Tag Archive | experience


Individual Expression Through Social Interaction

What you do in life chooses you. You don’t choose it
But you can reject it and do something safer.
At some point, when you create yourself to succeed,
You will either drop that creation and be freed
To explore who you really are, or you’ll concur
With how others see you for their own benefit.

You do not exist. We’re all playing characters
To help us interact well with one another.
I’m the flickering light and the dancing shadow –
Nothing masquerading as something folks can know
By its name so that the performance can occur.
Anyway, it’s the way society prefers.

Do not kill who you really are for something fake.
Energy depletion will occur if you do.
Inauthentic personalities to maintain
So that you fit in well is a definite drain
On your life force. It is best that you remain true
To your mission. You’ll less likely make a mistake.

You can join the game, fight the wars, and play with form
All you want, but to find real peace you must let go
Of the armor. Your need for acceptance makes you
Quite invisible in this world. Your light shines through
The temple of your body. Let your spirit grow
By not following the practices of the norm.

I Appreciate Who I Am

You Are Naturally Magnificent

Several billion people live on earth so far.
Each one of us is special with our points of view
And connections with others. Our resonating
With vibrational concepts does good graces bring.
The Law of Attraction orchestrates all we do.
Stardust formed into consciousness is what we are.

I appreciate myself and others because
We are all one big process destined to evolve
Into our exaltation. I am gratified
In knowing that I’m wonderful deep down inside
Even though not around me does the world revolve.
I’m subject happily to spiritual laws.

A bright light is shown upon what I’ve created.
More awakened I become, with each brand new day,
To who I really am minus all the nonsense
Of the ego. I live always in present tense.
I think thoughts that are pleasing and mind what I say
To myself and to others. I am elated.

I remember the bigness of who I am, and
I appreciate differences among us.
The broadness of the playground we get to create
Is our means of expansion. I appreciate
My role in the process. There’s a world to discuss.
I anticipate what the universe has planned.

What Is Consciousness?

Definition Of Being

Existence, as is known, is one unbroken thing.
All That Is contains everything that can be known
And unknown. There is another version of it.
That knows not itself at all. It has not a bit
Of consciousness. The feeling of being alone
Is all that this region of existence can bring.

What exactly is consciousness? It’s awareness
Of oneself by knowing what is not of the same
Awareness that oneself is or has. Existence
Contains all that there is. It needs no self-defense.
Consciousness is awareness by another name
Whether or not it has the desire to express.

All That Is creates within itself otherness.
It’s aware of itself through all that it creates.
It’s a kind of reflective energy pattern.
Consciousness means that one is able to discern
Individual selfhood and how it relates
To the otherness. It’s an eternal process.

Everything reflects consciousness. It is the way
That all of creation can become self-aware.
 Every creature is seeing through the eyes of God.
The mechanics of it all is nothing slipshod.
Infinite are the points of view one can compare
To oneself. All existence evolves as it may.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

Turning Crap Into Gold

Physical Alchemy

Utterly catastrophic my whole life has been.
Now that I’m in my seventies I realize
That I have been a tyrant – selfishly insane.
Silently I’m remorseful. I suffer the pain
Of a qualified loser. In most people’s eyes
I am one who the entire world should chagrin.

How I got this way at this point matters not much.
Little time I may have left to make it all right
If that is even possible. I have cut ties
For this lifetime. I know that was not very wise
Even for an old bastard. I’ve no appetite
For connecting, relating, confiding, and such.

But I do know how to express myself with ease.
It’s the single most significant way for me
To make sense of my troubled self and to explore
Possible ways to monetize what I adore.
With some consciousness my life could turn out to be
Something that has some meaning that others may seize.

There will be other lifetimes. Opportunities
I will find most abundant. My sorrow ignites
The torch of my continuing this existence.
There’s no other option. I have some common sense.
The only thing to do is to focus my sights
On eternal redemption amid my feces.

What Happens After Death?

Is There Another Side?

There’s so much that is unknown about existence.
We are here but a brief while in this consciousness
That we know as daily living reality.
We know that our physical eyes aren’t meant to see
All there is to be seen. We do not have access
To the state we all came from. It makes little sense.

We who are called survivors are steeped in mourning
For the one who’s now missing from this dimension.
We have lost all connection for all that we know.
There is no way that we can express our sorrow
At its deepest. The only thing that can be done
Is to get back into the business of living.

The one who has departed does experience
Something absolutely wonderful compared to
What is here and what we feel and what they did feel.
The release from the heaviness they see as real.
It’s a dream they’ve awoken from. Their broader view
Is what we living miss here. It still makes no sense.

But from there they experience a life review
Where they feel everything they’ve done to everyone.
Once that’s finished they’re welcomed into a new world
Where all of their potential is freely unfurled.
We survivors see this not as a solution.
It remains a most difficult time to go through.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Resistance In The Body

All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Everyone has one that is in excellent shape,
But that self is a counterpart of your body.
If you stub your toe, the message may simply be
‘Watch your step’ because it was a narrow escape.
Sadly, the only word that rhymes with ‘self’ is ‘shelf.’

Let’s say you have an expectation that something
Will occur but it doesn’t and then you resist
The process that’s unfolding which causes you pain.
You act on it, but everything done is in vain.
The intensity of it cannot be dismissed.
You are caught in the trap of overreacting.

You are not buying into the natural flow
Of how things unfold in your life, understanding
Not that things are occurring to give you the chance
To know more about yourself, so the circumstance
Of the pain that is present is an offering
Of a wonderful opportunity to grow.

Whether your pain be physical or of the mind
Know that in it there is a magnificent clue
Regarding what is needed for your wellbeing.
Pain can sometimes help us toward better seeing
Things we do to ourselves without our meaning to.
This message is designed for all of humankind.

Of Two Minds

The Twin Within

I don’t have to actively create my desires
If I merely focus on following the flow.
Fulfillment of my needs will always manifest
If they are relevant to my being my best.
The current of creation is one that I know
Contains all the things that my existence requires.

In my current of creation there is knowledge
Beyond what my physical mind can comprehend
But the higher mind is what the current contains
While the ego mind thinks it knows all and complains
About guidance it’s given. How can I suspend
It’s behavior? I fell like I’m on the knife’s edge.

Making things happen is a form of resistance
To the current, therefore I must go with the flow
And let my life unfold for me naturally.
Let the perfect machine of synchronicity
Do its good work by stopping thinking that I know
Anything because I don’t. I’m taking a chance.

I’ve no clue whatsoever. This matter is fact.
The beginning of wisdom is knowing that I
Do not know, but the higher mind knows everything.
It knows what needs to happen, and by listening
To its guidance. I have no choice but to comply
With my higher mind for a positive impact.

Why It’s Not Coming Faster

Relax And Allow

How do I get the money out of the vortex
And into the bank where it can be of some use?
How do I meet the soul mated love of my dreams
In her absence? I don’t understand why it seems
That I’m stuck because I’m not able to produce
What I want. The issue is mundane and complex.

I have to not need to have it right before me
So that I can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and behold
It in its actuality. I must accept
The vibrational version which is always kept
In spiritual escrow. How good things unfold
Is by tuning my vibration accordingly.

If it hasn’t come yet it means only one thing.
I am not a vibrational match to what I
Want so strongly. I must find a way to relax
There is nothing to gain through my frivolous acts.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.
I may not understand now what good it may bring.

By nature I am one who turns thoughts into things
By being in the receptive mode. I can’t be
In a bad space where I cannot pick up the clues
That the universe constantly sends. That’s good news.
I don’t have to blame others for what’s up with me.
My vision is the clearest of understandings.

What Is Done Already

Don't Overdo It

When I say that it’s possible what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be but it isn’t so.
I have some trouble taking the stance that It’s Done.
What that means I must understand or I’ll have none
Of the peace that I’m after. How far will I go
To learn all about me and the role I’m playing?

But if it feels lost or incomplete it will change
My preferred expectation. I have already
Done the work necessary. I need but allow
What is done to be done, but my question is how
Do I let go of temptation and only see
What Is Already Done without being too strange.

If I say I want to attract something it means
That I don’t have it yet. Focus on its absence
Is the major vibration I’ve got going on.
If I know that It’s Done then all my doubts are gone
By the wayside completely. Relief is immense.
It is one of the best spiritual vaccines.

What does Done mean? There’s a different attitude
Than when something is not done. I give up control
Of what isn’t my business. Divine forces will
Attend to all the details and kindly fulfill
Any dream that I may have. I like feeling whole.
There is nothing more I need do I must conclude.

How To Ask

Anatomy of Prayer

Asking moments happen while amid the contrast
That life offers whether or not I focus on
What I like or what I despise passionately.
If it came down to logic then I’d always be
Feeling good about asking. Energy is drawn
From attention to my dream. I remain steadfast.

Positive expectation of what I ask for
Is expected by forces that will bring about
What I want. As I want, the universe expands,
And I must become the person who understands
The nature of my asking. I need to chill out
And find other means of pleasure I can explore.

Tugs of war that I’m feeling in that place inside
Where all feeling is dealt with are sure enough signs
That I’m not in the right mood to do my asking.
To expand and not go there is devastating.
The slightest bit of doubt usually confines
One to where what is asked for is simply denied.

When I am fascinated and feeling passion
In the things that I’m doing, I know I’m on track
To be receptive to impulses and insights
From the broader perspective. My spirit delights
In the confirmations that I keep getting back.
I feel that my fine work here will never be done.

Don’t Face Reality

Selectivity Of Consciousness

Without being outrageous how can it be known
That reality is what we keep on facing
Which is why it’s so real to our human senses?
Momentum is needed before change commences.
It can be done by good-feeling-thought embracing.
I create my reality all on my own.

There’s plenty of reality I would retain
And so much I’d avoid due to no interest.
I will replicate in my life experience
What I am mostly focused on, and it makes sense
That a selective sifter I am at my best.
I can be more discerning for maximum gain.

If a thought doesn’t feel good I’ll go general
Which will slow its momentum. On the other hand
If it feels good then going specific is right.
What I’m after will much sooner be within sight.
This is not all that hard for me to understand.
I must trust that my life is never in peril.

When I feel anything whether it’s bad or good
I can say, “Good for me; my guidance is working.”
Guidance is not an indictment of worthiness.

It is only indication of my progress
On the path I have chosen. It’s interesting
That it cares for me as if it knows that it should.

When A Soul Contract Ends

Moving On

Soul contracts are agreements we enter into
Before birth because souls involved will be bonded
Together for some time for lessons to be learned
That are raw and specific. Our guides are concerned
That we grow through experience. We’ve responded
To spiritual process. It is nothing new.

Before this contract is created we will meet
With our guides who permit us to plan and design
Which life lessons and situations might be best
For each soul’s evolution. What we manifest
In the way of our karma may fall out of line
With intentions original. It’s not defeat.

When all lessons are learned then the contract will end.
When that happens folks respond in various ways.
Like losing an old friend some may feel great sorrow.
But some may be quite happy to let someone go
Who had been a real asshole throughout all the days
Of the contract’s duration. Have you made a friend?

The end of a soul contract ends only a part
Of your life. The next chapter will always be there.
With certain understanding we learn and engage
Our manifold relationships on the life stage.
We instruct one another to be more aware
Of the matters that matter so much to the heart.

How Does Doubt Become Trust?

A Spiritual Transformation

Any person who meditates knows how it feels
To be at peace and thoughtless if but for a while.
Signs of things as you want them you may disbelieve
Out of habit. The images that you receive
Are the prelude to something complete and tactile.
One must be open to what life clearly reveals.

But you are meditating – quieting the mind.
In this way you suspend disbelief at your will.
One cannot remain thoughtless indefinitely.
Doubt returns as you experience ecstasy
In your dreams of fulfillment. The ultimate thrill
Is to know satisfaction in all that you find.

Do not go for certainty in any event.
It will goose up the distrust. Our reality
Will confirm that we shouldn’t believe it because
It has not happened yet. This logic has some flaws.
You may be thinking so much that you cannot see
Some way clear of the self-talk that causes torment.

You can feel satisfied in the thought of some thing
Not in having the power to make it happen.
Feel the satisfaction and in time it will turn
To the trust for which you most desperately yearn.
Practice feeling delighted again and again,
And find ever more things that will make your heart sing.

Mirror Mirror

Inner Reflections of the Past

What if things in the mirror occurred that do not
In reality? That would be interesting.
It would be like another world parallel to
This one that we are living. Which one would be true?
Ideas such as this do not a headache bring
If one has been accustomed to thinking a lot.

What if we could cross over into that domain
That can only be known by mirror reflection
And take care of some business while we’re over there
That we wouldn’t have to bother much with elsewhere?
Would it be an efficient way to get things done?
Or would all of our work there be done quite in vain?

Each of us is a reflective surface to all
People that we encounter as we interact.
We can reach into others and change how they feel
About images of us. We also conceal
Our true vision of things. Not making eye contact
Makes the reflective surface an effective wall.

Synchronicity is a sense of awareness
Of glimpses into other realms, Perfect timing
Is the organizing principle of belief
In a wonderful real world. There can be relief
Through each blessing acknowledged. Release the wellspring
Of abundant wellbeing. Go for nothing less.

Just A Few Laughs Away

The Levity Solution

All because of the context in which I’m focused,
Understanding who I am I take on with glee.
I like nitty gritty experiences where
I acknowledge that things could be better, and there
Is a trust that I feel that no harm comes to me.
If I can find some laughter in life, it is just.

I make too much of all of this. Life should be fun.
If I lighten up more I’ll find humor in things.
I’m too hard on myself in my relationship
With where I want to be. Misery I can skip
If I make peace with where I am. Many blessings
Are available to me, the determined one.

I’ll play down all the negative things about me
And play up everything positive I can find
In a life punctuated with so much disgust.
How I wish I were able to turn it to dust
But I can’t so I’m forced to just leave it behind.
In my next life I shall behave differently.

I must know that the universe will yield to me
All that I’ve created both now and forever.
Were I given a glimpse of the aerial view
Of my life’s full potential, I wouldn’t be blue.
I would be laughing insanely at whatever.
I’m already crazy. The rest comes easily.

Get Out Of Trouble

Escaping The Rubbish

Ominous is the feeling that cripples my soul.
What may happen is dreadful. I can’t think about
Devastation, poverty, and deep emptiness.
If I’m so out of balance and crippled with stress
Over what I’ve created, there is little doubt
That I can get a grip and take back some control.

How can I shift my frequency, when in despair,
To one higher, if that is even possible?
Luckily it can be done without going mad
Through a process and promise that is ironclad.
I can save my own life if I am docible
Of the logic of wellbeing which isn’t rare.

Everything is a lesson. Each experience
Is for me a perfect opportunity to
Let myself be the best student that I can be.
I would gain some awareness of dark parts of me.
Giving up is the worst thing on earth I could do.
Nonexistence is futile and doesn’t make sense.

To say that it’s too difficult reinforces
My belief that it’s difficult. I can divest
Myself of negative thoughts about what is taught.
If I see myself in others, I won’t be caught
In the trap of hopelessness. This life is the test.
Its curriculum consists of many courses.

My Question

Passion To Know

Some things I can’t believe. They don’t make any sense –
Like the human condition and why I exist.
Other things have some meaning when I’m feeling fine.
Enigmatic this world seems. Is it by design
That to question everything I cannot resist?
Should I not get some justice for my small expense?

Questions are left unanswered in this time and place.
Things that happen are left to the throw of the dice.
I cannot get excited about what goes on.
Certain signs of stability and truth are gone.
Why do people make the ultimate sacrifice?
I’m ashamed to be part of this sick human race.

It’s useless for me to keep my head in the sand.
Through the earth information seeps into my mind
Of the death and destruction. The utter despair
Is too much for me to say that I do not care
Because I’m not affected. Little I can find
To divert my attention. I don’t understand.

All I do know is that things are just as they are.
I’ll expend very little psychic energy
On the judgement of anything. Then I may find
That the answer is perfect for my simple mind.
It may be worth my best while to just let things be.
The next poem I write may be just as bizarre.

Forget Bad Memories

Releasing the Negative Past

It was gross and traumatic – all that I went through.
Memories still catch up with me no matter where
I decide is a good place to block them away.
Deep inside me where they don’t belong they will stay.
Am I worthy enough to relive my despair?
Is there some way that I can live my life anew?

In the present, the past is created by me.
To better wrap my head around this, I accept
That everything is here and now. What I can’t do
Is invalidate what I don’t like. It is true
That I must come from a neutral place. What is kept
That is of no use can be released completely.

If I’m putting too much emphasis on the pain,
I must know that I do have the power to choose
To unlock from the feelings that I don’t prefer.
Putting my focus elsewhere, relief will occur.
Otherwise I will be open to self-abuse.
Logic dictates the choice if I’ve not gone insane.

It really doesn’t matter what happens – only
What I do with what happens that determines how
I will deal with the future. Toxic memories
Linger as long as needed until my heart sees
Past my old belief systems. If I can allow
Some relief in this moment, much better I’ll be.

It’s Coming

Be Patient

In the art of creating you know your desire
Long before hand. Specific is your strong intent.
After that, universal forces take over.
What is done is completely done. What will occur
In due time is a feeling of true fulfillment.
You anticipate wonderfulness to transpire.

You know the essence of what you want the same way
No matter what it is. Do not be specific
Once the asking is done. You can be general
As all the cooperative components shall
Come together magnificently. So the trick
Is to not keep on wanting. It causes dismay.

Once you have asked the question, the answer quickly
Comes to you through impulses and inspiration
To take a course of action that is different
From behavior most usual. Through your intent
To remain confident that your asking is done,
On the way to fulfillment you are filled with glee.

But your keeping on poking around in the past,
Being way too specific than you need to be
About what has already been answered, will cause
Certain violation of spiritual laws.
You must know that It’s Coming! It’s done already.
Now kick back and receive all the good you’ve amassed.

Open Doors

Many Opportunities

The balance of the universe vibrates between
What exists and the lack of it. If I’m able
To identify something I truly desire
Then the absence of this thing I want to acquire
Does exist. It’s important to remain stable
And to practice some positive mental hygiene.

From the point of my saying that I want something,
Through my thinking about it, one or the other
Side I give more attention to. What comes to be
Then depends upon which one feels better to me.
Only it or the lack of it can but occur.
This concept does not have to be mystifying.

Feeling lack about what I want only delays
Its arrival in my life. I’ll give attention
To my reasons for wanting it and my belief
That its coming is imminent. I’ll find relief
In my trusting the universe to get things done.
I can maintain my balance in myriad ways.

But the best way to open doors to everything
That I find most delightful is to acknowledge
Now the positive aspects of what I’m living.
The universe is intent on its giving
Whatever is asked of it. On this leading edge
Of creation, I find my life most fulfilling.

Access The Power

Command The Energy

Writing down things is powerful. I’d like to share
Yet another technique that was offered to me.
It’s about manifesting. I know; “Not again!”
But my job is informative. I like it when
There’s a topic worth tackling. Not all may agree,
And obliged I am truly to say I don’t care.

List three things that you want on three sheets of paper.
Each sheet lists only one thing. So write at the top
“These are reasons I want this.” On the other side
List all of the reasons that you won’t be denied.
At some point in your listing you will have to stop
And behold what you’ve written and quite on the spur.

It is necessary only that you want it
With a positive passion. Writing enhances
The belief in your wanting. It forms a strong link
With the thing that you’re focused upon. Now, just think
Of the power of this improving your chances
Of obtaining things. This is of huge benefit.

Spend some time in your day… twenty minutes or so
To enter deep reflection. Examine your dream.
Let your dominant intention be to look for
Things that you find delightful and then look for more.
May your big boat of freedom be headed downstream.
Benefits of your focus will begin to flow.

Knowing Truth

Becoming Informed

Harsh judgement for harsh acts performed as I am ill
Keeps the gate locked on unpardoned parts of my soul.
The prison I’ve created I deem adequate
Yet the enemies of me have cause to debate
That no gnashing sufficient is worth my parole.
That I’ve been such an asshole does my spirit kill.

My remorse is reality as is my joy
That the pain is made bearable in my belief
That I need to be punished more than I am now.
Is my healthy survival in trouble somehow?
From my own misconceptions I need some relief
Otherwise I’ll continue to hurt and annoy.

The world is just a word. It is I who exist
And I am capable of experiencing
Absolute truth, but I shall never attain it.
I am guilty of all the sins that I commit.
There is no way of reconciling this damned thing
Yet I must learn to deal with the thoughts that persist.

In the mind there’s a prism that translates pure light
Into many distortions. My illness only
Sees the trees – not the forest. I glean redemption
Through clearing of my faculties. As this is done
It eventually helps me to better see
Somewhere in all the darkness a future that’s bright.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.

A Truly Magnificent Life

Good Living

I pledge allegiance to the divided countries
Of this unholy union of haves and have nots.
What I’d dreamed of is gone now, but that is okay.
This unspeakable contrast must be here to stay.
I am born of a small world of sinister plots
And of billowing hatred of democracies.

It does freak the hell out of me to some degree.
People whom I’ve ever known I now cannot trust
And it does seem to matter that I am concerned
That there are some tough lessons that have to be learned.
All the ‘brotherly love’ bullshit crumbles to dust
In the climate of strong racial hatred of me.

Is there room to be hopeful? I know that I am
On the verge of discovering what I can do
To maintain my alignment and blend with the flow
Of what my inner being would want me to know
About my own magnificence. I’m able to
Carry on with my living and not give a damn.

My own past is an utter disaster, so I
Am a match to experiences of chaos.
I need close only the gap between me and me.
All else that may be happening I need not see.
There are may bridges. I choose which ones to cross.
Some may lead to fulfillment, and those I will try.

The Hidden Dimension

Entering Other Worlds

Is there something in common in every culture
That creates within everyone the need for God?
Anyone who has experienced mystery
Knows that there’s a dimension that we cannot see.
The beauty of a mountain or sunset we laud
As the face of divinity. Yet are we sure?

The realization of wonder is something
That all people experience time and again.
The tremendous power of nature we behold
As a force greater than us that can’t be controlled.
We return to something but we cannot know when.
We are left with tons of clues for deciphering.

Throughout God’s evolution in our consciousness
There have been those of violence and compassion
And protectors of kings and queens and their campaigns.
Personification is still locked in our brains
To the degree that we may not ever be done
With the faces of God we create to excess.

God is a manifestation of energy
And the vehicle for it. Continuing war
Among world principalities over issues
Of our faith and anarchy can only confuse
What we know in our souls to be something much more
Than a situation where we act foolishly.

Amongst The Rest

The Outstanding One

Creation is activating a vibration
In advance of the manifestation, and most
People are activating vibrations based on
History, so the future is hard set upon
What has happened. We tend to be fully engrossed
With the past in its detail. It isn’t much fun.

The future keeps on being the same as the past
If no change in vibration takes place in the heart.
What is past will continue. The need to move on
From the present condition is why one is drawn
To profound dissolution. One sees a fresh start
As the only solution and one that will last.

Out of chaos comes complete awareness of all
That is not to one’s liking. It brings clarity
To what is most appreciated in someone.
In the parting of old ways the journey begun
Leads the heart to fulfillment. Be grateful to be
At an altitude where you’re unable to fall.

The relationship you want is in the process
Of becoming. This new story is viable.
Miserable excursions back into the past
Are to be blessed and let go. The brighter forecast
Is the one that you have made most reliable.
Take the edge off of your journey and don’t obsess.

What’s In Your Future?

The Intent Of Unceen Forces

We ask for the solution in myriad ways.
Living has caused the asking, and life will respond
To the heart of our focus immediately.
Feeling better or worse are the choices only
From this moment unto those that pierce the beyond.
How can we know what’s happening in later days?

What is in the process of becoming for you
Is all that you have wanted right up until now.
As you stand in awareness of all that you are
You must know that fulfillment is not all that far
In your future. To feel this is how you allow
All your dreams and wishes to finally come true.

But if you notice that it has not happened yet
It’s an upstream awareness that will pull you down
To the depths of despair. When you go with the flow
The events of your future are easy to know.
You do not have to resort to drifting around
In the fog of prediction with utter regret.

If you can avoid facing reality and
Think thoughts that are different from the probable
You pump that into your future nowness instead
Of the usual rubbish produced in your head.
In the long run you will be a lot more able
To know what’s in your future because it is planned.

Allow It To Come

The Wait Is Over

Your vortex is filled to the brim with specific
Requests that you have put there. You are deserving
Of the realization of all you’ve desired.
You must know that the only thing that is required
Is your receptiveness, and it’s not a hard thing.
It is not complicated. There’s no special trick.

It’s high time that those manifestations become
Part of your now experience so that others
Are astonished by how things work out so damned well
For someone who has gone through their own share of hell.
You must go with what you know your true self prefers,
And, despite opposition, keep beating that drum.

Can you know who you are and the important role
That you play in expanding what is here and now?
If you can, you’ve accomplished much of the journey.
You had planned before coming here that you would be
Asking much and preparing the space to allow.
You blend into the process of becoming whole.

You did not say, “I’ll go forth and ask but will not
Allow myself to benefit from my asking.”

You came to experience the fullness of you.
Your life is changed forever in all that you do.
You can stop unconscious over analyzing.
How you feel about being here matters a lot.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.

Who You Really Are

The Truest Self

A spiritual being you are at your core –
Not a physical body. It is but your home
While you’re here on this planet. The essence of you
Is your eternal spirit. All that you go through
To be human need not be an awful syndrome.
There are so many wonderful things to explore.

When you stand in your now moment, somehow, someway
You have practiced yourself into an altered state.
It’s a high flying vibration where you’re not pissed
Or worried about something that doesn’t exist.
From your state of alignment is where you create
An attractive life story where it’s fun to play.

Your are pure positive energy, so allow,
Because you’re at that high frequency already,
Inspiration to flow to you now and always.
Be in love with the place where your consciousness stays.
Your are much more than what you thought yourself to be.
You receive by the thoughts that you are thinking now.

Your are now the extension of that source within
And that’s when you feel passion and more clarity.
It is when you’re most clever and your funniest.
Your magnificent self is the one that’s expressed.
Feeling better is always the best way to be.
You can feel more than comfortable in your own skin.

All You Have To Do

Here It Is

There’s no need to be fake about feeling your best.
If you feel yourself trying then something is wrong
With your way of allowing the good times to roll.
When you learn how the laws work you will have control
Of your daily momentum. It doesn’t take long
To attain what you’re after because you are blessed.

Find something that you just feel good about and then
Focus only upon that. Let it resonate
Within you until you feel momentum increase.
It becomes easier then for you to release
All the negative drama you so well create.
You have been in that awful way time and again.

You may have five things going that are important.
Four of them may go terribly and only one
Is doing quite the opposite. Focus on it
And the others will improve by not just a bit
But a whole lot. A whole lot of work can get done
When you know things you can do from things that you can’t.

What’s so hard about thinking about things that feel
Good instead of the things that will make you feel bad?
You’ve been trained to believe in struggle and effort.
But you know now to disregard thoughts of that sort.
Focusing on bad stuff drives you stark raving mad.
You are the one who knows which is of more appeal.

Self-Love And Appreciation

Personal Ecstasy

Know that your inner being loves and adores you.
You need not feel conceited or shy in the least.
You come into connection with all that it knows
By thinking thoughts that feel good – not those that oppose
The ones that your true self thinks. Much can be released
That is causing resistance in lieu of a clue.

As you think thoughts that beat up on yourself, others,
Or the circumstances in your life, you vibrate
To those energies and attract more of the same
Situations. Then you have no one else to blame,
But you have full control over what you create.
Your true self is at peace with whatever occurs.

You can keep a journal of positive aspects
Which is nothing more than a notebook called the same.
Write down in it all good things you happen to be.
If you’re not finding many, eventually
They will come. It takes practice. So make it a game
And delight in the feelings your true self reflects.

Absolutely imperative it is that you
Come into alignment with who you really are
Which means you must adore yourself. Do find a way
To uncover your worthiness without delay.
Being in love with yourself is not that bizarre
Compared to all the negative things people do.

The Vortex Is An Emotional State

Finding The Better Feeling

Don’t lament the fact that you don’t own your own place.
No one else is trying to put food on your shelf
Or to cook in your kitchen or sleep in your bed.
Your rent only. It’s okay. So you can instead
Be thankful that God made a safe place for yourself.
As you do you acknowledge divine loving grace.

Some have called it a Vortex – a state of being
Where you’re most in alignment. You feel whole and clear…
Full of passion and insight. Powerful is your
Confidence of attraction. All that you live for
Comes to focus all at once. It is from that sphere
That you find that everything is most agreeing.

It’s your response to living – the merging of you
With your truest self. It’s not a place or a thing.
It’s a wonderful feeling. It is emotion
At the notion of living and having more fun.
There is cause for excitement, for what it can bring
Is a profound fulfillment in all that you do.

Don’t get into the Vortex then try to keep score
With the way you are feeling. It will take you out.
What you want in the end is to feel satisfied.
When you get in the Vortex things can’t be denied.
Your power of attraction you know beyond doubt.
Focusing on the feeling does open the door.

Christ Consciousness

Brotherly Love

This dark night of the soul that we’ve been going through
Has to do with the ending of relationship
With the old paradigm and the building of new
Stronger ties with a more inclusive point of view.
The wise one realizes the need to equip
Oneself with all the guidance one is able to.

This stand we take within ourselves so that we can
Have discernment to know who the imposters are.
We shall learn of deceivers and specific ways
They had planned to take over. Democracy stays
For the moment. Things had never gotten this far
Away from what is civil since it all began.

Without having that relationship and finding
That Christ Consciousness connection, then it’s easy
To get lost in everything that is going on.
What has never existed is completely gone.
Blatancy is the bullet that happens to be
The preferred methodology. It is blinding.

All the flashing of hate bulbs illuminates all
That’s been keep in the closet to only peek through
To a colored reality which is more bright
Than the creatures that make up the sick ultra-right.
These are times of enlightenment for the ones who
Can maintain their Christ nature and not take the fall.

Where Is Heaven?

Finding The Way Within

Heaven is on this earth plane, some people have said.
But for me to believe that there’d have to be some
Lame condition that would have to be satisfied.
Yet what I dare demand offers access denied.
I have trouble believing that the kingdom come
Has no queen and is right here on this rock instead.

We are told that the nature of heaven is bliss
And of unending loving of God and of all
That exists to cast love upon, including us
Through our intimate journeys and absent the fuss
Of conditions of any kind. No one is small
In this place of pure spirit. I do believe this.

Could heaven be connected to earth in some way
That makes one an imperfectly real reflection
Of the rest of existence? If this could be true
It becomes then much easier to take the view
That I do have some trouble with. I am the one
Who shall find the connection to joy come what may.

This fantastic phenomenon of existence
Remains all that has ever been projected here
In this moment. This leading edge of creation
Is where spirit is focused. Each and everyone
Of us is part of heaven that heaven holds dear.
The freedom offered by this notion is immense.


Emotional Understanding

Easily compassion comes with people we know
Because we are more familiar with who they are.
Understanding and clarity we have more of.
Offering someone comfort expresses our love
When the person we cherish feels not up to par.
It is the healthy and natural way to go.

With those who we don’t know, it becomes difficult
To get close to the feeling that they hold inside.
People are their own business. They have sovereignty
Over their lives – no others. This happens to be
Not the best attitude. With the heart open wide
Many blessings returning may be the result.

People have belief systems quite solid and strong
In order to break through them one must understand
Exactly where they’re coming from deep in their heart.
The expanding of consciousness is a fine art
For the one who is seeking an outlook more grand
Than the black and white illusion of right and wrong.

People work only with what is in their toolbox.
As valid as yours is their idea is too.
A degree of acceptance of that is just fine.
To achieve the expansion one cannot decline
The key to understanding adverse points of view.
Human nature remains a divine paradox.

The Kingdom Of Heaven

What Lies Within

In this world there is never an intervention.
It implies some assertion that something is wrong
And needs to be corrected by someone outside
The person with the issue who serves as a guide.
So the word ‘intervention’ does seem rather strong
For something nonexistent and wholly home spun.

There is only attraction. There’s no assertion
In this time space reality that we perceive.
We engage all the drama with strong emotion
That stirs up the momentum for getting things done.
Happiness is the one goal we want to achieve.
The times that we are purest is when having fun.

We’re here to explore contrast and from it create
Conditions for solutions to fall into place.
Coming into alignment with all that we are,
We have access to heaven which isn’t that far
From where we may be looking. We’ve no one to face
But ourselves, and it helps not to foolishly wait.

So, The Kingdom Of Heaven we know is within.
We’ve been told that by many a teacher by now.
That must mean that God resides in each one of us,
And the fact that we’re human also is a plus.
We can enter the Kingdom if we but allow
Our acceptance of our worthiness to begin.

After Death

Continuing Consciouness

Consciousness is eternal. It’s all one can say
Without clarity suffering a severe blow.
From my limited perspective I cannot see
Past the game and illusion that happens to be
Something that I agreed to. I’m not meant to know
But a tiny bit – enough to get through the day.

Timelessness is a concept. It is also real.
The idea is for me. The reality
Is of infinite intelligence. When I die
I’ll awaken from time and space. Never will I
Not have worlds of experience. I am To Be
Here and now with my true self only to reveal.

But in order for existence to continue
There has to be some semblance of the illusion.
It’s more flexible and less rigid after death.
Yet this game I will play ‘til I take my last breath.
I do not favor Thanatos. I just have fun
Delving into odd places to entertain you.

Time and space do have meaning on the other side.
Life here is made of billions of frames per second.
Only one at a time I am meant to act out
Even though I’m projected in all without doubt.
It will be a new game when my soul is beckoned
By the force that begot me. I am satisfied.

Breaking News

Alien Faces Of Spirit

They are coming. Some are already here by now.
Why they’ve come is a learning and teaching exchange
Exercise in the making. It’s kept top secret.
Humankind can’t accept its own, and with regret,
Populations in general can’t deal with strange
Off the earth kinds of beings. Our hearts won’t allow.

Cultural shock, social disorientation…
Would compound the psychoses that eat at our souls
If we were to gain knowledge of all that goes on.
If our hatred for one another could be gone
Then no threats are perceived, and we could play the roles
Of galactic ambassadors second to none.

While we’re in waiting for all things to be revealed
May it be beneficial to inventory
Our spiritual assets? Our changing our ways
May happen or may not. They’re not here to appraise
For the purpose of conquering. To let them be
Is the wisest decision that must be concealed.

Those who’ve gone further into the darkness may find
That eventually they’re able to see light.
There’s some benefit to having experienced
Suffering the delusion of for and against
And the confounding issues of what’s wrong and right.
In that they are not hostile we find peace of mind.

Keys To The Pick-Up

Tools of Manifestation

All of life is a pick-up. You can’t put it down.
If you do, then your driving is not up to par.
No matter which road you choose it’s still rather rough.
You will seek something better when you’ve had enough
Of not being the worthy one you know you are.
Don’t be driving when your face is wearing a frown.

A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until it becomes manifested in your life.
When it comes into being it reinforces
The belief with more realness. Your life endorses
Your mindset whether it is of joy or of strife.
You’re a magnet to what in your life your thoughts bring.

Once you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction starts its assembling
Of cooperative components. To be sure,
What shows up in your life is a thing you endure
Or enjoy. Your thinking will attract anything
That you hold strong belief in. What you think is done.

You get what you expect. Expectation is key.
Once belief is established, anticipation
Of its manifestation will come easily.
You’ve the Keys To The Pick-Up, therefore you are free
To rejoice in your deliberate creation.
Things in your life can be as you want them to be.

You Get What You Believe

The Result of Deep Focus

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality.
You are the sole attractor of all that you get.
Whenever things come to you that you do regret
It’s because you’re not believing it completely.
Things that happen are because of your point of view.

Your life is created by the story you tell,
And by things you remember, and conversations.
It’s about how you feel about things and about
Finding ways to enjoy life… to mitigate doubt
That you are meant to be here. All the conditions
Are set up by the power intent does compel.

Do intend to be joyful in every moment.
Find something you can focus upon, and create
A magnificently clear point of attraction.
You do not have to think about getting things done.
You enhance your commitment to feeling just great
By acknowledging when things reflect your content.

Guide yourself to awareness and observations
Of things turning out your way as you get to know
How to tune yourself instantly into that space
Where you’re fed by the cosmos’ infinite grace.
Turning thoughts into things that will constantly flow
Is what you came here for. You’re among blessed ones.

Morning Affirmation

The Beginning of a Wonderful Day

My! Last night was a blessing. I slept really well.
This moment I embrace with every part of me.
This brand new day is full of possibilities.
It’s a miracle waiting to happen with ease.
I anticipate what waits for me anxiously.
It will be magnificent from what I can tell.

Nights and days filled with joy I have gotten used to.
My sublime expectation of things working out
To my good is a treasure technique of a tool,
And how I feel this moment is just the right fuel
To excite this day’s engine and cast away doubt.
I embrace all that this day has for me to do.

I embrace the experiences lining up.
I anticipate all the opportunities
And the ease of fulfillment of my hopes and dreams.
Blessings descend upon me in multiple streams.
Every benefit due me this day I shall seize.
Pour some more gratitude into my waiting cup.

I anticipate the best to happen today.
I am ready this morning and in this moment
To commit to a good start. What unfolds for me
Will surprise and delight me indubitably.
Every moment of this day is marked for content.
I look forward to having this new day to play.

Matching Your Vibrational Abundance

Aligning With Source

How can I be a vibrational match to all
That is in my vibrational escrow? Am I
Lining up with abundance, or shortage and lack?
For my doing things I don’t like, what I get back
Is a bad taste for living. I must satisfy
My intention by not focusing on the small.

I must see things as they really are. Abundance,
Financial wellbeing, and money are all just
Like the air that I breathe. They are not hard to get.
I can learn how to keep my soul frequency set
To that of my heart’s wanting. It does require trust
In the guidance within me in my circumstance.

I can tune my receiver to the frequency
Of what I have in escrow. By focused intent
I choose thoughts that feel better than those I have now.
In this way it is best that I trust and allow
Better feelings consume me that will complement
Everything that I’m wanting my nowness to be.

Excuses to feel happy are many indeed,
And I need but to find them. As I look around
At this planet, there’s something bigger going on.
Universal forces are conclusions foregone
That our sun and its system are perfectly sound.
Thinking in this way much of life’s tension is freed.


The Only Emotion

To feel better than I do right now is for me
A continuing process, I’m right on the brink
Of appreciation. In the vicinity
Of hopefulness constantly is where I’m to be.
No concern have I for what others often think
Of themselves and of life itself unconsciously.

May I be an optimistic leaning person,
Making the best of things as they are and always
Looking for the best thoughts and feelings as they come?
Such a positive outlook may be hard for some.
One begins with a heartfelt admission of praise
For this fabulous universe where all is one.

I love knowing that people are feeling better
And imagining what this world can manifest.
The prosperity that humankind has amassed
And the way the economy remains steadfast
Despite many world crises means that we are blessed
And each of us wants to be a love begetter.

The wellbeing of this planet says all is well.
I love being the best way that I can express
What I love about living this life that is mine.
From a distant perspective everything is fine.
I love knowing that this state you too may access.
There’s no other one worthy from what I can tell.

Just A Vibration Away

Tuining Into Ultimate Peace

Do believe in vibration because it is real.
The first cause of existence is pure frequency
Of original consciousness. Then all else comes.
Time and space define how well the universe hums.
If it weren’t for vibration then nothing could be.
You can detect its presence by the way you feel.

Within every vibration exists the vortex.
It’s a state of emotions of true happiness.
All that you’ve become and every dream and desire
Your vortex consists of. Although it does require
That you are in alignment. Then you can access
What you’ve put there. The process is not that complex.

It could take many years for your dreams to come true
If you are diligent about poking around
In the current condition. How you feel right now
Has to be positive before you can allow
What you want to occur. Infinitely profound
Is the law of vibration in all that we do.

All your imagination, if focused upon
Things that don’t excite you and in fact bring you down,
Will yield manifestations from feelings of lack.
It is much to your advantage if you keep track
Of how you feel each moment. Do wear not a frown.
The resistance that you feel can up and begone.

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.


The Ultimate Morning Prayer

The good night was refreshing, and bright is this day.
I have the understanding that everything’s fine.
This earth is spinning in perfect proximity
To the other planets, and I’m happy to be
Of the notion it’s all managed by the divine.
I know that I know that it should be just this way.

I’m living in a vibrational universe,
And I’m exhilarated that I understand
What I’m getting and what I’m thinking and feeling
Are a match in vibration. This is appealing
To the deepest part of me. I’m part of a grand
Mechanism of goodness. Nothing could get worse.

Nothing is more important than that I look for
What I’m wanting to see. There are many objects
Of attention available. I get to choose
Which ones are to my liking, and I can refuse
Anything that is not perfect in all respects
To the life that I’m living. Who could ask for more?

Everything in my life is about attracting.
Assertion has no meaning but disharmony.
All things then are appropriate as they exist.
There’s nothing about life that I need to resist.
Everything is unfolding most favorably.
I remain elevated ‘til this day is done.

All That You Want

Whatever Is Desired

What you expect you will get no matter if you
Really want it or not. Your point of attraction
Determines if what you get is goodness or not.
So what you pay attention to matters a lot.
Do rely on the universe to get things done.
That you are in control of it is always true.

If you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction will come into play
As it gathers cooperative components
And the circumstances that will cause such events
That enthrall and delight you in every which way.
Living can be enlightening but also fun.

A belief is a truth that was made to be true
By someone’s focus on it. But you need not own
That which is from another. You have what it takes
To avoid living pitfalls. You do deserve breaks
That are to your advantage. You are not alone
In you lifelong adventure with all that you do.

Our beliefs form within us strong expectations
And we hold tightly to them. But change them we must
If they don’t serve the purpose of our wellbeing.
Embrace only those which are the most agreeing.
We can get good to happen, but we must have trust.
You alone control completely how your life runs.

A Message Just For You

Your Personal Calling

We who watch you as you live have this much to say.
You must soothe your resistance to find true relief
From your troubles and sorrows, and when you do so
Then your point of attraction is likely to grow
Ever stronger. Your times of discord will be brief.
We take notice of how you live throughout your day.

We see when you have shifted and take full delight
Because we see your future begin to take place
In the eternal now that you sometimes can’t see,
And we celebrate greatly what has come to be.
There is so much potential in the human race.
We would love you to focus on what has gone right.

You cannot get it wrong because It’s never done.
All eternity you have for reaching your peace.
All your power is now. What takes place around you
You attract by attention. The thing you can do
Is to concentrate only on things that increase
Your magnetic awareness and wellness begun.

You create your tomorrows by how you feel now.
Tomorrow never comes. When it does, it’s today.
Feeling bad only makes tomorrow even worse.
There’s no need to delve into that which is perverse.
Practice feeling good now so that you don’t fall prey
To your negative thinking. Rejoice and allow.