Tag Archive | brings

Think About It

Serious Thought

Think about sight and think about all the things that
You could look at. Much beauty there is to behold
Everywhere. Think about why you were given this
Wonderful gift. About nature nothing’s amiss.
Images often you cherish as if they’re gold.
Of course it all depends on what you’re looking at.

Your body has all these sensory perceivers
For the purpose of bringing you awesome pleasure.
What other reason would there be for this to be?
If you can’t think of one then it’s easy to see
That your five senses have value beyond measure
And it’s healthy to be among true believers.

People think to solve problems and that’s not to say
That that’s not a good purpose but start reaching for
A good thought for the pleasure that it brings to you.
Your perceptions and how you feel help you get through
Difficult situations so value them more.
As you do in a state of happiness you’ll stay.

Focus and awareness of what your focus brings
Is encouraged. Your vibrational currency
Is replenished as you spend it so spend away.
Your world will surprise and delight you every day.
It is your main intention to live happily.
You were meant to experience wonderful things.

Mirror Reflections

Office Blur

“There’s so much that I want to do. How can I find
Time to do it all? In my own experience
I’m disorganized. My life seems to be a mess.
I cannot get a handle on it all unless
I can find clarity. My distress is immense
To the point where I can’t get it out of my mind.”

Take a deep breath. Relax. Everything is alright.
Synchronicity is the thing at issue here.
It’s the organizing principle that you need
To discover. Eventually you’ll succeed
To the point where it all becomes perfectly clear.
There’s no reason for you to get yourself uptight.

You may think you need to do more than you need to
At any given moment or you’re not truly
Completely aligned with acting on your passion
So you’re doing things in a haphazard fashion.
Your passion is the necessary energy
For the organization of your life and you.

The organizing principle brings you the way
To do things that don’t require as much time as you
May perceive that is needed. Synchronicity
Happens when you approach your life passionately
And you’ll find that you’ll have very little to do.
You’ll have much more time to simply relax and play.

The Vibration Of Abundance

Magnificent Sound

Everything in the universe vibrates at its
Own frequency. Colors, chairs, tables, ideas,
And people are in motion continuously.
Scientists have recorded the base frequency
Of most things. It’s believed that they do this because
The mere knowledge of this yields many benefits.

Abundance has a particular vibration.
It’s a signature energy field. One can learn
To resonate in harmony with it and be
Receptive to the blessings of prosperity.
What you want to happen is your only concern.
Keep your focus only on your own creation.

Resonance in electronics is adjusting
A circuit to allow the greatest current flow
At a certain frequency. If there’s impedance
In the circuit then one can’t give any credence
To the full flowing of current. It’s good to know
That analogies about life are worth trusting.

The feeling of abundance is the feeling of
Wellbeing, good attraction, and good creation
With yourself and others. It’s the feeling of ease
And the freedom to prosper and do as you please.
Why not let this be your cause for celebration?
You’re permitted to go for the things that you love.

I Will Succeed


My success is a certainty. One might ask how
Could I possibly be sure. I’ve no evidence
Nor a bright tale of victory yet I’m aware
Of the long winding stair and I climb it with care.
The intention I have to succeed is immense.
I remain totally at peace with here and now.

It’s a fool’s errand to look for certainty in
A world were none exists. I can’t predict how things
Will play out in the next several years or so
But I can be positioned to go with the flow
Of wellbeing. I find that this attitude brings
Satisfaction. I know in my heart that I’ll win.

I can’t look at the target and forget about
The intention – the arrow of my destiny.
It’s the seed bursting open to seek what it needs
From above and below ground therefore it succeeds
At being precisely what it was meant to be.
I know well that my purpose is never in doubt.

Preparation is what warrants my attention
Then the journey is just an opportunity
To be satisfied constantly along the way
To my purpose. I give myself a huge bouquet
For allowing wellbeing to sit well with me.
It’s my reason for living in this dimension.

Make Your Short List

Joy Of Writing

Think about your gift of sight and think about all
The things that you could look at, then to yourself say,
“I have this gift of sight for the pleasure that it
Brings to me. It’s simply for my own benefit.”
In alignment with your inner being you’ll stay.

What you do to get there is both easy and small.

Think about all your senses. They’re for your pleasure.
What other reason is there for them to exist?
You did not just get planted here. You came to feel
This whole physical experience which is real
To your senses. Nothing about them is dismissed.
To your body they’re a valuable treasure.

You came with the ability to think for the
Pleasure of it. Do Not use it to solve problems.
Start reaching for the thoughts that are pleasurable.
In a short time you’ll find that they’re quite plentiful.
Be thankful for your internal guidance systems.
You are designed to think good thoughts naturally.

Make a short list of things that you would like to see
Manifested – not things that have any value –
Just some things that you’re interested in seeing.
You’ll be shocked by how fast they come into being.
Once you’ve mastered the small stuff you can advance to
The next level of conscious creativity.