
Causes you to vibrate. The universe accepts
This as your most intended point of attraction.
Once the Law of Attraction receives it, it is done.
Do not concern yourself with taking further steps.
You have to be spiritually disciplined.

For the universe you must create a vision
That it can believe easily. It doesn’t care
If it’s real or not. It will respond just the same.
There are infinite resources that you can claim
As your own. It’s your job to be fully aware
Of your dream of abundance. It’s your decision.


From The Heart

Your vortex is a compilation of what you
Believe possible, but your life often is not.
Though the gap between the two can get rather wide,
You can shorten it. You are the one to decide
What is possible for you. It matters a lot
That whatever you dream, it will somehow come true.

You must know that your conscious beliefs do reflect
Your environment through inner conversations.
So your physical human life consists of all
That you have aligned with. You respond to the call
Of your true self by your most profound creations.
How you feel about your life is what you expect.

In the absence of what you want, you’ve asked for it
With great clarity, and the Law of Attraction
Is right on it. You now have to quiet your mind
By some process – indeed any one you can find.
There’s also value in visualization.
Many tools are established for your benefit.

The state of appreciation is the best one
To be in because there can be no resistance.
Thoughts are flowing, but they are purely positive.
It is so much more fun and exciting to live
In a way that you’re constantly offered the chance
To express your most heartfelt appreciation.

The Power Of Appreciation

Thanks From The Heart

The ideal life for me is a compilation
Of what I believe possible as I partake
Of the blessings it offers. Often I am there
In that place of alignment where I am aware
Of the infinite splendor in a mere daybreak.
There is much power in my every creation.

My feelings are creations. Manifestations
Of those that are most positive happen with me
On a regular basis. I go for the best
I can have in each moment. As they are expressed,
The attraction of wellbeing comes easily.
I need not know a thing about how the world runs.

“Reach for a better feeling thought.” This I believe
To be guidance worth taking. Whenever I feel
Myself going southward, I can remember this.
From contentment, I can go to a state of bliss.
Having pinched myself, I know that life is for real.
By my choice I can be in the mode to receive.

It is fun to imagine my dreams coming true.
Meditation is helpful in clearing my mind
Of the negative clutter. Appreciation
Is more powerful, and it’s a whole lot more fun.
In acknowledging wonderful things, I will find
Life to be pleasurable and brand spanking new.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Enjoy The Present

Find something to be happy about – anything,
Then be happy about it, and find another
Thing that will make you happy, and then be happy
About it. Celebrate where you happen to be.
Of the invention of your life, you’re the mother.
To the table, you have an abundance to bring.

Do not try to fix the world. It isn’t broken
Nor is it something worthy of your attention.
Nothing needs to be reformed. Make Peace With Where You
right now. It remains the best thing you can do.

Don’t engage with what’s beyond your comprehension
Because beasts of the past may then be awoken.

Look for things to be happy about, and make lists
Of positive aspects. You can do a rampage
Of appreciation for what is going well
In you life at the moment. You know not to dwell
On the things that aren’t working, so you don’t engage
In the negative. The best part of you resists.

Be selfishly interested in how you feel
In each moment. Let everyone else attend to
How they feel. You’ll fulfill your reason for being.
You’ll delight in your ability for seeing
The big picture. Believe what is in store for you.
You’ll be living the life that is for you ideal.

Is This Thought Satisfying?

Happily, Wildly Guessing

Allow your dream to gestate. Train yourself into
Excitement and the vibration of receiving.
Practice thoughts that allow yourself to be aligned
With your dream. You can let it become more defined
To the point where you are totally believing
That your dream will eventually become true.

From the same place the idea of the dream came,
More ideas about how to proceed come too.
Every thought builds momentum if focused upon.
Your outgoing, positive energy is drawn
From the much larger, spiritual part of you.
All the blessings of life you have the right to claim.

Someone cut you off in traffic. That was unkind.
But is that a satisfying thought? It is not.
Then just leave it. If someone shows kindness to you,
You will have positive thoughts. Indeed you will do
Your best to share the blessing. It matters a lot
That you leave any negative thinking behind.

Is This Thought Satisfying? Then keep thinking it
Until momentum gathers. Thoughts that are the same
In vibration will culminate into desire.
Don’t be shocked by the peace of mind you will acquire.
You can make it a powerful feeling good game.
This question asked a lot is to your benefit.

Your Dreams Will Show You The Way

Follow The Freshness Of Your Desire

I have zest for the joy of the journey I’m on.
I see now as a starting point to forever.
Many goals I will strive for. Some I will achieve.
I have launched my desires. Now I’m due to receive.
Embarking upon this delicious endeavor,
The concerns that I had about life are all gone.

I don’t need the manifestation. All I need
Is the dream and the journey. I love the contrast
That I’m offered. It helps me to clearly define
Something better from it. I’m obliged to design
As I wish and not focus so much on the past.
What is more important than my will to succeed?

My spirit doesn’t ask me if I’m observing
Constantly where I stand now in relation to
Where I want to be. It asks not how far away
My fulfillment is. It in no way can betray
Its own sense of direction. The thing I must do
Is remain focused on what my dreaming will bring.

Potential is alive and well now and always.
I am up to speed with what I’ve given birth to.
Believing in my dream, my anticipation
Is for the joy I’ll know for the work I have done.
In the meantime, my journey is my biggest clue
To my living a life that does truly amaze.

Cultivating Your Dream

Minding Your Heart's Desire

Challenging it is to be happy without the
Complete manifestation, but it can be done
By emotional evaluation and by
Letting go of resistance. Your wondering why
It’s not come yet is no viable solution
To the angst you may feel that comes naturally.

You can be happy dreaming and feeling your way
Through law based understanding. You are in control
Of your thoughts and emotions. What you manifest
That you want is the product of feeling your best
And reliance on guidance that will make you whole.
Your clarity and eagerness are on display.

Don’t take score of what manifests. That will only
Slow things down quite a bit. Make the way that you feel
Be your focus. Let not the manifestation
Be the goal. Just relax and let it all be fun.
Being doubtful or hopeful, you choose how to deal
With the world you’ve created by will that is free.

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of will come true.
It is law. Your emotional journey is one
That will guide you successfully. Do all you can
To feel joyful. There cannot be a better plan.
It must be conducive to your transformation.
It enhances the meaning of all that you do.

Change Your Life

Live A New Story

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing
By myself or with others, it’s my intention
To look for all the good things that brighten my day.
In a high flying state is where I want to stay.
I remember always that I’m an extension
Of Source Energy. My life is worth pursuing.

As I put myself to bed at night I lie there,
While in an attitude of appreciation,
Thinking about this day, flowers, puppies, and lakes…
Anything that is pleasing. Whatever it takes
To put me in a state of utter elation
Is worth contemplating, and it counts as a prayer.

While I am drifting off to sleep, I reemerge
Into pure positive energy. When I wake
I will still be in that place. Appreciating
Before sleeping is my own way of creating
The same vibration for a most awesome daybreak.
All the negative thought patterns are worth the purge.

When I wake up I reach for the dream that I had
For spiritual value, but more important
Is my appreciating all over again.
I can see the whole universe through God’s eyes when
In the morning I’m in that state of alignment.
This life changing advice for me is ironclad.

When You Are Old

Prepare For What Is Coming

When you are old and grey and you are full of sleep
And nodding by the fire, kindly take down this book
And slowly read, and dream of the ultra-softness
Of the look your eyes once had. You are an actress
In the way you’ve forsaken me. One day you’ll look
With your eyes of deep shadows and bitterly weep.

How many loved your moments of glad grace? And how
Many knew but your beauty with love false or true?
Yet one true lover loved the pilgrim soul in you.
Loving you was the only thing that I could do.
Several times rejected, I can’t feel but blue.
Will my heartache and sorrow be etched in your brow?

As this is addressed to you from my open heart
Which cherishes the sorrows of your changing face
And of your bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur a little sadly that love was not ours.
Memories of how things might have been you’ll embrace
With a bittersweet conscience. I’ll not be a part.

How love fled paced upon the mountains overhead
And sadly hid his face among a crowd of stars
Desperately hoping that my lover will see
That the best thing in her life could well have been me.
Present tense is the storage place of our memoirs.
You may know in your heart every tear that I’ve shed.

The Dream Of Life

The Brief Circus Of Existence

What if all this reality is but a dream,
And when we die, we wake up? Within illusion,
You can feel yourself not as a stranger on earth
On probation, arrived by a fluke. No! Your birth
Is as fundamental as the moon and the sun.
You’re part of a divinely orchestrated scheme.

Let’s suppose you were able to dream every night
Eighty years’ worth of life, and you had everything
That you wanted. After several nights of this
You would say, “This is great! I’m in a world of bliss.”
To have control over all that is happening
Is a thing most would find and enormous delight.

Let us say now that you decide to have a few
Where you have no control over what’s happening.
You would say, “That was a close call” after each one.
But you want some adventure. So far there’s been none.
Having no control is extremely challenging
But you take it and finally wake up as you.

You are an aperture through which the universe
Is looking and exploring itself in detail.
All of nature is Godlike. Multiplicity
Of the choices you’re offered is how things should be.
We cannot know what’s happening on the grand scale.
Never have we decided to go for the worse.

What Happens After Death?

Is There Another Side?

There’s so much that is unknown about existence.
We are here but a brief while in this consciousness
That we know as daily living reality.
We know that our physical eyes aren’t meant to see
All there is to be seen. We do not have access
To the state we all came from. It makes little sense.

We who are called survivors are steeped in mourning
For the one who’s now missing from this dimension.
We have lost all connection for all that we know.
There is no way that we can express our sorrow
At its deepest. The only thing that can be done
Is to get back into the business of living.

The one who has departed does experience
Something absolutely wonderful compared to
What is here and what we feel and what they did feel.
The release from the heaviness they see as real.
It’s a dream they’ve awoken from. Their broader view
Is what we living miss here. It still makes no sense.

But from there they experience a life review
Where they feel everything they’ve done to everyone.
Once that’s finished they’re welcomed into a new world
Where all of their potential is freely unfurled.
We survivors see this not as a solution.
It remains a most difficult time to go through.

The One Who Can

The Surprising One

Can’t is the worst word that is written or spoken.
It does more harm than slander and outrageous lies.
On it, many a strong spirit may be broken.
Many good purposes die to not come again.
From the lips of the thoughtless it springs when they rise.
It robs us of our courage – both women and men.

It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And will laugh as we falter and fall by the way.
Can’t is the father of all feeble endeavor
And the parent of terror and the half-assed chore.
It weakens the efforts of artisans and may
Make the most clever toiler an indolent thing.

It poisons the soul of the one with a vision
As it stifles in infancy many a plan.
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And it mocks at the hopes and the dreams of the one
With the gumption to start out by saying, “I can.”
It will put quite the kibosh on getting things done.

Can’t cannot be a word uttered without blushing.
To do so would be but a big symbol of shame.
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing.
It will blight one’s own purpose and make everything
Seem as if one does not have a stake in the game.
Hate the word with a passion. No good can it bring.

Refuse to let the word find a home in your brain.
As a creature of terror, do arm against it.
It’s the foe to ambition. It bows only to
Courage, patience, and skill. These are only a few
Of the things that defeat it. One should never quit.
Say, “I Can” to your life. You have so much to gain.

The Dream Of Life

The Ethereal Freedom In Life

To awake from illusion means to understand
That oneself implies others as death implies life
And as black implies white. All things are but one thing.
Yet diversity makes it all interesting.
Life is brim full of blessings but also some strife.
Your existence is fundamental and preplanned.

Let’s suppose you were able to dream any dream.
In one night you could dream what seems like many years.
You would have all your pleasures and wishes fulfilled
And each morning you would awake totally thrilled
At the prospect of sleeping away all your fears.
This example is intentionally extreme.

So now let’s down the ante. You dream as you wish
But with less control of it so things can happen
That cannot be expected and some quite severe.
Upon awaking from this dream it would be clear
That it was a close call, but to do it again
You may find to be not altogether foolish.

You are dreaming this life and don’t know that you are
And upon death you reawaken into who
You were before you entered this reality
And the ultimate gamble is simply To Be.
You engage the eternal in all that you do.
Thinking life is a dream isn’t all that bizarre.

A Dream Within A Dream

Convergent Ethereal Realaties

Alien I appear here play acting a role
That is decently human. I know but to fail.
The compulsive obsession that I have to write
Points to none who will nitpick yet judge it on sight.
How on earth does a sore loser like me prevail?
As far as being human, I’ve slaughtered that goal.

The question, “Am I worthy?” is thus difficult.
The stronger that I ask it the worse I do feel.
No one will look at my life nor study my work
At best, it may be mentioned by some with a smirk.
Pity is unbecoming, but my life is real,
And my words become the incongruous result.

Colossal is the damage I know that I’ve done
Yet have no way of knowing nor ever shall know
Until my life’s reviewing on the other side.
All of life is a lesson. I’ve already died.
I now search for the light into which I will go
Where I am well adjusted and cause harm to none.

Take this kiss upon the ass. The mission is done.
No one need know the sorrow that I leave behind
In the form of these troubled words from deep inside
Where the dream within this dream my spirit does hide.
Grains of sand are the small thoughts that drift through my mind.
Those who will cross me over indeed will be none.

Blessed By Water

Conducive Energy Flow

Manifest anything with a simple technique
That is proven by science and practiced worldwide.
It may seem like it’s magic or hocus-pocus,
But arguments against it are superfluous.
It should not be discounted before it is tried,
And it’s not something shrouded in utter mystique.

Write your wish down on paper and in present tense
For example, “I am attracting my dream mate.”
…Or whatever it may be. What you are doing
Is directing mind energy so it will bring
A specific blueprint, but you must concentrate.
To the subconscious mind it is worth the expense.

Place a glass of water on your piece of paper
Rub your hands together until they’re burning hot.
Place your palms near the sides of the glass of water.
Activated, the energy you will transfer
To the water imprints it. It matters a lot
That you focus intently for things to occur.

This involves the repeating of what you desire
Loud enough that you feel it throughout your body.
Take a deep breath while stating it over again.
You will then drink the water. Do this technique when
You get up in the morning most regularly,
And the thing that you’re wanting you soon will acquire.

Human Potential

The Flowering Of Racial Wisdom

Human beings are swinging like a pendulum
Between animal nature and divinity.
One moment, we are civil; the next, we are mean.
As long as the wild beast we are clearly is seen,
Our ascension spiritually cannot be.
Extinction by our own hands may be the outcome.

Processes fundamental conceived to dissolve
What is animal in us offer much relief
And a balance most vital to us as a race.
As we rise in the morning, the kingdom we face
Is of lack and survival. The worst of our grief
Penetrates to the soul, and we cannot evolve.

We’re the dog, bird, and snake, and all creatures below
On the rungs of life’s ladder as earth is its home.
After some work and practice, if someone pokes me,
The dog will cease its biting and be completely
In alignment not with the old stressful syndrome
But with peace and compassion – a winning combo.

It must happen in every human being, though.
When the rugged wild creatures that we have become
Do not find dissolution the natural way
We create our own hell that we are doomed to pay.
Animals become restful by beating the drum
Of connection and awesome potential to grow.

A Dream Within A Dream

Consciousness Within Consciousness

…And in parting from you now, thus let me avow –
You are not wrong who deem that my days are a dream.
Yet if all hope of sanity has flown away
To some kinder dimension, then what I must say
Is that there’s a much larger and complex regime
That imagines existence into here and now.

Brokenhearted I can’t be, yet somehow I am
Immersed in an enigma of shock and dismay.
If I’m part of existence, where do I belong?
This world has lost its sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.
In a vision or in none, for what do I pray?
Absolute is my feeling that life is a sham.

Of a shore surf-tormented I stand in the roar
As I hold in my hands grains of the golden sand.
How Few! Yet how they creep between my slim fingers
While I weep. As I weep, the wave rhythmic recurs.
Can I grasp with a tighter clasp of my weak hand?
They escape quickly to the sea and are no more.

Many thoughts flood the consciousness. All are the same
In a sea nonexistent with vital context.
They address a reality that can’t be real,
So, I can only go by the way that I feel.
In this pitiless wave I am much less perplexed
About what in a troubled world causes me shame.