Tag Archive | highs

Wellbeing Is At Your Door

Welcome Home

Highs and lows are a part of life. Everyone knows
That one can’t feel on top of the world all the time.
Life can sometimes bring one to the depths of despair.
Getting over it is a natural affair.
Focus only on what in life is most sublime
And then live it. Stop contemplating on life’s woes.

Sometimes people have to lose it all before they
Bounce back into wellbeing. Unnecessary
Is this process but anything that helps you to
Realize your true worthiness is good for you.
Your losses are the very things that set you free
From your struggles. Then you’ll find things going your way.

Struggle only perpetuates the momentum.
Give it up and allow yourself to surrender
All of it to the universe. Letting it go
Gives you power. The contrast in life helps you grow.
Just relax. The peace that you’ll find will engender
The feeling of allowing the favored outcome.

Give into the wellbeing that’s knocking loudly
At your door. Be more mindful of all the goodness
That surrounds you. Start looking for the evidence
Of wellbeing in your life. It is there from whence
You may prosper in many ways. Total access
You have to everything that you’d have come to be.