Tag Archive | greatness

Wholeness And Wellness

Fresh Breath

To instill into your minds and thus your bodies
The sensation of wholeness within is the quest.
It’s the very sensation of wellness that will
Propel you toward the dreams you want to fulfill.
Magical things happen when you’re feeling your best.
The blessings of a wonderful life you will seize.

The mess that’s been created by our human race
Will only work itself out when we realize
Our greatest fears – hatred, violence, greed, envy,
Lust and so forth. Can we rid ourselves completely
Of these tendencies? Are we nearing our demise
As a species? What kind of future do we face?

We will realize our massive capacity
For greatness of both mind and soul. We will in time
Overcome our miscalculations of the heart.
It’s not likely that this world will be blown apart
Even though the conditions right now aren’t sublime.
This future may be somewhat difficult to see.

When you understand your own greatness you proceed
With an effervescent light which tracks the very
People and situations that energize you.
On a worldwide basis think of what we could do
To turn earth into a place joyful and merry.
In the mind’s eye is where your consciousness is freed.

Your Greatness Awaits

Happy People

Your species wants for itself to be more aligned
With the principles of peace and understanding
And of joy unimaginable and you’re near
The achievement of this. But for hatred and fear
You would know of your greatness. No one’s demanding
That you do so but true happiness you may find.

It’s your imagination alone that will bring
About these pleasures, joys, and wonders of your hearts
To explore and to cherish. We understand your
Hopes for true guidance. You’re more than ever before
Ready to become masters of creative arts.
Your intention to be happy means everything.

You’ve been seeking your inner worth with earnestness
But when you strive toward anything you push it
Away from you. By wanting less you will gain more.
This conundrum perplexes you right to the core
Of your beings. It would be to your benefit
To look inward where you will have better success.

Your capacity to love is great. Once you know
This you’ll see yourself above earthly existence.
Your inner spirit will rise as you’ve commanded
Because your consciousness will have been expanded.
As your teachers we have unyielding confidence
In your love and in your propensity to grow.

Whatever It Takes

Alone At The Shore

What lies far in the distance is where I have been.
The old habits that I have I need to release
And today is the first day of eternity.
I need to choose the path that is the best for me
And I find it a challenge to find inner peace.
Am I doomed to go through it all over again?

Far beyond where I am now is where I belong.
Something in the horizon is drawing nearer.
To prepare for its coming I surrender to
All that is most uplifting, exciting, and new.
What I need to do now becomes ever clearer.
It’s to punish myself for all that I’ve done wrong.

Carefully I can do this with inner guidance
And not fall into danger of self-undoing.
What of myself can I offer in sacrifice
For my not having been someone normal and nice?
There’s this fear that I have that I keep renewing
The old karma as if my soul’s in abidance.

Hard it is to look forward but that I must do.
The past can’t interfere with what’s happening now.
The insanity which is my humanity
Is a tool that I can use to help me to be
Only better if the time I have will allow.
There are many things that I can look forward to.

Whatever It Takes

Focused On Success

Greatness has its cost. It can take you to the brink
Of a breakdown. It puts your friends and family
On the back burner. It will reschedule your plans,
And at times your promoting won’t win any fans.
It makes you feel misunderstood to the degree
That you learn not to care about what others think.

Greatness demands everything from your mind, body,
Spirit, and your soul. Many will talk about how
They hate losing, but they do nothing about it.
Greatness means that you’re ever willing to commit
To doing Whatever It Takes and to allow
The free flowing of your positive energy.

Winners will show up early, stay late every day,
And talk to anybody that will help them to
Get ahead with their project. They have confidence
In themselves and what they’re doing, so it makes sense
That success is the outcome. The more that they do
To support their agenda has to be okay.

Some would say life’s a dog fight. With that point of view
One may win certain battles through much grief and pain.
Focus on what your doing. Do not be concerned
With a fighting world wherein nothing can be learned.
In the long run the fruits of your effort you’ll gain.
The only fight to win is the one within you.


Apparent Defeat

At some point on your journey you will trip and fall.
Things go south rather quickly and you’re caught off guard.
Tragedy, disappointment, and pain are what you
Know too well, and you don’t know what the hell to do
To recover your spirit. It’s pretty damned hard
To be happy when you’re the one who’s dropped the ball.

We all get hit on the blind side once in a while.
You can lose your job, home, car, or someone you love.
What will you do about it? It’s your decision.
You can choose to grow through the pain and envision
Your triumphant transcendence. It’s way far above
Any choice worth maintaining your spirit’s profile.

Some of the greatest things you will ever learn and
Some of the greatest changes in your life will be
Due to pain, so don’t knock it. It is a good thing
As it strengthens the spirit. You don’t have to cling
To the agony aspect necessarily.
Going through pain helps your consciousness to expand.

Sometimes in life it feels like you have to hit back
And do damage to what you think is keeping you
From achieving your goals, but it’s an illusion.
Having grown through your pain you’ll reach the conclusion
That your point of attraction can be trained anew.
There’s no trick to your getting your life back on track.

Believe In Yourself


From a textbook you can’t learn everything that you
Need to know to be healthy and happy. Some say
That when you’re in the trenches of life, you will know
That this world is a tough place. Is this really so?
It may be true for those programmed in such a way
That they can’t escape from what they believe is true.

Getting what you want and making the most of the
Time you have here requires that you put yourself in
The position to succeed. It means you see a
Finish line before one exists. If you can stay
Focused on your fulfillment, then you will begin
To see proof that what you want is coming to be.

You either accomplish something or you do not
In a binary system. Results people see –
Not the hard work and long hours you’ve dedicated.
If you’re satisfied with what you have created,
Then you are living your life most successfully.
Your belief in yourself really matters a lot.

True ambition means that you’re cloaked in confidence.
When you look in the mirror, you believe in who
Stares back at you. You see the unseen. You’re willing
To choose for yourself a life that is fulfilling.
Life has failures and setbacks, but you make it through
By the power that guides your very existence.