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Energy And Attraction

Energy Focus

How important is energy to your success
In business and relationships? From one to ten
On a scale where one represents being near dead
And ten means that you are bouncing off the bulkhead
Where are you usually? Every now and then
An immense amount of energy you possess.

It’s been studied. Most people say they operate
At about six or seven. Would you do business
With a six or a seven? Why do you remain
At your energy level? The answer is plain
And simple. The people you hang out with are less
Energetic than you and you drop to their state.

What has all this to do with Law of Attraction?
A direct correlation between energy
And the manifestation of all things desired
Does exist. Joy gives you the energy required
To attract like a magnet and quite easily.
It all starts with the feeling of satisfaction.

How you feel is important so pay attention
To it always. It tells you how much energy
You’re allowing to flow through you in each moment.
You can feel your way to joy by conscious intent.
You have more energy as you live happily.
Blessings that come will be beyond comprehension.

Let The Big Stuff Happen

Fun Time

How do people get happy? They have lots of fun
Whenever they can do so. They don’t miss a chance
To find joy and fulfillment in all that they do
And they always have a positive point of view.
Who would not want to have this be their circumstance?
Happiness is something wanted by everyone.

You were born knowing how to get there instantly
Without any resistance but somewhere along
Your journey you were taught about ‘reality.’
You were told that you cannot always be happy.
You know by now that what people told you is wrong.
Of the remnants of this old thinking you’re not free.

Just surrendering to the wellbeing of your
Life experience doesn’t have you yodeling
Down the canyon in absolute satisfaction
But It Should and because your point of attraction
Doesn’t yield a good feeling your life cannot bring
You fulfillment which is something hard to endure.

It takes only seconds for you to change your mood
From one of satisfaction, peace, and contentment
To one of passion and invincibility.
Once you’re eager for life you have more clarity.
Big stuff begins to happen when you circumvent
Your old programming and cop a new attitude.

A Life Of Your Dreams

Mix It Up!

Surrender to the wellbeing offered to you
By the provident universe. Be who you are
At your core. Knowing how to live life happily
You’re aligned with your own creative energy.
It has been quite a wonderful journey so far.
What you live now is a perfect daydream come true.

On the emotional scale you’re somewhere between
Satisfaction and ecstasy usually.
The degrees of emotion are the momentum
Of your point of attraction. You have overcome
Much of your resistance. It’s so easy to be
In alignment and to keep your vibration clean.

Satisfaction and peacefulness can turn into
Feelings of passion and invincibility.
Once you find an object of attention to which
You flow your positive energy thoughts you’re rich
In its substance. Things work out magnificently
For you always and life brings much pleasure to you.

You can be the advantage you were born to be
To the world and to yourself by focusing more
On your point of attraction by being ready
To be ready to receive perpetually.
You have every right to a life you can adore.
Once again, you were meant to live life happily.

Turning Up The Volume In Your Life

Knob Of Control

What’s the goal of an artist? It is to uplift
And evoke from beholders a better feeling
Than they had to begin with. They want people to
Get connected with their personal point of view.
People find what most artists do quite appealing.
They are able to get our consciousness to shift.

It’s a transcendent experience to behold
People in their full power. We all are living
Or striving to have the fullest expression of
Ourselves as human beings. The thing that we love
Above all others is the thing most worth giving
To the world. What you have to offer is  pure gold.

To crank up the volume in my life what do I
Need to know and do? With only your attention
To the notion of it happening you will see
It becoming the way that you want it to be.
Nothing matters that’s outside your comprehension.
You must do what you do without wondering why.

With the volume turned up fully in your life you
Are a master performer. Your audience will
Recognize you as someone whose vision is clear.
They will listen to you because they want to hear
What you have to say and you can savor the thrill
Of your world’s recognition in all that you do.