Tag Archive | physical manifestation


Casual Day

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
And that you are deserving of coming to be
Manifested in your present reality.
To gain access to it you simply have to care
About how you feel. Your future is never dim.

It’s about time for those realizations to
Begin flooding into your life experience
At a rate that will astonish those around you.
Be receptive of all the blessings coming due.
Let your wonderful dream of a lifetime commence
In this moment. Embrace the exciting and new.

We in spirit observe you. We see that you still
Don’t know who you are truly and for the most part
You don’t understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is. Don’t betray
Your own purpose by holding hatred in your heart.
Exercise as you must your God-given free will.

You came here to do business and have lots of fun
In the doing. Life isn’t so complicated
When you know where you came from and what you could be,
Do, or have here in this time space reality.
Allow now what you know has been long awaited.
Watch for evidence of your new journey begun.

Allow What You Want

Star Touch

To the brim your Vortex of Creation is filled
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there.
You’re deserving of the realization of
All you’ve put there – indeed everything that you love.
You’ve tended your Vortex of Creation with care.
If you knew all that’s in there your heart would be thrilled.

And it’s time for those things to start flooding into
Your experience at a rate that will surprise
Those around you. It’s time for you to remember
What you’ve put in your Vortex. Let nothing deter
You alignment with it and soon you’ll realize
Things occurring that will bring excitement to you.

Your Vortex is vibrational – not physical.
It’s an energy field that you can access through
Your terrific emotional guidance system.
Your feelings are important so do respect them.
Sometimes you don’t remember that you are one who
Is deserving of that which will boost your morale.

Here and now in your physical body allow
Yourself to be the recipient of the things
You desire. Your Vortex of Creation is where
You must focus. Become more aware of what’s there.
Pay a lot more attention to what to you brings
Happiness. Let your guidance system show you how.

Allowing What You Want

Many Gifts

Your idea of heaven would have to include
Everything you’ve ever wanted since you were born
All prepared and granted especially to you.
It would be a place where you’d have nothing to do
But be happy. You’re able to toot your own horn
Without worrying that someone may think you’re rude.

It’s a real place. It exists vibrationally.
It’s made up of all wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams
Of all people while living their lives here on earth.
Heaven is the place that propels us into birth
Yet the issue is that on this planet it seems
People aren’t receptive to its reality.

Those in heaven are the beneficiaries
Of our yearnings because they become instantly
Manifested there, but again heaven is made
Of spirit and vibration. Who comes to our aid
When we ask? We can count on the ‘powers that be.
We do not have to cower and beg, “pretty please?”

“As above, so below.” Heaven on earth can be
A reality that you can experience
In its fullness. You can watch for the evidence
Of wellbeing happening in the present tense.
You’ll find that the power that it has is immense.
You can be in heaven just by being happy.

Focus Only On This

Thinking Seriously

You want to be satisfied and eager for more.
You just can’t find a better emotional stance.
When you’re getting ready to be ready to be
Ready, it’s satisfying. Vibrationally
You’re aware that your life isn’t a game of chance.
Readiness is your propensity to explore.

Find a way to feel good anyway even though
Things aren’t perfect. This may be difficult for some
Because manifestation they care more about
Than the journey. That’s why they have lingering doubt
That the thing they want will eventually come.
That your dream will come true is something good to know.

Readiness is determined by the way you feel.
If you’re usually in a lousy mood you
Won’t have good timing and things will not go your way
But if your attitude is bright, happy, and gay
Then the universe rewards your positive view
With the evidence you consider to be real.

You did not come to meditate and be happy
In the absence of what you want. You came here for
The experience of turning your thoughts to things.
Be aware of your vibrational offerings.
That which isn’t your frequency learn to ignore.
Your emotions will indicate where you should be.

Allow What You Want

Open Access

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
From the first time you were able to know desire
Up to this moment, and from it you can acquire
Any part or all of it. You need only care
How you feel, which is not something done on a whim.

Remember what you’ve put there. You are deserving
Of its realization in your everyday
Life experience. Know your appreciation
For who you are, for you are a powerful one.
You must understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is occurring.

You can be the recipient of all those things
You have dreamed of because that was part of the plan.
Before coming here, you told yourself you would be
An adept co-creator. You naturally
Manifest through your wanting. Believe that you can
Get accustomed to what true contentment can bring.

Your life is changed forever once you come to know
The vastness of your Vortex. Watch for evidence
Of the universe helping you. You can Allow
What You Want
or deny it. The time is right now

To partake of your treasure which is now immense.
Into your life may wonderful things start to flow.

Focus Only On This

Attend To What Is Important

This message from the universe is meant for you.
Who are we? You may call us God. It matters not…
We extend from one consciousness. We are aligned
With the cosmos of which you are. Your humankind
Is our ultimate focus. You’re part of the plot
Of existence. This information isn’t new.

We make worlds, and you make yours a much better place
When you are satisfied and most eager for more.
Getting ready to be ready to be ready
Is but the best emotional state there could be.
Satisfying it is for your hearts to explore
The whole unique experience of time and space.

By your cataloguing and your pigeonholing
What it is that you don’t want and then sharing it
With others, you’re introducing much resistance
To what you really want. The human circumstance
Can improve quite immensely if you will permit
The release of beliefs that are mind controlling.

You came not to just meditate and be happy
In the absence of things that you want, but you must
Meditate and be happy in the absence of
The things that you want for them to come from above
And within you. Your future depends on your trust
In yourselves and in us. How will you have it be?

Allow It To Come

The Wait Is Over

Your vortex is filled to the brim with specific
Requests that you have put there. You are deserving
Of the realization of all you’ve desired.
You must know that the only thing that is required
Is your receptiveness, and it’s not a hard thing.
It is not complicated. There’s no special trick.

It’s high time that those manifestations become
Part of your now experience so that others
Are astonished by how things work out so damned well
For someone who has gone through their own share of hell.
You must go with what you know your true self prefers,
And, despite opposition, keep beating that drum.

Can you know who you are and the important role
That you play in expanding what is here and now?
If you can, you’ve accomplished much of the journey.
You had planned before coming here that you would be
Asking much and preparing the space to allow.
You blend into the process of becoming whole.

You did not say, “I’ll go forth and ask but will not
Allow myself to benefit from my asking.”

You came to experience the fullness of you.
Your life is changed forever in all that you do.
You can stop unconscious over analyzing.
How you feel about being here matters a lot.

Genetic Mental Disordering

Human Nature's Obstruction

Are genetics the cause of mental disorders?
Or are they just a mirror reflecting the same
Vibration of wrong focusing, each mimicking
The other in real time? No relief does that bring
To the suffering masses who tolerate shame.
Finding answers to issues is what one prefers.

They present a clear picture but not yet a cure.
Does the knowledge obtained ever gain usefulness?
Or is there evolution in all taking place
That will lead to enlightenment and loving grace?
Many illnesses are caused by worry and stress
The science of genetics leaves some folk unsure.

It’s like hitting a pothole and braking your wheel
Then saying that the damage is all do to that
When the question should be asked, “Why for did you drive
The car into the pothole?”
Indeed we derive

Most illogical references from the hat
Of the rational engine with which we all deal.

In the end all is meaningful. Knowledge we gain
Need not lead us wrongheaded. The big disconnect
Is a big disadvantage. Not factoring in
The alignment component is a mortal sin
In the quest for wellbeing with all due respect
To the rational process. All is not in vain.


A Clear Open Path

The highway is wide open. You have the green light
To go forward in your life. No traffic exists
That may cause misdirection or some resistance
Which will slow down the process. It doesn’t make sense
Not to go when you’re prompted. The ego resists
What it otherwise thinks is a path far from right.

Your vortex is your heaven. It’s filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there.
Now it’s time to see the full manifestation
To flood into your experience. You’re the one
Who allows it to happen by being aware
Of your headlights when they shine a little too dim.

You don’t yet know who you are, but it can be known.
The important role you play in the expansion
Of all that there is simply cannot be denied.
You will succeed in life with your heart as your guide.
Through self-realization new life has begun,
And despite your uniqueness, you’re never alone.

Long before you arrived on earth this was the plan.
You came not to deny yourself of anything
And everything you dream of. You came to allow
All that you have created to manifest now.
As it happens your life is more interesting.
You are here to be happy as much as you can.

Easy Manifestation

Focus Plus Passion Equals Manifestation

I came here for the full blown manifestation
Because this is the leading edge of existence.
All creation takes place here in this earthly realm.
The experience often causes overwhelm
To where I may lose focus and self-confidence.
It is best that I relax and dare to have fun.

Feeling satisfied, I’m truly eager for more.
This emotional place is the best to embrace
As it is the vibrational stance that I need
To receive information. I then may proceed
In the righteous direction within time and space.
I need not figure things out as here I explore.

Feeling good anyway is the trick that I’ve learned.
When the manifestation has not happened yet
There’s no need to be upset. I’ll block myself from
Grace the universe offers. It only can come
If I’m exhilarated and of the mindset
That there isn’t a reason I need be concerned.

Satisfied with the evolving world I create,
I am in the position that proper timing
And bright flashes of insight are at my avail.
Life is the leading edge of an infinite tale
Of witch I am the sole author of everything.
The one thing I can manifest is feeling great.