Tag Archive | exercise

Sharing Happiness

Poised For Fun

We all want to live happy lives. But how do we
Go about it? Some say it’s just a decision
That we make with a certain determination.
This of course is true in any situation.
Anytime a state of joy one can envision
Then experience the feeling quite easily.

Yet to some, happiness remains hard to achieve
Due to well-practiced patterns. The strong momentum
Of our past negative habits gets in the way
Of choosing happiness over utter dismay.
Difficulty we have when we’re beating the drum
Of our limits. We’re not in the mode to receive.

Urgency to find happiness stops the quest dead
In its tracks. If you want happiness for an hour,
Take a nap. If you want happiness for a day,
Go fishing. If you want happiness all the way
Through the year, win the lottery. Feel the power
Of abundance but don’t let it go to your head.

If you want happiness for a lifetime you’ll find
It by helping others. When you light a lamp for
Someone else on the road not only do you light
Up their world but you’re also doing what feels right.
Bringing happiness to others brings a lot more
Right back to you. It’s beneficial to be kind.

Mirror Reflections

Office Blur

“There’s so much that I want to do. How can I find
Time to do it all? In my own experience
I’m disorganized. My life seems to be a mess.
I cannot get a handle on it all unless
I can find clarity. My distress is immense
To the point where I can’t get it out of my mind.”

Take a deep breath. Relax. Everything is alright.
Synchronicity is the thing at issue here.
It’s the organizing principle that you need
To discover. Eventually you’ll succeed
To the point where it all becomes perfectly clear.
There’s no reason for you to get yourself uptight.

You may think you need to do more than you need to
At any given moment or you’re not truly
Completely aligned with acting on your passion
So you’re doing things in a haphazard fashion.
Your passion is the necessary energy
For the organization of your life and you.

The organizing principle brings you the way
To do things that don’t require as much time as you
May perceive that is needed. Synchronicity
Happens when you approach your life passionately
And you’ll find that you’ll have very little to do.
You’ll have much more time to simply relax and play.

Access The Power


Begin to envision your life as it should be –
Not as others would have it. The power is yours
To create with abandon whatever you choose.
You’ve been asking and you’ve paid more than enough dues
In so doing and doing so opens no doors
To enlightenment nor to opportunity.

Before you can experience something you must
Give some thought to it. It’s then an invitation
For it to evolve and pick up some momentum.
Focus more on the good feeling thoughts as they come.
By now you’ve become an expert at creation.
You’ve only your point of attraction to adjust.

Get yourself into the place of expectation
That good things happen for you. Become more aware
Of when they happen and learn to appreciate
When you find yourself in a more positive state.
Focus on whatever can help keep yourself there.
Wonders can be achieved through your dedication.

Look for things that you like. Then you’re effectively
And deliberately creating. Your intent
Is to sift through the data and then to conclude
What would be better. Let nothing mess with your mood.
Finding things that make you happy is time well spent.
Your are meant to be living your life happily.

Perfect Body

Physical Beauty

I want a Perfect Body without exercise.
Can I do this? Is there some kind of magic trick
I can pull from a hat to make me look my best
To the world beauty hungry? I cannot invest
In a program that can be effort specific.
How can I become a diva in people’s eyes?

There is all sorts of evidence of people who
Without work have achieved a body fantastic.
How they do it is by visualization.
All kinds of scientific studies have been done
Proving that if I’m wanting to look like a brick
There’s no process of torture that I must go through.

The reason that most people resist the action
Is because they’ve been doing it with energy
Not lined up with their purpose. The work that is done
Is grueling. My journey is supposed to be fun.
If I compensate through action, then agony
Will result. There will be energy depletion.

Visualize it first, then enjoy the doing.
I can’t get good results if I am exhausted
In the struggle. I’ve no time for discouragement.
The focus of my mind’s eye is being content
With the present. I’m up for the journey ahead.
Every dream that I have is worth my pursuing.

Mirror Mirror

Inner Reflections of the Past

What if things in the mirror occurred that do not
In reality? That would be interesting.
It would be like another world parallel to
This one that we are living. Which one would be true?
Ideas such as this do not a headache bring
If one has been accustomed to thinking a lot.

What if we could cross over into that domain
That can only be known by mirror reflection
And take care of some business while we’re over there
That we wouldn’t have to bother much with elsewhere?
Would it be an efficient way to get things done?
Or would all of our work there be done quite in vain?

Each of us is a reflective surface to all
People that we encounter as we interact.
We can reach into others and change how they feel
About images of us. We also conceal
Our true vision of things. Not making eye contact
Makes the reflective surface an effective wall.

Synchronicity is a sense of awareness
Of glimpses into other realms, Perfect timing
Is the organizing principle of belief
In a wonderful real world. There can be relief
Through each blessing acknowledged. Release the wellspring
Of abundant wellbeing. Go for nothing less.

A Perfect Body

In The Best Shape Possible

You are fairly good looking – not perfectly so.
Does your mirror reflection reveal what is fact?
You abhor doing exercise. That’s much to hard.
It’s not like you have plenty of lard to discard
But what people don’t say about you has impact
On the mind and the oversensitive ego.

Can you have that perfection? Can you have a shape
That is supple yet muscular without the work?
Could it be that you’re lazy? Is that an insult
That may stick in your craw and produce the result
Of your moving your body more? Demons may lurk
In the unsettled consciousness without escape.

There have been several studies done already
By science as it looks at mind over matter.
The conclusion is that visualization
Is as effective as the physical action.
Without knowing, people do it to get fatter.
And uncanny device is the human psyche.

The combining of both functions is the best way.
You resist action because without energy
You become exhausted long before you begin.
But if you’re motivated to your getting thin
You prepare for the miracle of your body.
The alignment done first is a small price to pay.

The Conundrum

Engaging The Illusion

A finite number of finite universes
Is a thing one can ponder without much headache.
Would then a finite number of infinite ones
Stretch the mind even further because there are tons
Of delightful conclusions anyone can make?
One becomes enthralled by what the mind disperses.

Infinite numbers of finite universes
Can be thought of as thoughts of the others subside.
Then there are infinite numbers, as one would guess,
Of infinite universes one can address.
By the time one is finished one may be cross eyed
But it can be good exercise if someone says.

So, who says that the thinking of such thoughts can be
Beneficial? It matters not where it comes from.
You do not seek an answer. Simply contemplate.
Practicing this a while, you may open the gate
To unknown understanding. Just speculate some.
Thinking outside the box will indeed set you free.

And you’ll find that there’s no box – only a façade
Intertwined in enigma. Those realities
That exist despite our ignorance can be known.
After time you will realize how much you’ve grown.
There exists only your consciousness to appease.
Do not fear that you are thinking the thoughts of God.