Tag Archive | patience

Life’s Requirements

Book In Field

You’ll never change your life until you change something
You do daily. The secret of your true success
Will be found in the heart of your daily routine.
You attend well to your spiritual hygiene
When you feel more and try to figure things out less.
Pay attention to those things that make your heart sing.

The purpose of your life is to be happily
Successful – not just successful. You get to choose
What you tell yourself every day. It can uplift
You or tear you down. Your emotions are a gift
You can use as your guidance and you’re the one who’s
The best suited for making your reality.

Don’t let others bring you down. Don’t pay attention
To what people say. Be aware of what they do.
Be respectful of all people even when they
Don’t deserve it. Do know that your respect is a
Reflection of your character – not theirs. So you
Remain positive in purpose and intention.

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many
Opportunities to change your mood but never
Will you get the chance to replace all that you said.
Look upon your life not with a feeling of dread
But with anticipation of life’s endeavor.
Find something to appreciate and get happy.

No Patience


Why need anything exist? What was the intent
Of the all-knowing being who made it all be?
Did it all up and happen without consciousness
Being present? I’m confounded, nevertheless
I’m obliged to find answers that satisfy me.
Until then I’m in a sort of predicament.

Why not cut to the chase? The big bang was the start
Of a thing that’s by now rather old and boring
To the one who’s impatient. I need to know when
It will all be concluded. What I will do then
Is uncertain. I may just end up ignoring
Everything and be absent of a happy heart.

It takes no patience when I’m only focusing
On things that feel good then patience I redefine
As pure anticipation of what’s coming next.
In this way there’s no reason for feeling perplexed
About beingness and the will of the divine.
A small tweak in my thinking can mean everything.

Patience doesn’t mean my doing something that I’d
Rather not then forcing myself to be happy.
I don’t need things to happen to make me feel good.
I’m much better off when this is well understood.
My emotional guidance system is for me
An asset and a thing in which I can confide.

Your Soul’s Greatest Potential

World Of Wonder

Everyone’s got gifts to give. We each are unique
In what we have to offer. Your sense of meaning
Is your inner compass which means that when you feel
Meaning in your life you can then live it with zeal.
Your potential is greatest when you are leaning
In your soul’s direction. It’s alignment you seek.

As meaning empties from your life you’re moving in
The opposite direction. Everything goes wrong
In your life. You start creating destructively
But with Authentic Power you’re able to be
More in touch with your meaning. You’re where you belong
When you absolve yourself of all your fear-based sin.

When you feel negative emotion be aware
That you can simply feel it and not react to
The cause of the injustice. While feeling the pain
You can act in love. This may sound weak and insane
But with practice you’ll find that good will come to you
In that you’ll be around those whose feelings you share.

You’re unique. You have gifts to give. What keeps you from
Giving them? It is fear. Don’t let others tell you
That you can’t do something. They’re not coming from love
But from fear. It’s not possible to get rid of
The ill feeling instantly but what you can do
Is observe and not contribute to the outcome.


Colorful Time

One of the most virtuous qualities of pure
Being is patience. It is the capacity
To accept or to tolerate trouble, delay,
Or suffering without getting stuck in dismay.
Fortitude, composure, and equanimity
Are the attributes of patience that will endure.

Patient people are much better able to cope
With negative situations and folks without
Complaining, getting angry, or acting rashly.
One’s capacity for patience naturally
Will increase as one begins to know without doubt
It’s true nature and essence with regard to hope.

Understanding one’s true self is understanding
Others’ also. Instead of becoming upset
With yourself, others, or a screwed-up circumstance,
One can realize that there’s a much better chance
Of recovery if one is willing to let
Go of what keeps one’s consciousness from expanding.

We need to eliminate anger from our minds.
The lower levels of consciousness we transcend
As we open our hearts to higher truth. Patience
Becomes a dynamic and fun experience.
Energized by intention one can comprehend
Spiritual alignment and joy of all kinds.

No Patience

Time Is A Cyclic Pleasure

To attempt the impossible is to pretend
To be happy with waiting. I don’t need a break,
But what I want to happen does. Why is this so?
Hypnotized by the spinning icon, I can’t know
Anything but sheer boredom. My staying awake
Is a struggle. What does my spirit recommend?

My spirit isn’t patient. I know for a fact
That it is always focused on things that feel good.
It has the full advantage of seeing where I
Want to be, and its guidance I cannot deny.
Intervals between good things can be understood
To be filled with excitement. This I can attract.

Patience means looking at something that I clearly
Do not want and then forcing myself to feel fine.
It is always distressful especially when
I recall that I will do it ever again
Unless with my true spirit I choose to align.
It’s the only way I can become patience free.

It takes no patience at all when I’m focusing
On good feeling things. If I can make that my goal,
Situations of boredom and waiting around
Will decrease. A new sense of joy I will have found.
All the way through alignment, myself is made whole.
My growth is the only thing that I’m awaiting.

Whatever You Want

Your Heart's Desire Delivered

Once upon a time there was a monk who used to
Shout at people while sitting by the river bank.
“Whatever you want, you will get,” he’d loudly say
To passersby. This is all he did all damned day.
No one bothered to listen to him or to thank
Him for his most kind blessing to not just a few.

People thought that the old monk was wise but insane.
They ignored him completely except for one day
When a young man approached him and asked, “Is this true
That whatever I want I will get? And are you
Able to give it to me? What price must I pay?
What can I do to realize maximum gain?”

“I can give you want you want,” the old monk replied,
“You just have to become me, but first tell me what
It is that you want.” “…To become a rich person,”
Said the young man. The old monk saw that he was one

Who was ready. He saw that his mind was not shut
To the wisdom offered him. The man was wide eyed.

“Time and Patience are the most precious gems there are
In the world. Never waste your time on foolishness.
No one is stronger than time, and there is no wealth
Greater than our patience which ensures our good health.”

The man went on to experience great success.
Everyone knows an old monk who’s not very far.

Anxiety And Depression

Personal Hell

The Dead End I have reached. There is nowhere to go
That is not without torment. “Struggle is okay,”
Would say friends if I had them. “We all can relate
To the bitter taste life has. When in a lost state
Know that you’re not alone although it seems that way.”

Could there be a ‘friend’ inside me who I don’t know?

What I feel is reality, and it is now.
Contemplating ending it all, I find relief
In the knowing that doing so may curse my soul.
What if it is already too much less than whole?
My own negative thinking I know is the thief
Of my spirit. I’d feel better if I knew how…

So we all go through hard times, and I would do best
To be patient with myself. I deserve a break.
Some rest and relaxation and good exercise
When I’m feeling much better is proper and wise.
I must move this damned body while I am awake
Whatever that may look like and rightly expressed.

I must force myself off the couch and on a walk.
I can create something from the pain that I feel.
Things that make me wonderful, blessed, and unique
And the things I appreciate counter the bleak.
I become all the better throughout the ordeal.
Therapy for the psyche is positive shock.


Let Time Be

When I look right at something I don’t want, then try
To feel good anyway, that’s what I call patience.
I know that’s not the proper way to look at it.
True patience can’t be negative, even a bit.
The best meaning for me, one that makes perfect sense,
Is the focus on something my heart can’t deny.

It’s no trouble at all for me to sit and wait
If I make of the waiting an experience
In itself – one of wonder and heartfelt delight
Through the while before being fulfilled by the sight
Of the thing manifested. I build the suspense
Through deliberate focus. It’s how I create.

Forcing myself to do something that I do not
Generates a momentum not good for the soul.
Time perceived is affected by the way I feel.
I can know that my waiting can be made ideal
By the choice that will make me contented and whole.
Emotion is the thing to use rather than thought.

I know God rides my rocket and sees everything
That would make my life wonderful while here on earth
In this time space continuum. I have no fear
That the thing that I’m wanting is farther than near.
I shall savor each moment in consummate mirth
Of all that is concocted to make my heart sing.

Satisfaction Brings Your Dreams To Reality

Satisfaction Guarantees

The best word I can use to describe how I feel
Has to be ‘Satisfaction.’ The joy that I know
Is both now and eternal. The balance between
The me that is most pure and the one that is seen
Is a space of expansion where good feelings flow
In response to the wonder that I won’t conceal.

Who I am before coming here is pure spirit –
Disembodied and formless yet full of life force.
I have grown since that moment to who I am now,
And by nature and instinct I tend to allow
Subtle life changing guidance directly from Source.
I must be of the right mind to clearly hear it.

That part of me that is real, expanded, and whole
Is my true inner being – evolved and at peace.
When the person I must be aligns with that part
Then a feeling of blissfulness enters my heart.
As my practice makes perfect I will find release
From the self become human and flesh and blood soul.

In this moment, my thoughts and beliefs I can choose
To be in complete harmony with who I am.
My desires are not doubted but well understood.
It is my wish that all folk would feel as they should.
Feeling ease and contentment working my program,
There’s no way that in this life I’m destined to lose.