Tag Archive | timeline

Making Peace


Disappointed you are that it hasn’t come yet.
Your awareness of what you want that you have not
Messes with you. It keeps you from full resonance
With your true self and there is much less of a chance
Of your getting what you want. It matters a lot
That you find some way of dealing with your regret.

If you keep being disappointed because it
Isn’t manifested you cannot be aware
Of the signs of its coming so you set a goal
And create a timeline thinking you have control
Of a tough situation. It’s too much to bear
So much so that in no time you’re ready to quit.

Yet you know about deliberate creation.
You know what you don’t want so you know what you do.
Focus only on what you want. Start Making Peace
With ‘what is.’ In no time you’ll begin to release
Some resistance. Surrender to that part of you
Who gets you out of any tough situation.

Do it because you have the ability to
Feel good where you are anyway at any time.
Here and now is the jumping off place to your bliss
And you know it can only get better than this
Current struggle. So much of your life is sublime.
Ask yourself why you want to do all that you do.

The Control Surrender Brings

The Strength Of Letting Go

The more you surrender to who you really are
The more that you will realize that it’s control
Because you have it already. You just forgot.
You have what’s called a ‘higher self.’ It knows a lot.
Sometimes it is referred to as your ‘oversoul.’
From the truth that is purest this cannot be far.

Fear may be the emotion that first manifests
At the notion of giving up any damned thing
Let alone your control of things. You often fail
Because you disregard one important detail:
The feeling of relief that surrender can bring.
Yet it’s one of your most adamant of requests.

To a deeper wisdom and knowing we can turn
Our ego and self-will. There’s a higher timeline
And a plan that we follow. We need to let go
Of our painful distortions that trouble us so.
Trust in that wisdom that everything will be fine.
With each instance there is so much that we can learn.

We are not giving up on the situation.
We give up on the notion that we are able
To manage what’s occurring. We come to adjust
Our ill attitude toward it. We learn to trust.
Our spiritual life can become more stable
When we know that there is no hard work to be done.