Tag Archive | master

As You Think, So Shall You Be

Serious Wondering

“As You Think, So Shall You Be.” These seven words are
Perhaps the most important ones that we can learn
And master in our lives. I become what I think
About all day long. I can remain in the pink
By just thinking and not being fraught with concern
Over anything, and I don’t find it bizarre.

Once I know that what I think about everyday
Forms an energy vibration as it expands
Outward into the universe, I can expect
That back to me my circumstance it will reflect.
So, what happens in my life is all in my hands.
In this state of alignment I mostly can stay.

Don’t allow your thoughts to be on anything that
You don’t want to experience. Think only of
Things that uplift you and bring you subtle delight.
Believe that everything in your world is alright
And that everything is bathed in infinite love.
There’s nothing in your life that you need to combat.

When you start thinking good about yourself, you will
Start feeling a lot better because you’re aware
That your thoughts and emotions are pure energy
And that just by deciding to live happily
Ever after, you’re taking the very best care
Of yourself. Your life can be the ultimate thrill.

Change Your Life

Do Life Differently

You are the aperture through which the universe
Is looking at itself and exploring the ways
It expands through your living your reality.
It is conscious of your consciousness completely.
In this sense, every human is worthy of praise
For a play where the actor gets not to rehearse.

What in life make you itch? What is it that sends you
Yodeling down the canyon in utter delight?
Poets, painters, and writers don’t earn all that much
Until they become famous. But why is it such
A big problem to make such ambitions alright?
College graduates haven’t a clue what they’ll do.

What would you do if money were not an object
Of concern? How would you really enjoy spending
You life? If riding horses on wild open planes
Is your thing, then perhaps teaching riding contains
All you want to fulfill you. There is no ending
To the ways of creating what will be perfect.

Do what you love, and forget about the money,
Because if money is the most important thing,
You’ll be wasting time doing things you’d rather not.
Your belief in your true self is all that you’ve got,
And it is of great value. The worth that you bring
To the world is by being who you’re meant to be.

Change Your Life

The Perpetual Self-Creation of Being

Life is many life stages. All go through some change
Natural to their species. The best are recalled
That have been more than thrilling. That feeling sustained
Is the very one wherein all goodness is gained.
Is there something about life that keeps me enthralled?
This question is important and cannot be strange.

Graduated from college, I don’t have a clue
As to what I should do now. If things were such that
I could do what I wanted for maximum pay
A poet or a painter would be how I play
But they can’t earn a living. Should I then scoff at
What my heart wants me doing. What else could I do?

Well, if money is the most important thing, then
I will waste my life doing things that I abhor
For the purpose of living another workday
Which makes my spirit susceptible to decay
And without the volition to seek and explore
I am stuck and made powerless ever again.

Can I forget the money and do what I feel
Is the best thing for me and do it so damned well
That the feeling itself becomes satisfying?
If I do this ultimately it has to bring
On the kind of adventure that will break the spell.
I can then live a life that is truly ideal.