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Feel With The Contrast

Triple Exposure

The contrast is apparent. Life in many ways
Is a circus. Performers who can’t get along
Punctuate populations at every level.
People have the propensity to bedevil
One another. Our ability to do wrong
Keeps us in a perpetual negative haze.

How to get better at dealing with the contrast
Isn’t the thing to focus on. Benefiting
From it should be your attitude. You get to choose
From the contrast which elements of it you’ll use
To feel with it which means that you’re now permitting
All of the wonderful blessings that have amassed.

Think of contrast as choices and variety.
You want to get good at selectively sifting
Through the contrast and trending in the direction
Of what’s wanted. The world is for your inspection.
When you’re looking for things that are most uplifting
You approach manifestation successfully.

As you calibrate to the choices that you make
Everything then gets easier. Once you decide
To choose with intention then things happen for you.
What you don’t want defines perfectly what you do.
Everything that you do want is always implied
So feeling with the contrast is a piece of cake.

Things Should Go Your Way

Little Magic

You have access to infinite intelligence.
You also have the ability to translate
Information nonphysical by how you feel.
What you focus on incessantly becomes real.
It’s of tremendous value to appreciate
As much as you can. It makes spiritual sense.

Your emotional guidance system lets you know
Where you are on your journey. Pay attention to
How you feel in each moment. Your conscious intent
To feel better is all that you need to prevent
Your straying from your path. It’s important that you
Feel your very best to get energy to flow.

There exists human horror. How does one explain
The demonic behavior? One leaves it alone!
Wellbeing is the dominant force thankfully.
But is this incongruent with reality
And the Law of Attraction? How can this be known?
Thinking too much about it will drive one insane.

Focus on the solution as those beings who
Were once human on earth here but now are aware
Of nothing but wellbeing. You’re more than worthy
Of living life to its fullest and happily.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Believe that everything is working out for you.

Why Mindfulness Is A Superpower

Natural Peace

When someone mistreats you, for example, lets say
Someone cuts you off in traffic, how do you take
The infraction? What would be your first reaction?
Are you caught in the grip of dissatisfaction?
Does the situation your connection forsake?
Does the incident mess with you throughout your day?

You respond due to habit. Immediately
You react to what’s happening. What happens next
Is a starburst of self-righteous thoughts and you feel
That it’s all about you and that you have to deal
With it all rather harshly. You may be perplexed
By how challenging your alignment seems to be.

There’s no buffer between the stimulus and your
Reaction, but with mindfulness you’d treat the same
Situation much differently. You would be
Able to just observe it. Emotionally
You are saved from dilemma and you can reclaim
Your connection with all that you’ve been living for.

Here’s one simple, serviceable definition
Of mindfulness. It’s the ability to know
What is happening in your head at any time
Without responding to it. A pleasure sublime
It is to respond wisely. You’re able to show
Yourself that mindfulness is the best solution.

Remembering Why You Started

The Journey Begun

Why did I even start this thing? I can’t recall
Exactly what the motive was. It had something
To do with self-expression. It had been my dream
To become something of an artist. It would seem
That there’s much competition, so what could I bring
To the table? My contribution would be small.

Yet I know that this attitude gets me nowhere
If I nurse it. I must shift my focus somehow
To something more befitting this now troubled soul.
This adventure I’m on I think can make me whole
As a person. My purpose here is to allow
My words to take on meaning that people can share.

It’s not like I am running some kind of a race
To a finish line. I don’t see this as a sport
To be played as if I were a verbal athlete.
If I got people to read this, that would be sweet
But it’s not necessary. I get my support
From within. To me that is a most sacred space.

I know that in this real world of uncertainty
People struggle before they see any progress.
My story is unwritten yet. This is a start
Of an eternal venture. I speak from the heart
To myself and the universe and my success
Is assured. I remember now who I’m to be.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.

The Issue With Reality

Physical Guidance

Is reality something that needs to be faced?
Troubling is the question. Most people believe
That to not face reality wouldn’t be wise.
Condemnation is cast upon one who denies
What is ever so present. One would be naïve
To expect to be most wholeheartedly embraced.

There’s plenty of reality that you want to
Keep replicated in your life experience,
But you must be more of a selective sifter
Through the contrast. As momentum becomes swifter,
Keep the thoughts that feel best. That would only make sense.
Leave the thoughts that feel less than appealing to you.

If a thought doesn’t feel good, then go general
To just flatten it nicely and slow it down some.
If the thought does feel good, then get more specific.
Your conscious attention guarantees a more quick
Manifestation and a fulfilling outcome.
There’s benefit in following this rationale.

When you’re driving and drifting too far off the road,
The rumble of the guide strip will notify you
That you need to get back on track. It’s no judgment
Of your character, nor is it an indictment
Of your morality. It has only to do
With your guidance, so be in the receptive mode.

But, should you face reality? Here is the thing.
It’s created by thoughts and beliefs carefully,
Over time, focused strongly on. You can create
Your own reality as you wish. Concentrate
On the reality that you’d have come to be.
All that is real for you is what is becoming.