Tag Archive | lie

Walk Away

Onward Direction

Trusting folks blindly often leads to betrayal
So be careful with whom you’re giving your trust to.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can grow.
When you speak you repeat what you already know.
If you listen then you may learn something brand new.
If you want things to happen for you then they shall.

Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly simply
Because you love them. Excuses are always there
And easy to make. Finding a way is what takes
Fortitude. Any chance that you take is high stakes
In a world with much hatred – one which doesn’t care
About people living in peace and harmony.

Life gets better once you stop assuming you will
Always have more time later. Be more proactive.
Each day should be a step forward. The only one
Who needs to understand is you. Tolerate none
Of the crap ever present yet learn how to live
In the present. You want to develop that skill.

One wrong step can change everything. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat.
Be honest and loyal. Sometimes you have to walk
Away from people not because you don’t care but
Because they don’t so don’t hold yourself in a rut
Over it. Be aware of your conscious self-talk.
It can lead to your success or utter defeat.

Immutable Laws

Science Conscious

Gravity is always working whether or not
You believe in it. You don’t have to believe in
Gravity for it to work. You won’t float away
Due to your disbelief. On this earth you will stay.
Breaking this law would be committing mortal sin
Against nature. One never can be in that spot.

There’s a whole lot of energy locked up inside
The atom. It’s release can cause devastation
Or a sustainable source of clean energy.
It can do tremendous good for humanity.
This law also works always and our flirtation
With it is like a big can of worms opened wide.

Current always seeks the path of least resistance
In a circuit. Voltage is always equal to
Current times resistance. This law works all the time.
There’s no way that one could be accused of the crime
Of electrical battery. All one can do
Is honor their electrons at a safe distance.

It’s quite the same way with the Law of Attraction.
This law works all the time and it can’t be broken.
You’re always manifesting. The trick is to do
It on purpose. The whole universe supports you.
About what you desire you must be outspoken.
In your life you can always find satisfaction.

Magical Day

Purple Passion

A new day has begun. Once again you’re awake.
You have reemerged back into the physical
From a place of pure spirit. Just lie there a while
And ponder anything that will put a big smile
In your heart. Decide that today is magical.
Bask in comfort as you usher in the daybreak.

Offer thoughts such as, “Today, no matter what I’m
Doing, it’s my dominant intent to feel good.”

Then throughout your day look for exactly those things
That feel good and be eager for what the day brings.
That you want to be happy is well understood
By your spirit who’s known you for such a long time.

There will be moments throughout your day when you feel
Negative emotion. It means only that you
Are focused on something you don’t want but you can
Ask yourself what you do want. It’s easier than
Not asking. The answer from your spirit is true.
Shift your focus to something that’s more ideal.

As you move through your day look for more reasons to
Laugh and have fun. Don’t take things too seriously
Then you’re not likely to notice the lack of things
That you want. Your detachment ultimately brings
It all to you. Pure joy is your reason to be.
May the day be an absolute pleasure for you.

Keep Your Heart Open In Hell

Face In Hades

How can one fall in love with the wholeness of all
That exists when there’s much suffering happening
On the earth? I know that love has no boundaries
But I can’t see the way the enlightened one sees.
Human nature I cannot find interesting
And my faith in our evolution is quite small.

So the frog swimming happily in the clear pond
I can deal with but with the grass snake I cannot
And it goes a bit further. I can’t find beauty
In something that contains ugliness. I can’t be
In that high state of consciousness. All that I’ve got
Is my mind and five senses with which to respond.

All forms are related to all other forms in
Ways that are lawful. If I can appreciate
This, I’ve entered a threshold of understanding
That can result in my consciousness expanding.
While in hell one can stay in a positive state.
Meditation perhaps is the place to begin.

If I stand only in my humanity I
Cannot bear it, but If from perfection I stand
It’s impersonal. I can find true compassion
Between them. I can become an enlightened one
If I wish. I’m empowered by my own command.
Suffering does exist. I cannot ponder why.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

Freewheeling Focus

The Wheel Of Feeling

Focusing is a habit quite easy to learn.
It is most beneficial in clarifying
How I feel about something I truly desire
Or of some earthly station to which I aspire
And it is spiritually edifying.
As I practice it helps me to better discern.

I can focus on things that are other than nice
With but minimal effort automatically.
When I do I create troublesome momentum.
I cannot then complain of the heartache to come.
But to focus on the things that make me happy
Is an intimate pleasure like sugar and spice.

People are doing focus wheels often these days.
Exercise of the psyche causes rescripting
Of the negative aspects of my here in now.
Through the process of writing I best can allow
The buildup of emotion. It is everything
As opposed to pure logic and its stringent ways.

I like being a poet. I do fairly well.
I produce tons of content. It comes easily.
I do know people read it and find some delight.
There’s no doubt whatsoever that I’m doing right
By the spirit with me. I am proud to be
One who’s learned a few secrets. I’m willing to tell.