Tag Archive | deliberate intention

Laws And Tools

Mystical Contact

Many laws of the universe there are and they
Are consistent. The physics of gravity and
Inertia are examples of laws that apply
To all physical objects. No thing can defy
The power of such laws. All one can understand
Is that they are a big part of everyone’s day.

There’s one which has been called the Law of Attraction.
There’s not all that much to it. It’s not a huge deal
For the one who is ready to take full command
Of one’s life. First and foremost one must understand
That attracting is all about feeling with zeal
One’s desires until they’ve reached manifestation.

The law of deliberate creation is not
A law. It’s an activity. It’s a focus
And a tool for fulfillment of one’s heart’s desire.
It takes no effort at all for one to acquire
The mindset that is needed for a glorious
Transformation which can never cost one a lot.

The law of allowing is not actually
A law. It’s the accomplishment of something called
A vibration which is one’s point of attraction.
If it’s done well it leads to one’s satisfaction.
Life is awesome when one is completely enthralled
And consumed with creating their reality.

Play This Game

The Universe Invites You

Look for good feeling things. What a wonderful game!
It’s so easy to do that. It’s simply child’s play.
This wholesome affirmation is translated well
To adults who’ve forgotten the best way to tell
If they are in alignment. What you do this day
Reflects how much good feeling you’re willing to claim.

Remember the attitude you had as a child.
You appreciated everything you could see,
And you trusted that most people are truly good.
You had little resistance in early childhood.
You believed fun and happiness should always be
Important, and your dreams were most freely compiled.

Let that be then the tone of each and every day.
Go to sleep in a state of appreciation.
Think of things that uplift you, and be thankful for
All the aspects of your life that you most adore.
In the morning you will feel as bright as the sun.
From the start you will notice things going your way.

The feeling of detachment means that you’re aligned
With your true self. This is a supreme unfolding.
Your set point of vibration will change as will your
Point of attraction. Your happiness is the cure
For your ills. Be aware of the clay you’re molding.
You’ll become much wiser and enjoy peace of mind.

Change Your Life

Live A New Story

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing
By myself or with others, it’s my intention
To look for all the good things that brighten my day.
In a high flying state is where I want to stay.
I remember always that I’m an extension
Of Source Energy. My life is worth pursuing.

As I put myself to bed at night I lie there,
While in an attitude of appreciation,
Thinking about this day, flowers, puppies, and lakes…
Anything that is pleasing. Whatever it takes
To put me in a state of utter elation
Is worth contemplating, and it counts as a prayer.

While I am drifting off to sleep, I reemerge
Into pure positive energy. When I wake
I will still be in that place. Appreciating
Before sleeping is my own way of creating
The same vibration for a most awesome daybreak.
All the negative thought patterns are worth the purge.

When I wake up I reach for the dream that I had
For spiritual value, but more important
Is my appreciating all over again.
I can see the whole universe through God’s eyes when
In the morning I’m in that state of alignment.
This life changing advice for me is ironclad.