Tag Archive | assumption

Mirror Reflections

Office Blur

“There’s so much that I want to do. How can I find
Time to do it all? In my own experience
I’m disorganized. My life seems to be a mess.
I cannot get a handle on it all unless
I can find clarity. My distress is immense
To the point where I can’t get it out of my mind.”

Take a deep breath. Relax. Everything is alright.
Synchronicity is the thing at issue here.
It’s the organizing principle that you need
To discover. Eventually you’ll succeed
To the point where it all becomes perfectly clear.
There’s no reason for you to get yourself uptight.

You may think you need to do more than you need to
At any given moment or you’re not truly
Completely aligned with acting on your passion
So you’re doing things in a haphazard fashion.
Your passion is the necessary energy
For the organization of your life and you.

The organizing principle brings you the way
To do things that don’t require as much time as you
May perceive that is needed. Synchronicity
Happens when you approach your life passionately
And you’ll find that you’ll have very little to do.
You’ll have much more time to simply relax and play.

Don’t Take Things Personally


You are never responsible for the actions
Of others. You are only responsible for
How you act so don’t take things so personally.
If you do, in your soul you will never be free
Of the negative mind chatter. You won’t ignore
Your fallacious assumptions and fierce abstractions.

Don’t take anything personally. I live my
Life. I don’t live your life. If you put your life on
Me I don’t have to take it. It’s not about me.
I can simply let go of the sick energy
Put upon me. All negative drama begone.
I just want to stay centered. With that I’ll comply.

No matter what is happening outside of you
It has nothing to do with you. The perception
That your world has of you doesn’t matter. Only
What you think of yourself matters ultimately.
Everything is about who makes the assumption
About you and it doesn’t mean that it is true.

You are the main character in your own story.
We each have our own story. When people mistreat
Others it usually is out of boredom
But it’s all their own creation. They’re coming from
A dark place in their story. Your life can be sweet
When you take things as they are and as they should be.

Manifest Anything

All Is Possible With Intent Of Focus

It is all a performance. Upon this world stage,
You were sent to do magic. You are a master
Of creation. No one can tell you otherwise.
It takes nothing much for you to actualize
Anything, and you’ve learned how to do it faster
Than ever through the energy that you engage.

“How do you do it?” one may ask innocently,
Not knowing of vibration. It’s simply an act.
You pretend that the thing that you want is here now.
You imagine what it feels like, then you allow
Divine forces to bring unto you the exact
Circumstances to manifest the thing to be.

You adjust your performance depending upon
What you’re wanting. If it’s more money in the bank,
You pretend that you have way much more than you need
As you feel with intensity. Then with Godspeed,
On your way you will be. Who would you have to thank
For ensuring that your magic is never gone?

Fall asleep knowing that your dream has taken place
And that the divine audience has seen your play.
Let go, and let the provident force bring to you
That which by your resistance is long overdue.
There is nothing wrong in having things go your way.
Get to know the power of supreme divine grace.

Mirror Mirror

Inner Reflections of the Past

What if things in the mirror occurred that do not
In reality? That would be interesting.
It would be like another world parallel to
This one that we are living. Which one would be true?
Ideas such as this do not a headache bring
If one has been accustomed to thinking a lot.

What if we could cross over into that domain
That can only be known by mirror reflection
And take care of some business while we’re over there
That we wouldn’t have to bother much with elsewhere?
Would it be an efficient way to get things done?
Or would all of our work there be done quite in vain?

Each of us is a reflective surface to all
People that we encounter as we interact.
We can reach into others and change how they feel
About images of us. We also conceal
Our true vision of things. Not making eye contact
Makes the reflective surface an effective wall.

Synchronicity is a sense of awareness
Of glimpses into other realms, Perfect timing
Is the organizing principle of belief
In a wonderful real world. There can be relief
Through each blessing acknowledged. Release the wellspring
Of abundant wellbeing. Go for nothing less.

I Do Not Know

Ample Room For Ignorance

Believing and knowing are two different things.
I believe that I have two hands yet know it too.
I can prove this fact easily, but if someone
Argued still to the contrary perhaps for fun
A swift slap to the cheek would give that one a clue.
Certainty undeniable true knowing brings.

Argument can be powerful against belief
So the one who believes has a threshold to cross
Into absolute knowing to act as a shield
From the negative fallout in the battlefield.
If I say I Do Not Know, will I incur loss?
This decision alone can cause general grief.

But the truth is of essence, or else what’s the use?
I’m sincere enough to admit that I don’t know
All that much about anything but just enough
To get just enough going, and quite off-the-cuff.
Through the things that I don’t know I’m able to grow.
A confusing odor do assumptions effuse.

The immensity of what I don’t know I know
That I don’t know that I don’t know. It’s understood.
All the longing, seeking, and possibility
Of knowing becomes a living reality.
In the long run it doesn’t do me any good
To pretend that I know things. That habit must go.

The Greatest Prayer

Words Of Power

If You Believe, You’ll Receive Whatever You Ask.
In this chapter of Matthew, so much is revealed
That transcends the religious. It’s Spiritual.
It depends on the willingness to be grateful
For what is not yet manifest. All can be healed
By this method of praying, if up to the task.

It’s reflected in science. In quantum physics,
The observer effect describes how one can change
Situations, objects, and personalities
Through the thought given to them. The power we seize
With a positive outlook is nothing so strange.
Religion and science are a fortunate mix.

Blessed Are Those Who’ve Not Seen, But Yet They Believe.
This is the main ingredient of any prayer.

We receive what is given from life eternal –
The most generous giver of large things and small.
What Is Asked For Is Given. Feeling must be there.
The strength of our excitement is how we receive.

Disregard the appearance of what doesn’t match
Your picture of perfection of how things should be.
Thought Transmission creates within what is observed
The appropriate changes that are most deserved
Both observed and observer are linked completely
As thoughts turn into reality with dispatch.

A Magical Exercise

The Ultimate Mind Game

Women Are Fundamental. This statement of fact
With no more said makes strong men grow week in the knees.
What it means is complete loss of means of control.
Not a man on earth conquers the feminine soul.
Women rely on Magic to treat the disease
That flares up and is chronic with lethal impact.

One by one, states like Texas will try to secede
From the union of women – their freedom to be
In command of their bodies and female power.
In the long run, support for pro-choice will devour
Any chance that established law can completely
Be thrown out by old white men caught up in their greed.

Nebulizing an outcome less fettered and flawed
Can be done by believing that all things are well
With ourselves, how we live, and with the universe,
But, the weak human spirit exalts the perverse.
Exercising our Magic from the depths of hell,
We can change it. The way is brought to us by God.

What it takes is Emotion. Our Feeling what’s right
And that it is completed already is all
That is needed. Write down exactly how you feel.
Hypnotic visualization is most real,
And because it is Magic, no one’s part is small.
Our success depends on what we bring to the fight.