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Don’t Trust People Who Cry?

Lone Sadness

People see people crying. What comes to their minds
First of all is that these people have no control
Over their emotions. There’s a sense of mistrust
In their motives and they’re looked upon with disgust.
People cry because they don’t feel completely whole.
They may act out in negative ways of all kinds.

The moment you start crying you’re giving away
To the universe your power so it’s been said
And it’s true. The emotional outburst will not
Do much good in fact it will only cause a lot
Of attention and drama and people will dread
Being near you because they won’t know what to say.

It’s a sure sign of weakness when you can be seen
As someone who can cry at the drop of a hat.
It’s not appropriate in our society
To express our discouragement vehemently
And there’s no way that people will get around that.
People won’t take the time to know just what you mean.

We must cry. Sometimes life introduces us to
Pain and sorrow. We can’t hold these feelings inside
Or ignore them. In public is not the right place
To let loose. You’ll be seen as an utter disgrace.
You want sympathy but it’s expressly denied.
They fear manipulation by the likes of you.


Joy Of Engagement

“There’s a price to pay for everything,” people say.
This mindset where people in their comparison
And tendency to see themselves as unworthy
Or subservient in some way happens to be
What’s keeping their desires from manifestation.
Energy cannot move if one thinks in this way.

Yet there is a price to pay – one of alignment
And the price of alignment is the absence of
Resistance. It’s the price of wellbeing and ease
And of doing pretty much what you damned well please
Without any ill feeling. It’s all about love
And of achieving spiritual refinement.

Surrounded by this nucleus of wellbeing
You may stand with your armor and not let it in
Because of ideas that you’ve picked up along
Your way through life most of which are completely wrong.
Sort them out and acknowledge them then you’ll begin
Seeing the way your inner being is seeing.

The meek shall inherit the earth. They’re the ones who
Are lighthearted, allowing, and resistance free.
Anger, determination, and struggle are not
The best ways to receive so it matters a lot
That you keep yourself meek and be willing to be
Receptive to the wellbeing coming to you.