Tag Archive | boredom

Accepting The Gift

No Need For Humility

Some believe that a good life is one that is long.
This is not necessarily so. There’s a link
Between feeling terrific and longevity,
Yet the most functional way that you want to be
Is contented but eager for more. Do not think
That a short life that’s blissful has somehow gone wrong.

Life is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, something
Is out of alignment and needs looking into.
When your life is delicious, appreciation
From moment to moment is good for everyone
Who happens to be in proximity to you
As well as yourself. Do what will make your heart sing.

A long life in the current body some address
From a negative standpoint. They are not ready
To start over. They want to reap more benefit
From the knowledge accumulated yet unfit
Is the attitude needed to live happily.
How you feel is the ultimate key to success.

It’s not possible for you to withdraw focus
On your many surroundings. You will want to see
Changes made until they meet your satisfaction.
Content yet eager is the best combination
For accepting the gift of your life gracefully.
It is one that is to be shared by all of us.

The Emotional Scale

The Continuum Of Feeling

I am bored with my whole life. It makes little sense.
The longer I exist the less I am enthralled
By what life has to offer. The matter with me
Is that I’ve lost connection. I would like to be
Who I am at my finest. I’m neither appalled
Nor delighted. I’ve lost the feeling of suspense.

I want to feel contentment. I want to let go
Of all that I’ve been pushing against. I am done
With the struggle and striving. I just want to be
Comfortable and wholesome within my body.
I can get there on my own. I’m the only one
Who can make changes to my feeling status quo.

My boredom is the tipping point to contentment.
If I can make that tiny jump I’m on my way
To releasing resistance to feeling better.
The appropriate practice indeed must occur.
Life for me can seem like a delightful ballet.
How I feel at the moment I cannot resent.

I know that things are going sufficiently well.
With that thought I can feel some internal relief.
Noticing the positive aspects of my life
I can lower the frequency of psychic strife.
That I can control how I feel is my belief
Otherwise I’d be living unspeakable hell.

Accessories To Life

The Information Divide

By the time she’s fifteen all that she will have seen
Is a hundredfold more than what I at that age
Could have ever imagined. She knows everything.
The devices she uses skillfully will bring
Anything that is dreamed of right to center stage
With detailed information upon a touchscreen.

The Big Bang of Technology when it occurred
Made it so the whole world is fully connected
And able to communicate information
Faster than an eyeblink. Our minds are overrun
With crap loads of minutia. We’re constantly fed
By the marvel’s malevolence which is deferred.

I need not blow the whistle. I am an old fart
And the sound would be putrid by nose or by ear.
But I knew not of boredom when I was a child.
Everything did excite me. My spirit was wild.
Children find it difficult to hold something dear
When contact through a smartphone replaces the heart.

Most unprecedented is the current onslaught
Upon this generation, as never before
Have kids lived half their lives through the shortening years.
When all sense of true meaning in life disappears
It may get to the point where one can take no more.
It is urgent to counter such unhealthy thought.

There is something to live for. It’s not family,
My career, thoughts, nor feelings. The drama of these
Are abstracted creations played out in the mind.
To be touched by life is to be blessed by the kind
Gentle knowing within self. The accessories
Of my life consists of all else, as it should be.


Insult to Action

Consciousness pacifiers becoming high tech
Is a viral infection the same as the need
To do something unwanted to get a reward.
Does it really pay off to be bored out the gourd?
It matters what I’m doing if I’m to succeed
At my chosen life purpose despite the paycheck.

There is nothing ‘to get’ in this life in the end.
Either I live intensely profoundly or not.
What I ‘get’ in the end is a small plot of land
Or a ritual burning… but nothing too grand.
Am I best to forget all the things that I’ve got
So that life is a blessing devoid of pretend?

If I keep putting something off, what does that mean
Other than that I’d rather not do it at all?
That there is no alternative isn’t the point.
Going not with my true heart can only disjoint
Cohesion of awareness. There forms a brick wall
Between parts of the self. This is often not seen.

It’s the process in living that means everything –
Not the things I get from it, but what I add to
All that was here before me. How wonderfully
Do I live every moment? This matters to me.
Energy and postponement simply can’t congrue.
If one forces them to, laziness it will bring.

One Thing At A Time

Stay Out of a Knot

Something deeper can be felt in all that I do.
Simultaneous tasking is not the best way
To align with my spirit. Though getting things done
Is the work I must do so that I may have fun,
When I focus on one thing I cannot betray
Consciousness of the now moment sacred and true.

I hate doing the laundry when I’m not aware
Of the process of living and being at one
With sublime ever presence. When I am awake
To my pureness of being, wisely do I take
Every moment attentive to newness begun
Within little things noticed otherwise not there.

Attention is most powerful. It can infuse
Things with my conscious essence and energy field.
Little things done with spirit attuned to the now
Bring deeper understanding. The time I allow
Presence into the process, the treasure revealed
Is worth all of the trouble. And I cannot lose.

The destructive obsessions that occupy me
Are functions of the ego in its restless state.
Its seduction implying I’m bored is to laugh
In its face. It would make a candid photograph
Of free will at its freest to freely feel great
Through benign rigors mundane and necessary.

Provocative Change

Expressive Boredom

There’s an essence within me that needs to know change
From the same boring programs. I do have control
Of the ones made available, but those are few.
Not programmed for shock value, I want something new
And completely outrageous to channel my soul
Into other dimensions that most would call strange.

When some people surprise me, excitement I feel
In the drama they offer with pieces of mind
Intermixed with good humor and pure wholesomeness.
If the world scorns good times, then I’m hard to impress.
I feel much more impatient than gentle and kind.
I can switch in a heartbeat. It’s not a big deal.

May the art of provoking what must come to be
Be the one that relieves all from having to deal
With a life become stagnant. I want to take charge
Of a thrilling existence. No dream is too large
For the sense of rebellious abandon I feel.
All that I’ve been consuming can’t satisfy me.