Tag Archive | beginnings

When You Really Want Something

The Superlative Strength Of Desire

Let’s say you’re without something that you really want.
Your thoughts are dominated. You’re almost obsessed
With this something. It keeps you up all through the night.
That it’s not coming to you just doesn’t seem right.
You believe you are giving it only your best.
There is nothing about life that you care to vaunt.

You need not write it down again or set a goal.
The larger part of you has already received
Your request and is on it. Bring yourself into
Alignment with its coming. The more you can do
To release some resistance, the more is achieved
For receiving what is at the heart of your soul.

Go more general at first. Your situation
Truly sucks, so diffuse the specifics of it.
From a broader perspective, this too shall pass on.
You will feel better when some resistance is gone
From your overall makeup. You’ve the benefit
Of the freedom of choosing your best vibration.

Through your suffering, you have already begun
The process of receiving. You were in a place
Of not being receptive to helpful insight
That will lead you to what you want. It’s a delight
When, while wanting, you can keep a smile on your face.
In this way, you can better your situation.

Awareness And Self-Empowerment

Life Energy Focus

To be as little children, alive and carefree…
To believe that all good things forever come true
Is to be in a state older folks won’t admit
Feels a lot better than the false need to commit
To a rigid philosophy. All that we do
Can come through openheartedness, and easily.

I offer my vibration to the universe.
In that way I create a point of attraction.
What then come into my life by sheer momentum
Are the manifestations. All of them come from
What I focus on mostly. I can be someone
Who is kind and fun loving and not the reverse.

Seventeen seconds is all it takes to jump start
The cold momentum engine. Full throttle it runs
After more than a minute of intense focus
On the thing that is wanted – or not. It is thus
Infinitely better and it will help me tons
If I tend to the things that are close to my heart.

I can get out ahead of it long before it
Creeps upon me unnoticed. I have more control
Of my day at the start of it. I can align
My vibration so that everything is just fine.
And as children I have but one intimate goal
Which is to have as much fun as life will permit.