Tag Archive | physical dimension

The World Is Your Kitchen

The Hearth

What is the purpose of your life experience?
Surely you know the answer if you have any
Sense of how this world operates. You’re here to be,
Do, or have anything you want. Naturally
You create every bit of your reality.
There is a special reason for your existence.

Into this physical dimension you have come
Because you’re a creator who wants to express
That while being here. Your work here is to define,
Discern, and decide, then to properly align
With your wishes and your ultimate happiness
In this world. There is nothing to get away from.

This world is a well-stocked kitchen with every kind
Of ingredient one could imagine and it
Has an infinite supply of each and you are
An astute master chef. Do you feel up to par?
Yes You Do! Everything is for your benefit.
Don’t let thoughts of negativity cross your mind.

Your work is to put some of those ingredients
Into different combinations to create
Whatever you want to. You’ve the freedom to be
As creative as you want and most happily.
On the meal that you’re making you must concentrate.
Let your role in your kitchen here and now commence.

Start A New Life

Doorway To Clarity

What is the purpose of my life experience?
I’m a creator. I want mostly to express
That in this physical dimension while I’m here.
I discern and decide until I’m very clear
About what I want in life, which is happiness.
Life’s variety leaves me in utter suspense.

By the power of my will and ability
To focus upon that which I want, I attract
Anything I want to me. When I give my thought
Great emotion is when my vibration is brought
To a much higher frequency. This well-known fact
Is one that’s become most beneficial to me.

I sift through the data of my environment.
I’ll wake up every morning intending that I
Will look everywhere for things to feel good about.
I know that everything for me always works out
For the better. It’s good that I don’t have to try
To force things to go my way. Such time is ill spent.

I will go to the stores where the things I like are,
And I’ll watch those who look, walk, and feel the way I
Want to look, walk, and feel. To selectively sift
Through the data is indeed a most precious gift.
I embrace the spiritual laws that apply.
Anything I want in life is never too far.

Create Big Things

Magic Hands

It’s not more difficult to create a castle
Than it is a button. The same Law applies to
Big things and little things, yet most people believe
That significant things are hardest to achieve.
But the Law of Attraction is not something new.
One can learn all about it without much hassle.

Those who know need not prove a thing to anyone
By their words. Their example is in how they live.
People find them uplifting. They don’t justify
Any good that comes to them. One may wonder why
Such folk don’t get angry nor are they combative.
 Among everyone, they radiate like the sun.

We have all long been programmed into believing
In our unworthiness. To prove ourselves worthy
Is our purpose for living. This cannot be true.
 We are already worthy. All we have to do
Is believe it completely and wholeheartedly.
We can replace doubt with the art of receiving.

We are here to create – not to regurgitate.
By the power of our intent, we’ve emerged here
In this space-time dimension. By our focusing
And allowing, we can manifest anything,
Big or small. So, it then becomes perfectly clear
That our living is never a product of fate.

Look For Good Things

Positive Outlook

What is the purpose of my life experience?
Knowing I’m a creator, I want to express
In this physical setting. I’m here to discern,
Define, and decide. There is so much here to learn.
My ability to focus gives me access
To a whole new arena of magnificence.

So, attracting is easy. When I have a thought
That brings forth strong emotion, the awesome power
Of the universe is prepared to yield to me
Evidence of the things I want to come to be.
In this moment, my life can begin to flower.
I am confident I’ll get whatever is sought.

I’ll look everywhere for things that I want because
I can then merge the data into a picture
Explicit in its detail of how life should be.
Only then am I certain of what pleases me.
The feeling of ecstasy I want to procure.
I’ve become a student of spiritual laws.

I’ll set forth the intention to notice only
Things that I find uplifting. I’ll study those who
Are successful and imitate their energy.
It can be exactly how I want it to be.
It becomes for me a transcendental breakthrough.
Only the best things are meant to happen for me.