Tag Archive | approval

Be Strong


Your life situation will just keep repeating
Itself until you learn what you need to from it.
You can lie down for people to walk on you and
They’ll complain still that you’re not flat enough, so stand
In your truth. An unspeakable sin you commit
By allowing behavior that’s so defeating.

Manage your mood because if it doesn’t obey
Then it will command your life. Be fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Take back control
Of you life. Concentrate on making yourself whole.
Nothing about life for you is too much to bear.
Check your mood for satisfaction throughout your day.

Thinking that someone else can make you happy or
Unhappy is ridiculous. You have control
Of your own emotions. Most good things fall apart
To make room for much better things. Life is an art
If you make it so. You play an important role
In evolving into the person you adore.

Maybe the path that scares you the most is the one
That you need to take. You have within you right now
Everything you need to deal with whatever the
World can throw at you. You emerge triumphantly
From the ashes of crisis. It’s time to allow
Wellbeing to embrace your new journey begun.

Stop Caring About What Other People Think


We all want to be liked and accepted. No one
Wants to be talked about in a negative way.
It’s hard to overcome the human tendency
To care about what others think especially
When it hurts which makes it impossible to stay
In an attitude where you can get your work done.

You alone have control over your emotions
And the choices you make. If you care way too much
About what other people think you’ll only make
Yourself miserable. You do not have to take
What they say as important. You don’t need the crutch
Of approval. Ignore it and stick to your guns.

In a world full of constant judgment, the power
To truly not care about people’s opinions
Is very liberating but it takes practice.
It will take some work to train yourself to dismiss
Criticisms erupting from the dominions
Of adversity generated by the hour.

You’re the author of your life. Accept and embrace
Your uniqueness as well as your imperfections
And live by your own standards. You need no one to
Pay attention and finally validate you.
Thoughts that people have about you are reflections
Of themselves. You’re deserving of God’s loving grace.

Simple Pleasure


Your vortex of creation is full of all kinds
Of things that you’ve been asking for. When you feel good
They come in perfect timing. Sometimes there will be
An idea or impulse that naturally
Takes you places that will make you feel as you should.
You have so much going for you. Watch for the signs.

Whether it’s an idea, an impulse to act,
Or someone saying something that satisfies you
At some level, it all comes when you’re properly
Aligned with your true self who just happens to be
The one who helps your slightest wishes to come true.
Only the best things in life you want to attract.

You don’t need to be the single handed mighty
Creator of your reality because you
Have so much support in your every endeavor.
If you’ll just chill and let it come then you’ll never
Be without satisfaction in all that you do.
Things will happen to you that will seem uncanny.

Your cooperative components are around
Everywhere. You need only expect there to be
Lots of fun and excitement wherever you go.
There’s no sense of determination when you know
In any circumstance how to live happily.
Simple Pleasure in your life is easily found.

Other People’s Approval

Happy Audience

Those who get the most approval in life are those
Who care the least about it and people who get
The least approval are those who go after it
With a passion perhaps because they feel unfit
Deep inside for approval. They often regret
Their decisions to go against what the heart knows.

Paradoxically if you want approval
Then you have to stop concerning yourself with it.
Think about those who get it. They couldn’t care less
About what others think of them. They have access
To the wisdom within them. They will not permit
Outside circumstances to affect their morale.

When you’re so busy being that you don’t have time
To notice what the neighbors are doing then you
Can concern yourself only with that which rings true
In your heart. Never mind what other people do.
One may think that this is a selfish point of view
And it is. It’s the only path to the sublime.

Put yourself before others. Stop people pleasing.
It’s important to compromise once in a while
But not always. Practicing saying ‘no’ kindly
Is essential to your being ultimately
In a place where you offer a genuine smile.
Your sense of self-worth is truly worth reseizing.

Be You

Pure Hilarity

Would you do the world a favor and just be you?
Because everyone else is already taken.
This world needs you. God would not have created you
If it didn’t. You are of tremendous value
As you are. It’s time for you to reawaken
Your awareness of who you are and what is true.

Stop trying to be someone else. Stop letting the
Culture define what’s beautiful. God says you are
Wonderfully and fearfully made. So believe
What God says. There’s no image that you must achieve
To be brilliant because you are a shining star.
Don’t let magazine covers tell you you’re ugly.

The divine changes us from glory to glory.
You may not like who you are because you’re not where
You would like to be. Everyone has these issues.
You can get through yours more easily if you choose
Not to focus on your weaknesses. Be aware
Of the blessings in your life. Tell a new story.

You’re a divine work in progress. You are the clay
God is molding. Feel good about who you are now.
God’s breastplate of approval you can wear with pride.
Keep your flaws in perspective and be satisfied
With who you are. It’s about time that you allow
Your true self to evolve in a wonderful way.

Stop Doubting Yourself

Moment Of Self-Doubt

If you want something out of life, if there’s some goal
That you want to reach, if you have some special dream,
Or if you want to overcome your bad habits,
It’s not easy. The most average person quits
Fairly quickly, which may relate to self-esteem
Where a lack of ambition frustrates the poor soul.

Most people go through life never discovering
What their talents are. The only thing that will make
One happy is to discover what one can do
And to feel incredible power pushing through
Whatever holds one back. One avoids the heartache
Of not trying. The fear is worth overcoming.

People are rewarded in public for what they
Practice for years in private. Become creative,
Resourceful, and relentless in bringing about
The change needed to get rid of nagging self-doubt.
You can live life better if you’re willing to give
More attention to how you feel throughout your day.

Power becomes available to you when you
Develop enough courage and passion to not
Be deterred by negative feedback from others.
Keep your focus on noticing all that occurs
In your favor. Give your cherished dream all you’ve got.
The universe is helping to make it come true.

Test Your Universe

Sharing Happiness

You can be joyful without having to pretend.
If you think that you must be, you’re trying too hard.
Separate the experience of feeling good
From the headache. If you do not feel as you should,
Don’t fake it, but be true to yourself with regard
To the difficult feeling you want to transcend.

You can have an emotional experience
That is totally different from how you feel
In your physical body by focusing on
Lovely things. With some practice, your pain could be gone
In a short while. The point is to feel as ideal
As you can in the moment. Is this making sense?

Diminish the percentage of airtime you give
To the visceral sensation by focusing
Upon other things that will invigorate you.
The alternative is that you will remain blue.
You will be surprised by what feeling good can bring.
People will be astonished by the life you live.

You’re a selective sifter which means you create
By sorting through the contrast. There are things that you
Find delightful but also things that need changing.
You must know that the universe is arranging
The cooperative components for your new
Way of feeling. To get there, you don’t have to wait.

You Don’t Create Alone


Your Vortex of Creation is filled with all kinds
Of things that you’ve created ever since day one
Of existence. It’s accessed vibrationally.
When you’re feeling good, things that you’ve put there will be
Your reality. So simply by having fun,
You can manifest. This fact boggles people’s minds.

It comes in perfect timing. Sometimes it will be
An idea or impulse to act in a way
That would not have occurred to you were you not in
The right place at the right time, and as you begin
To see your life as one huge, magnificent play,
All kinds of opportunities then you will see.

Start hanging around people who are uplifting.
We are each a cooperative component
Of another – or others. You are not alone.
We provide one another what needs to be known
To create. We are gathered by conscious intent.
To the table, the best of our true selves we bring.

You don’t need to be the single-handed, mighty
Creator of your own life. Much help is at hand.
In your determination to act correctly
For approval from others, let down you will be.
Your creative spirit is made free to expand
In a world so abundant in variety.

Redefining The Flow

Toward A Fulfilling Life

Life is meant to be simple – not hard and complex.
My vortex is full of things I’ve been asking for.
They are manifesting into reality
According to how much I can let my life be.
They come in perfect timing. I live to explore
The abundance of my world with all due respects.

Sometimes it’s an idea – sometimes an impulse
Or the words of some stranger I’ll happen to hear
That will trigger a positive change in my style.
It’s uncanny how often the truly worthwhile
Happenstances upon me when I have no fear.
There is no turning back. The ill past I expulse.

Everywhere all around me there’s a constant flow
Of cooperative components filling in
The grid of my reality. Being aware
Of it all as it happens is taking good care
Of the spiritual person who dwells within.
In this way I can best avoid my feeling low.

I do not have to tackle single handedly
The bull’s horns or the universe. All I need do
Is relax and let everything fall into place.
I cannot be determined with redness of face,
The illusion of onlookers to cater to
Is not one beneficial to them or to me.

Free From Opinions

Escape The Noise

To be free – truly free – of people’s opinions
Cannot be but an intellectual desire.
It echoes through the person of pure confidence –
Of the one who need only to make of it sense
Of the mind liberated which then may acquire
All that’s needed from nonphysical dominions.

The approval of others some see as pure gold.
It feels good in your face as you take in the breeze.
If they speak in the negative, badly you feel.
It may be stressful when people start to get real
Unless you’re made to see just as your stressor sees
Then you’d be satisfied with whatever is told.

Getting positive feedback is an addiction
Of the psyche. It craves more with each message heard.
It can be devastated with on lethal blow.
Yet it must come from somewhere, this thing I must know.
Feedback comes from a place where the spirit is stirred
And from where all due glory is already done.

Depend on the feedback of your inner being.
It’s feedback that you want, and your source can provide
Every praise that the healthy ego cherishes.
The big cloud which is your human doubt perishes
In your inner being who’s always on your side.
Simply learn how to make it your daily wellspring.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.